
Mordhau Dev Tracker

21 Nov


Originally posted by Jorlaxx

Quick parry has always been in the game via the Combo Feint to Parry technique (CFtP). Skilled players have always known this and abused this, rendering them nearly untouchable. It's just now new players can also abuse it because it isn't obscured behind combo-feints and instead works at the click of a button.

I agree with you it is a bad mechanic because it removes the ability to consistently punish a bad swing, but the devs have been aware of it from the start and they fully intend it to be this way.

use=/= abuse

the game is balanced around it, and we're trying to make the combat feel more responsive going forwards, i.e. less restrictive lockouts and then other ways to bypass defense.


Originally posted by lukej428

please for the love of GOD add an option to manually activate a bear trap that's on the ground, its so aggravating trying to stab/slash at a trap right in front of you 6 times to get it to activate it because the hitbox is so small. It would make a lot of sense to just have a press and hold E (or whatever your action button is) to make a bear trap go off.

Not a bad idea, I'll bring it up to the team.


Originally posted by wildthornbury2881

Do you plan on offering literally any help to the modding community at all? The Star Wars mod is completely broken now and along with it disappeared a good amount of community. I’d love to see it back.

We haven't had much support for uSDK mods, but we'll have some resources available and hopefully some good lines of communication with modders once proper tools are out.


Originally posted by spyr04

Add option to remove heartbeat

Thanks for the feedback; the team's aware that not everyone likes it, and I'll be sure to bring it up again.


Originally posted by ChefTheChefChef

•SDK news?

•Anything regarding potential changes to the respawn banner?

•Anything regarding OoB violations, putting banners where they shouldn't be and generally abusing the system?

IMO, the banner should let players spawn in a bit more often with an added change that you can only put down one banner every 5-10 minutes instead of easily being able to spam them.

  • More about the SDK when we have something to say, no point really saying the same stuff over again
  • Banner issues are being looked into; with any first iteration of a relatively important balance change, it's going to need tweaks. We're working on it 👍

17 Nov


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

  • No Snippets from Eastern Invasion for exactly 8 months today (unless I've missed something. Or if you count the meme picture of the hot tub, posted 5/11/21, which would still make it 6 months)
  • didn't even get an "sdk soon" variation today
  • Cortile has been "pretty much done" for 4 months, and isn't in the game. What's up with that? I can tell by searching the Discord that work is still ongoing with it, as Geach was talking about it 5 days ago - but I really feel like it's part of your job to relay those things in an easy to access way for the community, and this seems like the place that should be done.

In terms of progress, work is continuing on Noria getting things in shape for the Eastern Invasion update.

  • CAN you elaborate? I know there are details implied by the statement, but I'm actually asking if you, Jax, are actually informed enough about th...

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Valid points, I'll try do address them:

  • We've shown a few map snippets off along with many of the cosmetics during that livestream, but we don't want to start heavily teasing EI content until we're more certain of a rough release timeframe. If we show stuff off too early, we end up just stringing the players along - doing so kind of sends the message of "look at this stuff coming eventually". On the other hand, not showing anything off makes it seem like no development is happening, so it's a balancing act.
  • No 'SDK soon' because it's not helpful information and people get upset when I mention that we're still working on it, I've learned my lesson there.
  • Yeah, Cortille has been practically finished for a while. Geach is the guy who made Castello, and we had a pretty high priority on getting the rework out around the Halloween timeframe, so he dropped work on Cortille to fix up Castello. Now, Geach is helping a little with Noria I believe, but IIRC he ...
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16 Nov


Hello all!

As usual, we'd love to hear what's on your mind - any feedback, comments, questions or constructive criticism is welcome! Please let us know your thoughts below, and we'll do our best to incorporate your feedback into the game. Thanks!

In terms of progress, work is continuing on Noria getting things in shape for the Eastern Invasion update. There's not too much to say in terms of actual development info - it's a lot more of the same work we've been doing (just more of it). This being said, progress is going well - no major issues as for now! Regarding Eastern Invasion, this update will be the first of two parts - the first part containing Noria and a bunch of cosmetics, new skin tones etc. and the second with another map and some more additions to the game.

