
Mordhau Dev Tracker

19 Dec


Originally posted by -Vedana

It does make you wonder; how does a bug like this come to be?

We forgot to ban the new christmas ornament (firebomb clone) in duels. To save server hosting costs, duels are actually larger playercount servers, where players are on the same map, but don't see/interact with eachother. The instancing logic for the fire bombs was never implemented, because they are banned in duels (along with some other equipment), so they end up burning everyone on the server. Hotfix should be out in a few hours.


Bug, we'll be rolling out a hotfix


Originally posted by hereyagoman

Skirmish added to the playmenu

It's finally happened!!! Thank you Devs!

it hasn't though

We're working on upgrading the whole Skirmish experience, then we will feature it more prominently.

15 Dec


Originally posted by Prosciutto_Papi

I once saw Mossberg mowing my lawn, and I asked for his autograph. He straight up said no, took my lawn clippings, and left

what a tragedy

13 Dec


Originally posted by Gustavo2nd

but i get 150fps on bf5 with maxed out everything so i think its prob still good and i got it from best buy

How much ram you have?


Originally posted by gozzu00

@FBI, yupp, this one right here plz

aaaaaaaand he's gone


Originally posted by DesolatedMaggot

Common issue. Close and reopen the game a few times; once restored the issue shouldn't come back again.



you should be maxing the game out fps wise with a 9900k and a 2080ti

try deleting the mordhau appdata folder and verifying files because that doesn't sound right at all - backup the game.ini file so you don't lose all your mercs tho. only other thing i could think is if you bought your gpu from a 3rd party and it's not actually a 2080ti. that is mega unlikely tho


yeah kinda but it's definitely nowhere near as effective as it is in cmw.

there is a point where we have to balance being able to have freedom in your attacks versus making things look normal, and instead of limiting what you can do we just make certain things not very effective. this is more of 'style points' than it actually being effective, it's not like this is how top-level fights play out. you will get much farther not playing like a beyblade

edit: thanks stranger for silver :)


Originally posted by bruh__bot

bruh πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‘πŸ˜€

good πŸ…±ot πŸ‘Œ


Originally posted by asirpakamui

The kind of resources required to keep someone healthy enough to continuously live for years at a time to jail them long enough for punishment would be monstrous in those times. It's simply not worth it. Better to just torture and execute them, then make an example out of them for future generations. Now you're killing two birds with one stone.

actually the opposite for knights and nobility, because the noble families would pay a nice ransom, very rarely were they intentionally executed if they were found wounded after a battle. it's a lot better to keep a thousand knights prisoner and feed them and get a fat payout. also, they typically wouldn't escape; code of chivalry and all that. IIRC one noble prisoner was allowed to go take a trip from being a prisoner in france back to england for his daughter's wedding or something, and then came back to france and returned to captivity.

that being said if you weren't a noble you could count on being executed if you were not able to walk post-battle

12 Dec


Originally posted by Frost_IM

This video is brought to you by hundreds of hours of work and the help of a dedicated community, consisting of individuals who acted in day-long shoots and made this video a reality. This would not have been possible without them.

Thank you to them, and thank you to everyone who has been following my channel. Hope you guys enjoy this one!

this is awesome! mind if we post it on our twitter?

(w/ credit given, of course)

11 Dec


Originally posted by CorneliusArseBuiscut

Not really sure what happened, but the hammer is also in my hand in the customization menu (you cant equip weapons so how tf) you can see it here

This is late, but thank you for posting this. By clearly pointing out what happens made this a 5 minute thing to go in and fix for the upcoming patch. Incidentally, this is an exploit that has been eluding us for a bit that was possible through ini editing, but it seems like it was actually happening on normal play when the armory messed up -- the latter we still need to fix, but at least it won't spawn with it anymore.

10 Dec


it's something we're looking into


08 Dec

04 Dec


everything is fine. move along, citizen


Originally posted by Thatsnowconeguy

we can't wear chain boots with many things Jax

Wear different things :<

I color mine bright yellow and look beautiful


Originally posted by Thatsnowconeguy

when can we choose the color of the leather shoes

you can with chain boots

01 Dec


Originally posted by FireFlyKOS

200 reddit gold or i send 1000 copies to the peasants

we don't negotiate with terrorists