Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by durrrrrj

Why is it only the coalition default character has skins? Allegiance doesn’t have any

Allegiance MilSims are on the way to future updates.

18 Apr


If you own the full game that 3 blade title screen changes into a 5 blade.


What do you mean Alex looks wierd!?!? Just kidding thanks for the kind post.

17 Apr


Originally posted by CNTRLS_

Thank you! Is it difficult to bring it back for devs ? Seems tricky for a common guy like me.

I actually just figured this out. Working on a fix now.


Originally posted by Ebola_Burrito

Yo, just to add to the testing, I did purchase Endowment at launch. I saw the option as there at launch but nonequipable. Fast forward to today and it does not appear on any optic for me.

It was never available at launch. The image that included a reticle in the pack was a leaked image. I was asking about the CODE pack because I was wondering if we had anything linked to the original pack when we added to the reticle to the game for all.


Originally posted by CNTRLS_

Sorry for taking time. Just checked both reflex and holos, it’s not appearing on the K-141 nor the Revolver. Here’s a quick screenshot : Reflex Reticles

Thank you. I'll submit this tomorrow.


Originally posted by ImTuckerr

Hey! Love it that you respond to people like us. Any info on mastery camo and frankensmithing? Thanks

Yes. Soon.


Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

If I'm correct you worked on cod4, mw2 and mw3 and for that I love your existence. They got me through a rough time and started my foray into content creation.

I know it's a long shot but is it possible to blacklist or flag the username TTV_tangofrags so that only mine exists or that others with same name can get banned quicker.

Check your direct chat.


Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Trying to doxx now so that's fun. Appreciate your help artpeasant, you guys don't deserve all the flak you get

No problem. Everyone is entitled to their perspective. When things get nasty I tend to move along.

16 Apr


Originally posted by CNTRLS_

Nope. I don’t have the Endowment Pack. But I’m 95% sure this reticle was like the last one we could unlock on reflex and holos.

Can you check the K-141? With a reflex or holo? I made a quick sweep on that yesterday. I also checked the Revolver.


Originally posted by CNTRLS_

Thanks for your response! I remember (I think so..) when I bought the game when it came out, that reticle was on reflex and holos. Times later it disappeared. I mean, personally, it’s inexistant on reflex and holos to this day.

Probably has nothing to do with it...but. Did you purchase the Call of Duty Endowment pack in the launch season? Trying to figure this out.


Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Tangofrags and I'm on twitch. I can link you clips of my same ign TTV_tangofrags literally beaming me cross map and even out of the sky. Problem is they aren't just killing me they are just trying to screw me and my stream over by ruining my name

Ok got you. I will see if there is anything I can do to help:) Not sure I can but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'm sorry that people are acting like this.


Originally posted by CNTRLS_

Hi sir, any news on the reticle bug ?

Its available to all who own the game on the reflex and holo optics only. I've heard of a few people that don't have them appearing in the menu at all. We are trying to reproduce, verify, and fix that bug if it exists. We have to be able to reproduce it and verify to fix. So far we havent been able to repro. We will continue to look at it.


Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Oh I don't doubt that and I never have, I just hope something gets done soon about these little cucks. Literally being aimbotted by someone using my name multiple times a day and have dozens of people coming into my stream calling me a low life hacker because some dude with my name and an Chinese flag is aimbotting them cross map

What's your stream? And where are you streaming?


Let me see if theres anything I can do to help. Dont know if I can but look into it tomorrow.


Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Hey artpeasant, I know you said no dms and I know this thread has literally no relation to mine but could you please take a look at my latest post. It was front page of CODWarzone last night and I was literally killed by cheaters using my own name multiple times last night, even while hiding queues and having them blocked.

Any input would be hugely appreciated and I understand that it's not your job to be policing reddit for cheaters but I'd love you even more than I already do if you took a look

We are working on the issue and take it very seriously. We discuss and work on the health of the game every day and the real time issues that go with that.

15 Apr


Originally posted by keithsciguy

I'm sorry but what? The 360 did it flawlessly. Your telling me you put so much into the maps themselves that the ps4 couldn't handle it. Nahh bro your people didn't care to figure it out and that was the first bump in road. If online mp can support split screen spec ops can too. Js it requires way more processing power to handle online you've got other players and their skins guns movements. In offline its all pre-written skripts. It's a combination of laziness and greed.

Clearly you are an expert in game development. I am no match for you. I bow out.