
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 Dec


Originally posted by AzafTazarden

Honestly I hate this bug

not a bug, kicks only work if the other person is attacking

25 Dec


can we share this on our twitter??


Originally posted by Thatsnowconeguy

3 months later

"you can take an explosive shit over your opponent after a parry"

don't give us any ideas

24 Dec


you probably got muted for being a naughty boy. pm me your steam profile and I'll check

23 Dec


Originally posted by Icy_Concern

If the Viking Helmet can display a nose regardless of face customization then the Spangenhelm can aswell, this just seems like a very flimsy excuse to justify not fixing it

i mean we can look into it

22 Dec


just machoman randy savage

he's been to the top of the mountain


Originally posted by random428

A senior dev gave the bans.

A very senior dev was made aware some time ago and that didn't change the bans or produce any response to me so he apparently he supported the bans and the radio silence.

A mod had 3 weeks of prompting to get an official response and that produced nothing.

And this is the first time you've seen a mention of my bans mentioned? Wow.

EDIT: I want to say a big thank you to everyone who posted and supported this thread. You really made a huge difference!

if you'd like more info on this please feel free to pm me here or on discord, and we can chat. all of us including the mods and other developers can't read every message, unfortunately things 'slip through the cracks'.


Originally posted by JbJVG15

u/Jaaxxxxon this whole thing seems weird? FREE MY MAN

yeah it seems super fkn weird



idk why you would be banned for this, pm me your steam profile and I'll take a look for ya

EDIT: Talked to the mod that issued the bans, clarified the rules a bit to them. We've unbanned your accounts and will take some precautions to prevent this in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience!

21 Dec


Originally posted by BadMawIV

I'm assuming most closed helmets that don't show your face remove your facial hair and smush your face so it doesn't clip with the helmet model. While open helmets don't mess with your face.

Well the Spangenhelm is an exception, despite the nasal guard being almost identical to the viking helmet, it still mushes your nose back into your skull so everyone can see how stupid you look.

Please devs hotfix it I'm literally shaking and crying.


this is intended because otherwise noses would clip through depending on face customization.


It won't permaban, it just applies a small timeout from the server(s)


Originally posted by kewkycs

that mordhau grip morph is so slick, i'll have to try it sometime

try chamber to dagger to face-stab

makes me giggle every time

20 Dec


"congrats you are now better than most golds"


Originally posted by lKrel

Currently, you can cheese the feck out of riot mode, and use it as a held block shield with 2 stam drain on block. Right now it's absolutely OP in 1v1, but hopefully hotfix is coming soon.

getting patched soon. some things we missed on the first implementation


I talked to marox about this because i was a little confused too -

"the approach of blocking kick with kick was fundamentally flawed, and was barely possible/ not possible in some cases, also limited us a lot in what we can do with the kick "

"the main problem with this "it's the equivalent of throws in fighting games" logic is that it fails hard because the kick roots you in place making it possible to footwork, which needs to be possible because in some cases you can't counterkick like after being parried etc"


kicking (form of attack) and parrying follow different conditions on when you can do them, so sometimes you'd get flinched and get kicked yet you can't do anything about it. Also, now you can use kick feints to bait panic parries, which makes kicks more useful overall.


Originally posted by thedoctor6502

Months and months ago they said they had the model and animations and that they were gonna add it 'soon'. Still waiting....

so it's coming now, can't say when yet but now that we have better shield mechanics (and some more stuff on that still being tweaked) it's ready. no point for us to add another shield to the game before the shield rework

19 Dec


Originally posted by iamjason10

Is that why the ranked servers are laggy sometimes?

No, the servers are more than capable of handling the amount of players, so any lag issues would have to do with something else


Originally posted by Devboy915

I'm done playing until it's fixed. Ranked is the most fun game mode to me and I went 6 matches with 6 Exploiters (the ones causing this problem). The Christmas firebombs affect people who are fighting within an entire lobby causing many people to randomly lose. And the people doing this get free wins as well. I spread the word so devs make this top priority.

Edit: just fixed. These guys work fast!

hope you enjoyed the 1 hour break :)


Originally posted by yaboijohnson

I just started the game a few days ago. My strategy is no armor, run, shoot. Pretty efficient

armor in horde doesn't slow you down, last time i checked


> We hereby swear that we will never complain about this worlds mechanics again!

yeah that's a f*ckin lie 🤣

we still love you all