
Mordhau Dev Tracker

30 Nov


Originally posted by BomblessDodongo

You ok Jaxon?

I'm fine, don't worry

29 Nov


Originally posted by wirdens

Alcohol doesn't solve anything.

it solves being sober


sometimes there are bugs i don't pass on to the devs. this is one of them


Originally posted by eggheadpayton

Ra ra Rasputin



Originally posted by legenduu

neck and legs when?

this is some pre alpha armor that was reallllllllly bad quality and incompatible with our current system. it's not gonna come out, tbh it's easier for our devs to make new armor than it would be to fix this stuff


Originally posted by WannaBeArtistRappy

Patrolling The Pit almost makes you wish for Mountainpeak.

meta af


Originally posted by GRRMelectricboogaloo

Sssshhhhh dont wake the devs



Originally posted by dr-yit-mat

I really like the fights in the king on Netflix

The fights are brutal, relatively short, and have alot of grappling

yeah just grapple straight to cronch, some good sh*t. not as sexy as this though.


Originally posted by bear_bear_bear_bear

Marox best dev

yea marox is the real homie

he's also the guy that pays me so i might be a bit biased


Originally posted by asirpakamui

I'm almost 200.

I accidentally left my game on in a private horde server and got 120 levels by the time I got back.

lemme get ur steamID and i can reset that for ya ;)

28 Nov


Originally posted by Bruce_VVayne

So the update was supposed to increase optimization overally I guess, but that issue had prevented it. Can we expect an increase in fps bit after this hotfix?

The increased optimization was applied regardless. The issue might have negatively affected your FPS as a result (leading to a total net loss or zero), but we don't know how it would affect individual setups specifically. Still, there's a lot that goes into the overall FPS, bottlenecks can appear at various places, the patch 14 optimizations addressed the CPU on the game thread. There's 2 separate CPU threads (game and draw) and then there's the GPU. They all work in unison and vary from setup to setup, the slowest one determines the FPS. We've improved the game thread CPU usage, which will help some people with overall FPS and everyone with stutters, but we might need to do more in the future to bring the other two down more to reap benefits on some systems, but it's a major step forward.


Originally posted by Rooyals

yeah yeah good job but 5.2 GIGS ......WHY!

Apologies :( We ended up having to rebuild around 5 gigs worth of data related to lightmaps and hierarchical level of detail on each map. A substantial amount of pre-calculated data goes into making sure the game runs as well as it does, this takes a bunch of computing power to churn through, so it took us a bit. It sounds dumb, but it's a bit like writing down the entire multiplication table instead of just writing down the rules how to multiply numbers (which would take less space). The table is faster to look up for a dumb computer, but takes up a lot of space.

As to why we screwed up in the first place, it was a combination of a software update that did a sneak change and us trying to rush the patch before the sale to ensure people would benefit from the faster loading and optimizations. The issues didn't become apparent unless you had substantially less video memory, so we didn't end up catching it in time.

24 Nov


Oops deleted my comment lol

How far your spine can bend (torso lean angle) shouldn't be changed, but yeah something like the squat actually changing your hitbox is intended afaik

20 Nov


thanks for letting us know, we're working on it. if you can pm me with steps to reproduce if you know how, or just any extra info that would be highly appreciated

19 Nov


Originally posted by nofacehasnoface

Yeah f**k whoever says this should be removed. Not only is this drag just hot garbage because half the time people try and attempt to pull of they miss, but you literally just have to look the opposite side you would normally parry and you can block the wessex. You should only try this move in duels, nothing else.

So it's bad, but takes a lot of skill - and with that being said, it's super unfun for the person that has to defend against it. A lot of the comp players don't like how certain drags are just 50/50s at the moment as it reduces the skill ceiling.


Originally posted by SirMuteIX

what if you remove the wes from wessex 😳

Haha just kidding.. Unless?

18 Nov


Originally posted by ETucc

Looks like Hounskull and Bascinet had a child together rofl.

it's a great bascinet in the picture as far as i know. adding things like that are hard due to immobilized neck and the possibility for absurd amounts of clipping


we are looking into some things to make certain drags less wonky and more readable.

can't say yet as of know what exactly we're doing, since it isn't set in stone. but the next update should have some meaningful updates to the combat 👍


he already made a frying pan :D