Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

07 Aug


Glad you noticed and like it :)

06 Aug

05 Aug


Originally posted by Convicted_Vapist420

Will normal gunfight still have pings or is this just for gunfight blueprints? I think other people like the barebones feel of call outs in things like tournaments.

Normal gunfight will have pings moving forward.

This allows players without mics, or players that are unsure of how to describe the location or call out, to call intent to move and enemy last known positions.


This is unintended and will be adjusted in an upcoming playlist update. The ping system will remain, but the marker will not follow the enemy.

04 Aug


"Weapon Inspections" - Incoming

External link →

Originally posted by likasumboooowdy

We need a JTF-2 skin asap

As you wish.

03 Aug


Originally posted by TheRedEye42

Does anyone else have the problem where they are trying to search and join a particular clan and it keeps placing them in a completely different clan on the CoD Companion App?

Hi, we have a fix for this issue coming in the next update.


This just melted my face LOL!


Originally posted by aceplayer55

Please, God just let us know something is being done about the cheating. Just a yes or no will do. Please. Just say SOMETHING.

I'm not involved with that effort but I will assure you the answer is a big old !! Yes!! Crucial. Its like fighting the Borg.

31 Jul


Originally posted by mynamejeffyesi

Would look quite clean actually, the perk icons are pretty distinguishable from each other so I dont think it would cause confusion either.

Done and submitted:) Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by barisax9

Holy shit, a Dev response. It's been so long

Been here the entire time;)


Originally posted by zResurge

Hey Joel, I know this is an old comment, but I’ve seen videos online with American accent MilSim lines in the game. With the Shadow Company MilSim operator coming out, can we expect those to be put to use? It’s a shame those lines aren’t seeing use because that actor did a solid job.

I think those voice packs are in for Shadow Co.


Originally posted by holdensch

So you'll reply to this and fix things like this but not fix the problems with the actual game?

Art bug. Fixed. Deployed in a future update. Have a great weekend.


Its my fault. I'm fixing as we speak. Im tempted to remove the words and let the icons speak for themselves. Thoughts?


You're right. We will fix. Sorry:) We meant to use these calling cards as loadout recipes for the pack.

27 Jul


Originally posted by Nova-ZA

Same thing Im dealing with, tried on both Android and IOS

We've identified the issue and a fix will be in the next update.


Originally posted by tacoun

Anyone know how to fix this?? When I try to join a friend's squad that only has 2 people in it the app sticks me into a completely random squad.

We've identified the issue and a fix will be in the next update.