
Mordhau Dev Tracker

12 Oct


Hey all,

As usual, we'd like to hear your feedback on Mordhau. Any comments, concerns, constructive criticism, feedback or questions are welcome! Your input is instrumental in us developing the game, and we appreciate it greatly. Please be civil to one another, and keep things on topic - thanks!

In terms of development, we're pretty much finalizing work for the interim patch, and we'll be beginning testing this week. We hope to have this update out ASAP!

As for our meeting notes this week, here's a few:

  • A bit of optimization work for Taiga is underway.
  • Animation work is ongoing!
  • More work on Noria - we're making good progress!
  • The Castello rework is coming along well - the structural changes are done, and we'll begin testing soon. If things go to plan, we'll hopefully be shipping this with our interim update.
  • The new instrument is nearly done! Just a few final touches are needed :)
  • Some work is ongoi...
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08 Oct


Hey! Please send this to a moderator, with a shot of the playerlist - they can handle this for ya.

In the future, please don't witch hunt/name-and-shame people. if you're unsure if someone's cheating, you can still post it here as long as you're not showing names - we just don't want people flinging cheating accusations at each other. Alternatively, if you send it to a moderator, they can figure out if they're cheating or not and ban the person.

05 Oct


Hey folks!

As always, we're eager to hear your feedback - it's vital for us shaping the game into something that's more fun and enjoyable for you all :) Any questions, comments, concerns, constructive criticism etc. are absolutely welcome! Let us know what's on your mind in the comments below.

As for our meeting notes, here's a few of 'em:

  • After monitoring feedback and playing quite a bit, we're reverting changes to the kick and flinch. We've got other mechanics are in place that solve the issues we were having with gambling, so the kick change isn't necessary.
  • We're doing some scouting on voice acting, so that's in the works!
  • More work is continuing on instruments, ambient audio, and the new instrument.
  • Some work on weird sound bugs that might be causing a lack of kill thud/headshot noise is ongoing. The issue is still present, but we're working on it!
  • We're still working on Noria - it's a big map, so it'...
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Originally posted by MedicMuffin

How goes gamepad improvements? I'm sure I'm one of probably a dozen (or less) people who ever hook a controller up to this game but I always find little frustrations in how the game works with one. I'm pretty sure there's a rather significant axial deadzone (or something in the way it reads analog input that just mimics an axial deadzone maybe) that makes aiming feel stiff and the lack of haptics continues to be a concern for me. I'm all too aware that a console port is still quite a long ways off but little things like this are still something to think about imo. Sprinting is wonky on controller too, having to manually initiate it every time you move forward when fighting. Again, I know I'm in a rather extreme minority for this community, but I'd love to be able to know more about what's being done...particularly after Chiv 2 messed up their own controller scheme so badly. Chiv 2 put this genre more firmly in console players minds so I think a Mordhau port going forward from there...

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Valid points - we're still improving gamepad stuff, so we'll take this into account :)


Originally posted by Lysergic-AIM

We used to be able to chamber messer accel ripostes and the like, but now just get hit. Is this due to desync or was this an unnoted change. I'm aware of chamber lockout too but this ain't it. Tons and tons of red parries also :(

Probably due to the server desync bugs we're having :(


Originally posted by SirXarounTheFrenchy

Thanks for the reply. Is the armoury rework coming with Eastern Invasion or will it come later ?

I believe it will be coming with Eastern Invasion :)


Originally posted by Tooombi

So what is priority

Maps and core features that make the game feel fresh 👍


Originally posted by Sharps__

Can you look into adjusting the audio of the wagon horses on Crossroads? They are too loud and sound like galloping player horses, even though they are just plodding along slowly.

Alternatively, you could just delete Crossroads ...

Yeah, we can look into it - we're tweaking audio to make horses not super stealthy, and I guess the wagons had the same original sounds.

01 Oct


Originally posted by needlzor

I'm giving you shit but it's more of a communication/messaging issue, I know things can be unexpectedly broken. Do you know if it'll have to go through Epic again for verification?

I'm not sure, I'll ask (gonna get a bunch of info and do a post about the SDK)

29 Sep


Originally posted by _sull_

I think what you guys did with world collision in regard to attacks was the opposite of an improvement. Ever since the patch released I can't count the amount of times I see swings clipping through walls, pillars, etc. When I would normally expect the attack to be stopped it still clips through even with a quarter of the weapon phasing inside of an object and in some cases I've seen the entire head of the maul go right through a wall.

