
Mordhau Dev Tracker

09 Jan


Originally posted by thegreyknights

I got 50 songs that beg to differ. For example I got this and it’s glorious.

*checks rules*

damn i can't ban you for this :D


Originally posted by SirDanielofBrindley

I actually started this ages ago but decided to finish it (mostly, I originally planned to have the Grad castle in the background but settled for just my character) after I saw that other art post a couple days ago. Hope you like!

edit: Just uploaded a timelapse if anybody is interested :)

can i post this on some social media? :)

08 Jan


we don't want passive buffs that would work like this because it would get weird if you're at 10.1 meters and then you don't get any buff etc.

that being said i have talked to the team a bunch about having team-based map/pickup weapons and a banner could be a cool one, maybe tying into a mobile spawn system or something related to that. no guarantees at all, we're busy with some other stuff at the moment but it's definitely something that we could explore in the future.


Originally posted by PremiumCubanKat

Only cheat ive seen apart from this is the feint/morph one where they can do them at any time. This is more comical than annoying lul.

if you have a link to their steam profile, let me have it and i will banish them to the shadow realm
EDIT: pm it to me if you have it, we don't like witch hunts


wham bam chamber morph feint iran

not really tho i hope

07 Jan



Originally posted by Holy_saracen

Sadly he got asstabed by a lancer that was under the bridge

the ol sneak ball stab


Originally posted by CalzoneMan46774

Is that a carving knife?

some modded weapon, like a carving knife with hitstop



06 Jan


Originally posted by ShadowCetra

SO meeting a kickstart goal promise is not high on the priority? You have models, I've seen them. By tweaking some of the files, some have accessed them and showed screenshots. How hard is it to find a few women to voice act some lines? I really feel ya'll are stalling because of the steam babyragers who cry about the thought of having women in their game.

No it's because the armor and models are completely broken and will require a lot of work for them to look normal, plus modeling faces etc. All that stuff that's in the files is super rough, plus adding females will be a good thing PR wise so we're not intentionally delaying them for any reason. It just will take a lot of resources that will have more short term impact elsewhere


Originally posted by red_hawkx21

Thanks for the update! I noticed you also dropped some info on discord, would you mind if I compile all of the recent news on the game’s development and post a thread here on the sub?

Go for it


Originally posted by RyuseiUtsugi

The devs literally don't even have to lift a finger. The community is more than willing to do all of the hard work, we just need the modding tools to come out and then just let them go nuts. BOOM Loads of new content, surge of new players, and overall a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Devs, all you have to do is lay down the infrastructure and give the community free reign to implement whatever they work on. THIS is how you improve the longevity of your game, not by adding christmas tree ornaments and candy canes.

the christmas stuff took like 5 minutes to make, and we can do both of these things at the same time



just wait for the next patch, we wanted dancing man on helmet (don't ask me why)


Originally posted by quabadaba

What are they fixing about targe throw? Do they think it's too strong? Not tryna argue just genuinely curious.

animation speed wasn't set up properly, so you hold R and it just teleports out of your hand. the animation time will be increased (just was an oversight) so you can see the person start to throw it before you die


Originally posted by BigBob145

Jax said on stream a few days ago patchie is within 2 weeks and Castello will likely be part of it.

no >:(

I said that there is a gameplay update coming within a couple of weeks, and then after that a content update with Castello. BUT it's not too far off now. :)

04 Jan


Originally posted by CloudSymbol_

It's impossible to make an attractive character in this game. They all come out looking like creepy ogres with blank expressions. And female characters will be no different.

I am so excited!

just rotate the eyelids a bit so they don't look constantly surprised


Originally posted by red_hawkx21

It’s really annoying that features like this take so long, considering it was literally promised in the Kickstarter for release. 8 months later and we still have no word on what’s going on. Triternion’s communication and community managment are ass.

we just need to get around to them, as we'll have to do quite a bit of work on the art dept plus get voice actors. it's something we wanna do but it requires a lot of resources, and right now we're focused on big updates. as cool as female characters are, they won't bring a bunch of players back to the game, and getting our players back up is a big priority for us

copying from another comment:

we just need to get around to them, as we'll have to do quite a bit of work on the art dept plus get voice actors. it's something we wanna do but it requires a lot of resources, and right now we're focused on big updates. as cool as female characters are, they won't bring a bunch of players back to the game, and getting our players back up is a big priority for us


Originally posted by Jaewok

they were originally planned for release but they didn't have time. Now it's up in the air as to whether we'll ever see them in game, as we haven't heard anything in a long time.

Last I heard the biggest hurdle was voice acting that matched the overall feel of the game

we just need to get around to them, as we'll have to do quite a bit of work on the art dept plus get voice actors. it's something we wanna do but it requires a lot of resources, and right now we're focused on big updates. as cool as female characters are, they won't bring a bunch of players back to the game, and getting our players back up is a big priority for us


Originally posted by [deleted]


well pm me the guy's info (if he's okay with sharing) so i can credit him!