
Mordhau Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Originally posted by Mateusz707

At first I would like to say thank you Jaaxxxxon for writing a satisfing answer to my comment in previous weekly feedback post. And here I have some new ideas:

  1. What do you think about adding negative perks? Im talking about perks which would reduce things like health regeneration, movement speed, resistance etc in exchange for additional points.

  2. For horde mode please consider making npcs for each map diffrent, for example on Castello npcs could look italian, on Feitoria germanic, on mountain keep nordic etc. I think that doing something like that would be great because it will encourage players more to play on diffrent maps than camp only, it will also bring new gameplay possibilities such as diffrent equiped enemies and new challenging kinds of bosses.

  3. What do you think about adding a button which would allow to turn the head back for a moment so that when you could be running away from the enemy, you would be able to see easily if ...

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Quick replies :)

  1. We've talked about it, but for now we're not actively looking into it because it could negatively affect the loadout system.
  2. It's not a bad idea, we'll look into it! We want to improve Horde in the future :)
  3. I doubt we'd do this, to be honest. I don't think there's a big need for looking behind you as there should be a lack of rearwards visibility.
  4. We are hoping to make new maps with weather on them, but making dynamic weather is out of the question due to performance. Random, fixed weather could be possible but we would need to separate weather/map/mode somehow and we don't have that functionality at the moment.
  5. Any video of this?
  6. We're looking into this :)
  7. Thanks for the heads up, this used to happen a lot in ranked as well, so we might be able to find a solution soon.
  8. Hmm, we can see what is possible.

Originally posted by One-Recommendation-1

Get better moderators who don’t abuse their position.

If you have complaints, DM me on discord.


Originally posted by HPADude

I know one particular issue is the new pigface bascinet with the spiked aventail. The closed version can use the tightened spiked aventail, but the raised has no option for it or the lowered aventail.

Please fix! I'd like to keep the aesthetic consistent across my main mercs.

It's probably for the reason I said above - it probably clips or looks weird. In this case, I would guess the 'attachment point' for the aventail is just somewhere on the guy's face instead of aligned with the helmet.

That being said, it doesn't hurt to ask. I'll see if this is intentionally omitted or just an oversight :)


Originally posted by DCamzJogOn

Can we please get updated textures and models for the release cosmetics, when compared to new stuff you can blatantly tell the difference. The main offenders being the old bascinet, both tabards and footsoldiers shoulders. Also the velvet pauldrons still add a good 3 inches to your shoulders and make your neck look non existent. Also Im level 203 and theres no way to feel special apart from a piss coloured tint and yeet emoji. Can we please get some new higher level tints/colours/emblems/cosmetics. Ty love u

Also daily rewards/missions for extra gold pls

So we can discuss it, but reworking existing cosmetics is much less time efficient than adding new ones. So for example, the og bascinet looks a bit dated, but instead of changing that one we've since added like 2 or 3 different hounskull/pigface type bascinets with variants. While adding a new item does take longer than just tweaking one that exists, it's not that much longer and then we get at least one new item, instead of keeping the same amount. When it comes to newer ones, we get a ton of efficiency in doing variants as well. This gives people an alternative, and also doesn't upset people that like the old one.

Since I'm not a 3d artist I don't know the exact workflow, but that's a general overview.


Originally posted by kurama3

This might be somewhat of a controversial suggestion, but I think it’d be interesting if you could resell cosmetics that you have for 25-50% of the gold they cost. There are a lot of things that I used to use but never put in builds anymore because of the new amazing skins you guys have added to the game.

Also, there are some items in the game that just have no customization at all. I think it’d be nice if toolbox, throwing knives, falx, javelin, etc started to get some love in the form of future skins.

Edit: no jaxx response, rip boys, we will have to continue laboring away in the fields for a small crumb of gold :(

Sorry for the late reply!

We could look into this, it's not a bad idea :)


Crush is working on a fix that should make these parryable - still in experimental stages at the moment, but we'll see how it goes :)

10 Oct


Originally posted by TheMightyGato

Add a new thing you can build with the tool box. Maybe a health station kinda like what they have in TF2. You stand near it and you heal.

Also add the fire place thing where you can make fire arrows to Horde. It's kinda annoying that it isn't added already. It wouldn't be that op.

Cool ideas, we can see what we're able to whip up :)


Originally posted by ApexBoatOnIG






Originally posted by GulagGunner

Bit of a suggestion here. The Eisenhut and kettle don't seem to be getting some love with new items so my suggestion is have the raised mail hood available for both they oddly seem to be the only to kettles without this neck option. And have the aventail that covers the lower half of the players face available for all medium helmets.

If an item doesn't have options for neck cosmetics, it's usually because they're incompatible due to clipping. I'll ask though and see what's going on there.