Some of this could be related to maps, but we have made collisions a bit more forgiving compared to release. We'll see what's going on and hopefully resolve it :)


Originally posted by ChiefStops

i would like it if you would make the miss detector trigger on team hits on the enemy side. maybe that would mitigate the fact that one the most effective things you can do is hitting your own team mates.

Yeah, that's an interesting idea - not sure how we'd do it, but using teammates for free feints is pretty annoying.


Originally posted by WifiTacos

Seems the sync issues were fixed since the last patch, but on almost all frontline/invasion maps I get really dramatic frame dips that never happened before. Is this because DX12 is not useable right now?

Edit: also, what’s up with the issue that’s been here since release of not being able to see all the color options for waists because the menu dips lower than the screen? Is there a work around or does this still need to be fixed?

Yeah, we think it has something to do with some different tools we used to bake HLOD and map stuff, as well as some different methods used to compile the game for the live build. The interim update should be addressing some of these issues, if we've correctly identified the issue that is.

As for the armory, it's kind of on its last legs at the moment. Our UI guy has been completely rewriting all the armory stuff and redesigning it, so we won't have this issue in the future.


Originally posted by SirXarounTheFrenchy

Do you know when we will have folders ? If they are still a thing...

Also is there a plan to had more historically accurate coat fo arms ?

We're going to add folders with the Armory rework! And we are aware that people want some more historical emblems, so we're seeing what's possible there.


Originally posted by tjvghvcyjvf

Any way yall can fix the the respawn glitch I played 2 match yesterday and couldn't finish either one casue I couldn't respawn

We're investigating, afaik we can't reproduce the bug yet. In the meantime, I think team switching or going to spectator should fix it, if not typing 'reconnect' into the console should as well. <3


Originally posted by needlzor

Also more map variations please. The ones you made are fun. They are a bit clunky but it doesn't really matter because at least it's somewhat fresh - you can always polish them later. More alternatives I'd like to see:

  • Feitoria: assault the castle from the farms side. Instead of the tower, have a ram that needs to be activated to open the doors towards the town. Have the final objective being a king to kill and prisoners to free from the jail.
  • Feitoria: town battle - small map (32 players or fewer) entirely focused on a bigger version of the town. Fighting in small, constrained environments is a nice change from all the open spaces and it favours specific kinds of weapons like rapier and arming sword which are somewhat neglected.
  • Feitoria: naval assault (invasion) - start from the ships and fight your way out of the castle, with the objective to kill the peasants, burn the castle, and kill the king. Preferably a night-time map so that the fire look...
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Yeah, map variations aren't amazing 10/10 content, but they are content to some degree. We're definitely working on some more variations!


Originally posted by szczerbiec

Are catapult hitboxes broken? Every time i toss a fire bomb right on a cata, it does no damage unless i hit it in specific spots like where the operator is

Hmm, we can look into this. Thanks for pointing it out :)


Originally posted by Glum_Package_3313

Maps!!!!! More maps You know the one thing people have been asking for

We just hired a new map designer last week, and the past few people we've hired have been level designers. We're focusing on maps pretty heavily.


Originally posted by needlzor

A SDK cannot be in progress, submitted, accepted and then in progress again, unless Triternion follows a different set of laws of physics with non-linear time.

We're experimenting with a new buildable object, which we'll unveil once things are a bit further along.

That's good to hear. I do think that the tall walls should make a comeback as well but more expensive than the archer walls.

Since the last patch the maul infestation has gotten a lot worse, presumably because one hit is all you need to increment your kill count. Is that going to stay or are you planning to change something?

I'm not privy to the whole verification process, so I'm just going off what I'm hearing in the meetings. The reason we had it accepted but then kept working on it was because the SDK was made for UE4.21, and when upgraded to UE4.25; the SDK wasn't compatible. Instead of releasing the official SDK and then breaking it a week or so later with the engine update, we decided to push it back and get it working on UE4.25.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Getting kicked by teammates knocks you back with enough speed to reset your health regen, this enables team killers to kill you from full health without a way to stop it. Fix this.

We'll look into this. Ideally, a votekick could solve it, but they're... a bit unreliable.


Originally posted by Patient_Degree_868

Desynchronized hitboxes are still a thing, the patch came out 3 weeks ago, when is this getting fixed?

It's related to the servers - for some reason, the server tickrate will sometimes drop out, causing desync. As far as I know, we're not sure if it's from a bug, or if it's the result of DDOS attacks :( We're still looking into this, and it's our #1 priority to address.