Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

26 Apr

25 Apr

24 Apr


Originally posted by battierpeeler

/u/wotc_cromulous so do we get wildcards here for cards we haven't before? leyline, kethis, breach

No. They were never legal in this format previously.


Originally posted by g33kazoid

So, can I still buy a pre-order bundle say, at 7:35 AM PST? Or before 00:00 AM PST?

I would aim to buy the pre-order before 8 AM Pacific. That’s when we typically start the release process, with the new clients being available around 8:30. Glad you and your son are enjoying the game!

22 Apr


Originally posted by xogil

Does it matter where you preorder? I play on desktop but buy through Google play for the store points and haven't gotten an email about the "bonus" yet

It doesn't matter on what platform you bought the pre-order, or whether you have an email about it. If you bought the pre-order, you'll get the 5 Mythic packs (or 10 if you bought both pre-orders).


Originally posted by lc82

Great! It's exactly the format we wanted and expected. Taking several years to get full Pioneer is still taking too long, but I'll take what I can get for now. And I'm happy we do indeed get the new format with the new set, that was the earliest we could expect it.

One small question I have as an event grinder: What packs will be the rewards in Explorer events? It's specified for every other format, but not for Explorer.

Also, on an unrelated note: Great we can finally buy multiple packs for gold at once!

Explorer events will reward packs from sets that have rotated out from Standard and are legal in Explorer (currently this is the same as the Historic rewards, but it could change as more sets are added).


Originally posted by Easilycrazyhat

  • Deck capacity increased to 100

I still think that they need to improve the deleting process for decks instead of just bumping up the max a bit. It should be possible to delete any amount of decks in a few clicks if wanted, and it would alleviate most of the problems with the deck cap.

This on our list. It’s a long list, but we’re making progress.


Originally posted by Skeith_Zero

Yup, wish it were double for ordering both but I take freebies regardless

It is; you may have only gotten one email, but you’ll get 10 Mythic boosters if you buy both


Originally posted by forgot_to_reddit

Is the bonus for both versions of the pre-orders. I'm asking because I might buy the elspeth one.

Yes, it comes with eithe pre-order, and you’ll get 10 packs if you buy both

21 Apr


Originally posted by hauptj2

I'm not sure why they don't advertise this. I probably would have actually done the pre-order if they had told me it was coming with five mythic boosters too.

You still can!


Originally posted by Stealth-Badger

I hope they're at least fairly generous in their interpretation of "all of the cards that matter". I was really disappointed when [[madcap experiment]] wasn't in kaladesh remastered, for example. That's the type of card that doesn't matter in a format until it REALLY matters.

We're going to start off by favoring competitive, meta-relevant cards (because those are more likely to matter to more people), but will work our way down over time. We don't want to stop with just "competitive staples", and we're well aware of the dangers of delivering "this moment's meta" and saying we made it.