09 Oct


Originally posted by Jozsefirst


-give us back the ability to kick with bandage equipped

-rework mountain peak's frontline mode to make it longer and more balanced

-display spawn points correctly on the spawn screen

-consider making capturing objectives in frontline more manpower demanding so that Solid Snake cant move the frontlines around at will any longer

-increase noble health regen per kill, 2 is just so low that it doesent even make a difference OR increase noble damage resistance

  • not sure about bandage+kick but we can see what's the reasoning behind that, bandages are already very strong from their point cost and impact, but we can see.
  • We want to take a good look at frontline and improve it. Despite us focusing on INV more, Frontline is still really popular and we'd like to keep that going if people enjoy it as much as they do currently.
  • We're aware of issues with spawn points and selecting them. working on some solutions 👍
  • Yeah, that could be nice. Less stealth caps and stuff, although 1 defender can prevent that currently so it might be an issue of defense, not offense.
  • Yeah, nobles are too campy and annoying. IMO less base hp, but more hp regen would make them more encouraged to fight directly to survive. We're working on it.

Originally posted by Purple-Lamprey

This thread is for devs to give the appearance of listening to players, none of them actually pay attention lol. Castelo has been the worst optimized map since it came out, don’t expect anything to chan lol.

I show about 10-50 things from these threads each week to the team, and we figure out what we can do on these issues.


Originally posted by bozzeak

Idk if I'm the only one but the Castello map for invasion runs like absolute dogshit.. my computer is able to run all the other maps at max settings at 60+ FPS with no drops, but even with all settings at their lowest I still completely freeze for multiple seconds at a time while trying to play castello

Castello does run badly, we're aware - we did some things that fixed a few drops with improved LODs but aside from that, we've been looking into issues with VRAM as well as problems that arise from lots of people stacked together. We don't exactly have a 'magic bullet' solution, but we're taking a look at ways to fix these issues still 👍


Originally posted by Bay_listicx

Another great question is how this will impact people who live with an unstable connection from an isp that they have no choice on?

We've talked about reconnect grace periods and hopefully we'll figure something out on that front soon :)


Originally posted by AvgMordhauEdgelord

From last patch:

Implemented ranked Teamfight matchmaking progressive ban penalties for leaving, only takes effect if you’re the first person to leave the match

What are the ban penalties? What happens to the rest of the team's ELO if they leave after the first person leaves?

You get a 5 minute temp ban from leaving, but it needs some tweaking for others on your team. What we don't want to do is allow a teammate to leave and take the MMR hit + temp ban to save their teammates' MMR, since that can be abused as well. It's tough to figure out a perfect system, but we're still committed to tweaking it where we can.

08 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


I think the miss detector can definitely be improved and generalized quite a bit, we'll definitely be trying out a couple things in the future.


Originally posted by rubentoteles

Can you explain this again for slow people like me? If I´ve been playing in a server for, say, 3 hours, and I leave, I will still get the gold equivalent for those 3 hours?

Yes, when the match on the server ends (i.e. server changes map)

07 Oct


Actually, we've changed this and it has been letting you keep gold/xp earned for a veeeeeeery long time now. But these posts still come up, because there's nothing telling the player so (which can be tricky, since you disconnect). There's a delay because gold/xp is awarded when the match actually ends, but you get your share at that point even if you left.

06 Oct


Hello everyone!

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions. Let us know what you want to see added, improved or changed in the comments below! Please keep things on topic and constructive, and thanks for the feedback - it's instrumental for the development of the game, and we greatly appreciate it.As for our meeting notes, here's a quick rundown below:

  • We've troubleshooted issues with updates being slow, and we think we know the reason. Next time we update, it should hopefully go much smoother. EDIT: Next time we update it will be slow again as we have to change some file names, but that should fix the issue going forwards.
  • We've taken a look into what maps are more popular in which modes. When it comes to smaller game modes (ie. Brawl) we would like to tweak the rotation if possible, and potentially in the future add maps better suited for these modes. We'll see what comes of it, as at the moment...
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05 Oct


With everything going on in the US and the world at that time (and still now) we saw a potential for the executioner's hood to come across as insensitive and tone-deaf. While we've definitely cleaned up the game quite a bit since release, unfortunately there are still edgy idiots who think racism is just a joke (or are actual racists) and there was more to lose than there was to gain. To put some of this into perspective, we've muted over 3400 people from official servers, with a good chunk of those being permanent, but even then it is still a battle we're fighting, and something we need to be conscious of. We haven't ruled out adding the hood with some restrictions to prevent it being used in racist cosplays.

04 Oct


Originally posted by the_user_games

Can we get a perk that allows for faster weapon swap?

Not 100% on this, but I think we're actually already near the limit of how fast weapons can be swapped without breaking things - dagger etc. are really fast as it is. That being said, maybe a perk to reduce swap speeds for weapons a little bit would be nice!