Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

14 Aug


Originally posted by Artix93

You're right. I hate that in the preview it just says the last mission instead of the one you're doing.

Thanks for making me double check the mission.

Its on my radar. Ive run into it too. Could benefit from some tweaks.


Off the top of my head without looking into it specifically. If this isn't working then I think its because there is a challenge that you have to complete before the gas challenge.


Hi, this issue can be resolved by clearing the cache for your app.

13 Aug


Originally posted by sejebille

I made a new profile to gift the battle pass to my normal profile

Hi, what issues are you having that prevent you from buying on your first account? You can email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or message us directly.


Hi, how long have you and your friend been Activision friends? If you recently added them there is a wait period of seven days before you can gift the Battle Pass to any new Activision friends.


Originally posted by NemesisXVll


I just checked sound like its been fixed and will be in the next update.


Not sure if we caught this. Im following up. Thanks for the post.


Originally posted by _EDM_

My squad tournament isn't updating or doesn't show updated even though I'm playing TDM

Hi, can you send us the platform you play on, gamertag, and squad to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) so we can look into this issue.

12 Aug


Originally posted by nghastings

NO RESULTS. Awesome.

Hi, can you send us screenshots of your issue to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and include your reddit username in the title of the email?


Originally posted by Sharpticktack

I donโ€™t see how to gift it at all

Hi, to give the Battle Pass to a friend, go to the Player tab and find the Battle Pass section.

If you already own the Battle Pass, you will see one button with the text "GIFT THE PASS". If not, you will have two buttons - one saying "Purchase Battle Pass" and a small gift button. Tap on the gift box, select the Battle Pass type, and press the "GIFT THE PASS" button below. On the next screen, select which friend you would like to gift to.


Originally posted by apbdogge

Havent gotten any weekly reward for the past 2 weeks

Hi, send us a message with the email associated with your Activision account.

11 Aug

Hey everyone! We've been hard at work on the Call of Duty Companion App! Update 2.9.0 is now live on Google Play and the iOS App Store. We've added new features like Battle Pass Gifting, the Store, and Ops Results. We've also heard your feedback about issues you've been reporting for Ops. We've spent time getting to the bottom of these issues so you can have a great experience. See the full patch notes for 2.9.0 below.


  • Battle Pass Gifting - ๐ŸŽ Give your friends the gift of up to 100+ unlockable rewards.
  • Store - ๐Ÿ›๏ธ Check out the latest from the in-game store directly from your phone.
  • Squad Results Screen - ๐ŸŽ–๏ธView results from previous Weekly Tournaments.


  • Match History - ๐Ÿ”ซ Loadout data in Multiplayer Match Details
  • Notifications & Privacy Settings - ๐Ÿ”” Refreshed look to help you manage the notifications you want.


  • Fixed heat maps sometimes not showing hotspot data
  • ...
Read more External link โ†’

10 Aug


Originally posted by kaceyreep0112

Everytime I try and join my squad on the mobile app, it throws me into a random squad. It doesn't matter which way I log in. Is there anybody who has any advice as to how to fix this???

Hi, we have an update coming out this week that will fix this issue.

09 Aug

08 Aug

Originally posted by BeKindBeWise

Rolling deep with my โ€˜Berta boys

You have no idea how accurate this is ;)

07 Aug


Originally posted by nyoreddit

Having same issue where players cannot join my squad. Squad name is called Backshot Bandits. Looking for support from developer or anyone.

Hi, we have an update coming next week that will fix this issue.


Originally posted by MFDXL

The tournament is gone tho any idea why

It was a limited run to try to grab info on some connectivity issues that were affecting users. The tournament and rewards will come back in a future update so you didn't miss out on them permanently.