
Mordhau Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by Explorer_the_No-life

As I already requested before, please: remove no-flinch on kick when strike release started, just make its cool-down longer, so it is more risky to use and less spammable; nerf damn accels, some of them are too extreme;

Good to hear there will be new animations for weapons.

The kick is still pretty effective - what do you mean by cooldown? Recovery?

As for accels, you kind of can't fix that without making half of the release do nothing - this is why we're working on new animations, so that way we can control where the weapon is when someone does gnarly camera movement.


Originally posted by bjorn-ulfr

A color pallet that lets u choose the color and change the chosen color with the help of sliders for brightnes and contrast (only for cloth and emblems) not plate armor thats fine as it is

We aren't really looking at doing an RGB slider, at the moment we're sticking to preset colors.


Originally posted by EarballsOfMemeland

Please add giant piles of turds by the stables on every map that has them. This is a matter of immersion. Ever seen a stable without horse manure? Me neither.

ahem constructive posts only please


Originally posted by The_Salty_Spitoon456

Seeing toolbox and ranged weapon restrictions In spawn makes me happy. Cause goddamn I'm tired of archers pinging me with arrows then running into spawn so they're untouchable .

I will happily slander archers.

ye, there are a few inconsistencies we're working on fixing in that regard :)


Originally posted by Fantastic_Zucchini48

Good work, Jax. Doing copypaste every week, again lines with "we are still working with the SDK", at least come up with something new. Important changes with sounds, somewhere out there in the background that no one will ever hear. Look at your online, it barely exceeds a thousand and a half people. There is another question about "communication with the community", do you, community manager, at least one stream in a year? Or will you answer people's questions in discord at least once a day? Your last chat message was on 9/17/2021.

I'm reporting on what's going on in the team - I plan on a post about the SDK specifically soon. As for the other stuff, I'm also managing every inbox for the game, making sure everything's good with the moderators, dealing with a lot of stuff behind the scenes, and going to school full-time as well. I'll hop around in Discord sometime soon when I have the time.


Hey all!

As usual, we'd love to know what's on your mind - any feedback, constructive criticism, suggestions or questions are welcome! As always, please keep things constructive and civil, thanks!

As for meeting notes, they'll be a bit short this week. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make this one, so I'm going off of a few notes I've got from the team members. We'll be back to normal next week!

  • We're investigating more server issues and instability (especially noted in EU servers, but not limited to there).
  • We're looking into issues with toolbox placement and ranged weapons in spawn zones - unfortunately, there's still some abuse with our current restrictions.
  • We're looking into some cool stuff for Halloween, aside from seasonal cosmetics ;)
  • Some optimization work for Crossroads was finished - from my understanding, this was mainly a test of some new techniques, which we'll now be testing on Feitoria.
  • Some mis...
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22 Sep


Steam likes to get froggy on Tuesdays

21 Sep


Originally posted by OneEyeTwoHead

I barely pay attention but didn’t you say the SDK was already being approved by Epic. Now it’s something else?

It was approved, but we're updating things to work on the new engine version. Not sure if we'll need re-approval (don't think so, though).


Howdy 🤠

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback - it's been super helpful for us recently, as the update has needed a few hotfixes. Speaking of that, most of our week was spent doing some fixes and addressing community feedback! There are still some ongoing issues (a server tick rate bug that causes desync, etc.) that we're still trying to nail down, but we'd love to hear your thoughts on the game; any feedback, suggestions and critiques are welcome!

A few notes from our meeting:

  • A little bit more work on the new instrument.
  • We've been talking about new voices! No specifics yet, but we're looking into a bit of a 'pipeline' so we can add voices more regularly.
  • More work continues on Noria and the Castello rework! With Castello, we've been simplifying more geometry and optimize a few textures. As for Noria, a bit of prop work and object placement!
  • Some work for gamepad stuff - we've been looking into some issues, and also ...
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Originally posted by hb0nes

Don't see any comments here about this but the game is still desynced and network-laggy.

Accels are 'broken' now only because of this. You can get red parries without m.debugnetworkparry 1 showing that you had one - that's how desynced it is.

My client does not show what is actually happening according to the server. Hit sounds and hit markers are also not at the exact same time, further testifying to the desynchronized nature of the current gameplay. Edit: by this I mean, when I parry, I see the spark before the sound.

Me and a bunch of others simply do not boot Mordhau anymore after over 1650 hours of enjoyed gaming.

I miss Mordhau :) Please fix.

We're working on it :)


Originally posted by BOOGERJUICE_IRL

decels with slow 2H weapons are horrific and make no sense from a visual or physics standpoint. wasn't one of the big points of mordhau to effectively squash decel ballerinas? ick.

