
Mordhau Dev Tracker

04 Jan


yo whattt is this can i share on twitter

what a hero

edit: update, elweb just set this as his phone wallpaper :)

03 Jan


VAC check timeout is due to a missing/corrupted file. fixes are listed in the tech support section of the mordhau discord!


can i post this on our twitter im f*cking dying


Originally posted by Brodfjol

Every time I return to Elder Scrolls games I keep trying to pull Mordhau moves and it's so disappointing how bad the melee combat is in comparison.

skyrim combat unironically has less depth that minecraft :(

still a great game


Originally posted by ashberet

Poor Jotaro

what's crazy though to me - look how everyone about level 10+ drastically improves.


windows d works better, or if you wanna get real weird windows tab and use a different desktop

no clue why, but it's something related to just ue4 as far as I know

01 Jan


the reason why we didn't go with this is because it sets a false expectation on how the game actually plays. it's important to get stomped every now and then because while it's not pleasant, you learn from it and get better. with a new player server, you might improve a bit and then think "oh well now i'm really good at the game" then you hit level X and get booted from the noob servers, and realize that you're terrible. that's more demotivating than a soft matchmaking system. This being said, we do have a soft skill based matchmaking in the game, but it's negated by the server browser currently, since you can just join whatever server you feel like (due to lower player counts).

overall it's a cool idea, but exposure to higher skilled players is beneficial sometimes. This being said, it's your server and I hope this helps some new players learn the game in a friendly environment!





not a fan of the viking helm with late medieval armor, tbh but otherwise it looks neat


Originally posted by SpiralHam

It's because the vast majoirty of the votes are going to be coming from people who played none of them, and Mortal Kombat has name recognition.

ye this :/


Originally posted by Leaga

I believe its been soft confirmed as something they are interested in doing. However, the one infuriating thing about this dev team is that they refuse to give any kind of timeline, roadmap, etc on what stuff is in development. They officially announced ranked 1v1 would be in the game about 2 days before the patch that added it when they announced that there would be a patch in 2 days. The last couple patches there was no official announcement ahead of time. Just, bam. New stuff in the game.

BTW, I dont mean to be super negative. that's also something I love about the dev team. They just added the ability to throw small shields in the last patch and I had no idea it was coming. Pretty damn entertaining to suddenly see Captain America supercuts in this sub with no warning. I just kinda wish there was a bit of a balance between the two extremes.

Point is: I definitely expect it at some point but would be equally surprised by it being tomorrow as it being in 10 months...

we're working on some foundations for a larger team mode - first off we're reworking skirmish since you can just hide atm and win if you have more players. once that's done, we're looking into some potential 5v5/6v6 modes that could function as an official ranked/comp mode, but we're not sure.

part of the issue was a lack of communication within the team, but that's been solved. the other reason why we're not super communicative with stuff is that we work on a lot of things, and not all of them make the cut to be added to the live build. We'd rather underpromise and over-deliver than do the opposite :)


2v2 is unlikely, but 3v3 is something we're looking into, along with a larger team mode. reason being 2v2 is pretty bad meta-wise, as the team who gets the first pick wins the following 2v1 most of the time. in a 3v3, if a person dies a 2v3 is much more of a recoverable situation.


Originally posted by AoyamaSpanner

Right , let's not tell him to run the tutorial again and let him get rekt by other players then quit the game.

or relax and let him have fun without telling him what to do with his life 🤔


Originally posted by Ragataurous

Do you think warhammer should be nerfed?

nah this is what happens with any weapon when you're faced with like 16 no-helmet roleplayers. sick clip tho ngl

31 Dec


Originally posted by Mediocre_Horse

I messaged Jax with his steam id so hopefully :)

oh dope, where? discord steam etc


Originally posted by Eexoduis

It does but the fisheye is unreal. I play on 21:9 ultrawide and I can’t keep my FOV at max because the fish eye effect gives me goddamn vertigo.

r.upscale.panini.d # / r.upscale.panini.s #

It's a pretty 'messy' implementation of the panini projection (I think it's just a basic UE4 command) but it might help with keeping high fov.

I'd recommend some number at or below 0.1 so r.upscale.panini.d 0.1 to start with.


we use vertical FOV; reason being ultrawide monitors would have less fov than standard 16:9 if we had a horizontal FOV and that makes no sense.

so yeah in theory you could change your res like this at the cost of some weird black bars


Originally posted by danks0uls_

If you play long enough you'll see people complain about almost every weapon or mechanic in the game. They die to it and in a lathered rage they simply lash out by saying "imagine using the maul" "spear maggot" "all you do is feint" "wow drag more". It's actually hilarious when you really take note of the range of shit people whine about. Don't take it to heart, play what's fun and what will keep you wanting to come back to play more.


omg ur CANCER you killed me by using the GAME MECHANICS >:(



sometimes if you wanna make an omelette, you gotta break a few teammates


Valid points. There's a few things you can do to get rid of this behavior, first being the chat profanity filter (next update it will be on by default) and reporting players if they're being little toxic sh*ts to myself or mods on discord - just need a screenshot of their chat message and a link to their steam profile, and we'll mute them. Alternatively, you can just disable the chat as well, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having it.

(As a side note, please don't use those words in here though - we know what you're talking about and obviously it's in the context of an example, but we're not fans of derogatory terms on the sub in general.)