Thanks for reading! To see last week's post, click here:

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11 Nov


i mean it would be kinda cool but i think most people would appreciate other stuff

10 Nov


I'll see if something's going on 👍


If yall are having any issues, DM me on Discord - Jax#0553.


Originally posted by SkyTheKaiser

Please give us a skin for rocks that turns them into bags of coins

Actually 10/10 idea


Originally posted by RogueOperative_

Jaaxxxxon on SDK 2 months ago before the engine upgrade patch:

It should be coming right after the update - we had it working pretty much with the current patch but we figured it'd be better to just release on the new update (since we'd have to update it again). Getting it 'packaged' for a build is a little time consuming, so we can save a few weeks by just preparing for this update (which is what we've been doing).

SDK when?

We had an unexpected issue, unfortunately we can't predict the future. That issue has been resolved and we're knocking out what's left.

09 Nov


Originally posted by Mountain_whore

Looks cool, also looks like an excellent source for bugs and development slow down

if we don't add any new features, no development to slow down

pick your poison


damn i've been got


Hello everyone,

As usual, thanks for all of your feedback! These past weeks have been a little hectic on our end, and we absolutely appreciate you all helping us find issues to fix and things to balance :) Any comments, questions, feedback, or discussion is welcome here. Please keep things on-topic and be respectful to others, thanks!

As for meeting notes, we're keeping it short and sweet this time. There's other stuff going on in the background, but we'll talk about it once things are further along.

  • Short term, we are going to be looking at some solutions tone down the deployable spawns a bit. As with any pretty major gameplay addition, the first iteration is bound to be a little busted - please bear with us as we find some fixes!
  • The SDK is coming along pretty well - can't really give too many details, but we're still working hard on it. If things go as planned, the SDK is something we're considering a short-term goal.
  • Work continue...
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Originally posted by -LaughingJackal-

Please, give the modding community ample warning about incoming changes that can significantly impact and/or damage their creations.

I'll see what we can do on this front :)


Originally posted by Slop-Slop

The ballista giving assists thing is weird.... whatever happened to that? Yes I fully agree that builders needed a way to get points. But, in a brutal, high kill game where the main spawn point guy has over 10,000 points and no real kills or assists at all? Just feel like they should cut the number down a bit is all. Just as they did with med packs

Pretty sure the ballista gives assist points, but you don't see 'em on the HUD, only the scoreboard.


Originally posted by Jael89

Deployable Spawns are an interesting concept, but they're way overpowered in practice. Team stacking is a huge problem with this game, and now a stacked team can make things even less fun for the enemy team with this new ability.

There's apparently no limit to how many spawns can be laid down by one team, no limit to how long they last, and they can be placed almost anywhere, even in hard-to-reach locations.

They need to be nerfed or removed. A banner limit per team, or a short lifespan, maybe a combination of the two. You could also require that someone take an expensive perk to be able to build it, making that person's loadout take a necessary hit. They could be visible to the enemy team on the map like an objective, because at this point, destroying these banners are more important than the objective if you want to stand a chance.

Yeah, they're a little too strong. This is the first iteration, they'll probably be toned down with some future updates. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Urcran

Coming from somebody who's hours are pretty much focused on soely playing engineer, the deployable spawn is probably one of the best additions, thank you for adding it. It feels like engineers are now properly rewarded for doing well, especially in terms of points. I just have a few questions/QOL improvements for the toolbox.

A. Why does the firepit (and bear traps) expire over time? I can't quite wrap my head around why this was implemented.

B. Are there any plans to allow buildings to be rotated before placing them? Maybe with right-click?

C. I would highly recommend introducing some sort of wheel menu or number keys to be able to easily access preferred buildings quickly. The introduction of a new building exasturbates the already preexisting issue of needing to cycle through all the buildings to get the one you want.

D. Are there any plans on introducing back a "wall"-type of building, like the old archer cover used to be? With the archer cover b...

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A. Firepit stuff has to do with balance, they could be pretty broken and don't require much effort aside from restocking some toolbox points. Not sure on the trap though.

B. We've talked about it, but it's kinda niche.

C. It's not a bad idea, especially if we add any more things.

D. Probably not, since the idea of obstacles is for a player to need to defend them from enemies. With walls, a player could stack them and out-repair everybody, and it caused tons of balance issues. Also, it was pretty un-fun to be on the other side of the wall trying to get in.