We are working on overhauled combat animations for all weapons. We've done pretty much all we can hacking up the existing animations to fix things, so we're working on brand new ones with some lessons learned. Hopefully, they will be more visually readable and also way less janky looking, but still allow for swing manipulation.


Originally posted by Gaboik

Kicks were just fine the way they were, they serve almost no purpose now. Please change em back.

Kicks are in a good spot, at least in my opinion. A general rule, if you see the enemy moving their weapon it might too late to land a kick. Try to aim for when a guy starts weirdly getting in your personal space but they haven't attacked or blocked.


Originally posted by Strider2126

I don't understand, is castello rework out or not? I have played the map many times those days but it's always the same

Another question : the cosmetics we have seen for the eastern invasion update are just a part right? Cause they are not a lot for a major update imho

We're doing an interim patch with the Castello rework, which we're intending to be a pretty small patch with a short dev cycle.

Also, we haven't shown everything off for Eastern Invasion - where would the fun be in that? ;)


Originally posted by Gomer-san

Why not just immediately hotfix the lute volume.. Waiting a week to fix a horribly irritating bug just to lump it in with other fixes is absurd, and shit like this will be this game's undoing.

I really hope you all are taking all player feedback into consideration regarding the balance changes implemented in #22. Performance issues aside, this is certainly the most divisive patch in the game's history.

I don't think everything should be reverted but the devs should consider meeting the playerbase halfway, i.e. the stand to crouch speed should be affected by the amount of armor the player has.

The new arrow sounds are awful. Sounds like an arrow hitting a block of wood when it hits you. I don't think anyone likes this change.

We can look into these things. The issue (which yes, stouty pointed it out against crush) is that pre-patch you could oftentimes use ducks as a get-out-of-jail-free card; that's okay in some instances, but they're meant to be a bit more of a one-off strat that you might pull off once in a fight, not every time you miss a parry.

The arrow sounds are something we're aware of, and we'll be looking into it.


Originally posted by jrubolt

Please rework cata and some map related balance.

The cata should've been slower to maneuver with a slower reload time and projectile speed while giving it the pre patch range. Currently it's just overkill spam on certain points and useless against Objectives like nobles hiding at the back of a castle .

The team dependant kill zones should be entirely removed on maps and replaced with 5 second spawn invincibility to prevent spawn killing. This will allow people to actually destroy the cata/balistas and kill archers that try and exploit by hiding behind these zones.

That doesn't solve the issue of people not moving the catapult and orbital striking the other team from inside their spawn zone. We did need to change it, and the catapult is still pretty good as long as you're supported by teammates being somewhat near you.

I do think there could be some more tweaking, but we wanted to prevent no-risk catapult gameplay, especially when it comes to them being used to kill VIP objectives. This has buffed nobles indirectly, but removing that can let us rebalance the nobles in other ways that are arguably more fun.

20 Sep


Originally posted by seldepoivre

I think that the games should always be full for the frontline / invasion to be better. I then suggest putting bots instead of missing players (empty slots), and then replacing them once again when players are joining (the slot is now a player slot). (Like the deathmatch in CSGO). I think it would also be very good for the new players, it would obviously be easier for them to kill bots instead of experienced players.

Bots aren't really a good solution, since they tax servers more than players - the server has to think for a bot, whereas players handle that themselves.

We've been tweaking the server browser to prioritize filling up servers, and that's something that we'll probably be fine-tuning going forward.


Originally posted by _Tranzaction_

Glad to have a new level designer on the team!

I look forward to seeing new maps being developed!

yeeees mpas are good


Originally posted by the7pmshow

What happened to weather? I thought that was supposed to be in this patch, or is that coming in the interim patch?

The plan is to add a prototype version of weather on Castille with the interim patch, and if it works nicely we'll be expanding it over to more maps in the future.


Originally posted by Lance52

Can we have a menu option to turn off "Persistent weapon modes between respawns". I find that I often forget to switch the mode back and frankly I find it kind of annoying.

We can look into it. We do want to avoid settings bloat, as each option requires checkups per patch. With a few things it's not the end of the world, but when you're talking dozens of game settings it can add extra work sometimes.


Originally posted by DB_OG

ability to cancel bandaging! main menu character selection!

It's not a bad idea, but it's just incredibly niche to have bandage feinting - and there should probably be a commitment/risk to bandaging.

As for the second thing, this may/may not be included with the armory update. That would be the time to do it, but it's also not a major priority (unfortunately).