
Mordhau Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by EarballsOfMemeland

In addition to some more organization stuff, we're looking into some changes to how we release patches - some changes in our version control may give us a bit more flexibility when it comes to the timing of our updates.

Could you expand on this? Does this mean balance patches, exploit fixes and such will be more frequent and released inbetween bigger content patches?

Because golly jee mister that would be swell

It means pretty much that - before, we'd plan out the BIG patches and just work on them, but we're now looking into smaller updates that are more balance/feature focused between our major updates. If we do this properly, it will only add couple of weeks or so onto the dev cycle of the big stuff (testing, packaging takes a while) but that should hopefully be countered out by smaller gaps between updates.


Originally posted by FlanFearless1719

Please revert the new hit and kill sounds, sometimes I can't tell if I kill someone. The old sounds felt much more meaty and satisfying, actually felt like my weapon had force behind it last patch.

This seemed/seems to be a bug, which we are looking into. Tbh, not sure if we've fixed it with the latest updates, but the kill/headshot sounds don't play sometimes.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Are there going to be more patterns for pre-existing armor? I remember asking this a long time ago and just want to check if this is still being added. I'm tired of looking like a clown in the checkered gambeson, more solid color patterns please.

At the moment we're focused a bit more on new armor, but we occasionally do some passes on older stuff.

17 Sep


Originally posted by C0w0kie

They can't use 1411 anymore in PUB lol.

think again >:))))

i may or may not have shot all my teammates that were protecting like 15 enemies inside an objective and tking anyone trying to play the objective

16 Sep


Yep. we're taking care of this.

If you see something like this in the future, shoot a report over to a moderator on discord - - and they can handle these super quickly πŸ‘

edit - didn't see you've sent this over already, thanks for doing that.


Originally posted by NajoNajavo

So it looks like he/they never got banned then....No response from devs or admins? Shameful

did you message any of us or just post it here? I'll forward it over to the team.

if this happens again, dm a moderator on discord - πŸ‘

15 Sep


Originally posted by Miltawne

The crossroads noble is unkillable for any normal invasion team. After the patch his health does not drop below 90% at any point of the match. I am not exaggerating to get my message across.

This will be addressed in the next hotfix. πŸ‘

14 Sep


Hey everyone!

With the new update being out for a week, we'd love to hear what your thoughts are. We're aware of a few issues (see down below), but aside from those we'd love to hear what feedback you've got for us - any comments, questions, suggestions, critiques, etc. are welcome!

As for this week's meeting notes (and known issues):

  • We've brought on a new level designer! We're aware new maps are the most wanted content addition, so we're doing what we can to get more awesome stuff out to you all.
  • The lute is way too loud, and this is fixed internally. We'll be hotfixing with some additional tweaks in the near future.
  • Issues with some rocks on Mountain Peak and random geometry on some maps is not working, will be addressed.
  • We're investigating a tick rate server bug, which may be causing desync on hits.
  • We've fixed some weird LOD issues with certain objects which show up purple at a distance.
  • Some organiz...
Read more External link β†’

12 Sep


Originally posted by xXJightXx

The kicking was done to track down an issue we're seeing with server perf that seems to be related to the server being full, hence the kicking to free up slots and see if there really is a correlation.


but have you tried adding -dx12 to the launch parameters for 20 more fps


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

This doesn't relate to Mordhau though, Triternion doesn't even have a publisher.

yeah this is pretty unrelated

we're independent and that's pretty damn good for everyone involved


Originally posted by Coom-guy

You guys make fun out of crush for nerfing stuff because he lost to stouty even though stouty himself said the kicks should be nerfed

people complaining about balance changes hard stuck in gold 2 KEKW


The volume is an oversight and will be hotfixed. In the near future, we're also going to add an instruments volume slider.

11 Sep

10 Sep


Originally posted by Chased75

anyone else getting major frame drops and shuttering with the new patch?

keep dropping from 150 fps to 40-30 every 5-10 sec...

Try adding this line to the launch parameters (right click game on steam>properties):


this might help, I got like 20-30 more FPS because dx12 is pog


Originally posted by Vilperi13

Why is it so slow to download Mordhau patches on Steam? 200Mbps fiber connection, Samsung 1TB 980 PRO SSD, PCIe 4.0, NVMe, 7000/5000 MB/s, Ryzen 3600, 16Gb DDR4 3200Mhz and the download changes between 0.01 MB/s to 20MB/s and mostly staying under 3MB/s. No problem with other games as they download at full speed and ssd write capacity.

idk man, do you usually download other games' updates right when they come out or something? Could be Steam traffic congestion because everybody is injecting patchie into their veins