Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

21 May


Originally posted by XMALCOLMMLK

At least bring it back permanently to private match! It was so much fun with friends

You can create it in private match.

Gunfight Advanced options > Loadouts > OSP Set starting weapon and all item spawns to throwing knives.

I'll see about getting the custom restock and little extra bits into customs in the future but no promises.


I'll see what I can do :) I had fun making this little variant and we had a lot of fun playing internally as well.


This will be fixed in a future patch. The in world objective icon will be here correct neutral color until those chevrons get updated.

20 May


This issue is resolving now, so you should be able to hop on without issue. If you have any problems, please reach out to Customer Support. Thank you all for the handles!


Originally posted by QuintenTCR

Wow thanks for responding, my gamertag is Quintenvn.

My own video:

Digital Foundy also made a video on screentearing on Xbox one X:

The issue is on all maps in all modes (also Warzone). I understand that there will be FPS drops but screentearing is really annoying when you need the vision.

I play on a 4k 60hz screen without FreeSync.

If you need more video's from other maps or Warzone i can make them.

I appreciate it. Let me get this in hands of the right people so they can take a look. Thanks again.


Originally posted by QuintenTCR

I wish people would upvote this more but each time someone posts this it doesnt get more than 10 upvotes so devs wont see this.

(Edit: not a) Useless effort of tagging them: u/artpeasant u/ASHTONISVULCAN_IW

Do you have a video, or can you take a video of what you're seeing? Someone sent me a video for Aisle 9, but I haven't seen any for Hard Hat. Also, gamertags too, please.


Can you please let your gamertags/PSNIDs here so we can take a look?


Gunfight, scroll through Advanced option: 'Loadouts'.

Gun game, scroll through Advanced option: "Ladder'

06 May


Currently a head shot or a shot on a low health player will award the kill properly. In the next playlist update ( hopefully tomorrow ) we will remove that specific crossbow variant from Gun game until we can get a better solution in.


There was a last second issue with Hardcore Demolition. Once that is resolved in a future patch, we can bring HC Demo at the same time as normal Demo.

04 May


Originally posted by lSoblex30l

-Could see enemies under the map and some buildings if it was on a hill

-Couldn't shoot through objects if they were physically on the map

-Could live ping enemies through objects

Think this is due to low storage on SSD/HDD. Continued to happen until i deleted files from my SSD (Had 600mb lol) after deleting unused games (brought me back to 100gb) the issue stopped happening and never came back.

Thank you for the info.


We've got this one on our radar. Thank you for the video.

03 May


It'll come eventually to a playlist :)

01 May


Killstreaks were not mean to go into normal infected yet. They accidentally leaked in from Goundwar Infected. Don't worry, I have some plans to bring them back in some capacity in the future.

30 Apr


Working on getting a fix for this into a playlist update asap.

29 Apr


best game in a while btw guys not like this has been happening every patch for months


Originally posted by i_shat_myPants_

Its fun if u dont care about ur kd.

KD is not affected in Infected or Gun game.


There was an unintentional side effect of fixing another AFK issue when being switched to infected team mid-match.

We're looking into an extended prematch countdown timer to allow more players to safely spawn in until we can hotfix the other issue.