
Mordhau Dev Tracker

04 Oct


Originally posted by KyleTheKatarn

So my suggestions / questions are related to the new Brawl servers. I like the idea of smaller playercount servers generally and am glad that this has replaced BR in matchmaking.

Can replaying the same map with the same mode be removed from the Brawl voting screen? There are far too many possible combinations to waste one of the spots on playing what was just played, like how frontline doesn't allow this.

Also could Castello either be removed from the team deathmatch variation (due to how massive it is, matches take very long time) or the player count in brawl be increased to 20-24?

I'll forward these points to the team, we'll see what we can do 👍


Originally posted by Spaceman_Schmea

Overall I think the swordplay is in a really good spot right now. I haven't seen an attack I would call "unreadable" in a long time. I think that in it's current state the "riot mode" on shields is borderline useless to the average player, but the increased parry windows / heater stamina buff have created a nice balance of "points spent" to "survivability increased" for shields. What I would like to see is some changes to ranged combat. I feel like huntsman is too strong, it's an astronomically huge, and skill free damage increase for just a handful of points. And having it in the game makes any sort of melee / recurve hybrid build very frustrating to play because the second I take out my bow I could be one shotted through medium armor. Additionally. I would like to see depth added to archery, maybe some perks like "shots to leg drain stamina" or "the farther your arrow travels the more damage it deals", I just feel like archers are only good for killing archers right now, and I wa...

Ranged stuff is tough, because we want to prevent projectile spam and the feeling of being helpless as a melee player - but also we need to balance the impact and fun that an archer has as well. at the moment it's definitely more biased towards the melee side, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I don't think that making ranged better is necessarily about making bows stronger, but instead making the bows more fun. We'll see what we can do.


Originally posted by g3096113

In team game modes, the metal trim color for some items is changed to secondary team color, so white for Free Guard and black for Iron Company. It would be great if this could be fixed because it affects customization, which i very much care about. I can't check this for every item, but at least following are affected:

Gothic Pauldrons, Gothic Gauntlets, Gothic Leggins

Art guys are aware of these armor bits now, should be working on fixes for em :)


Originally posted by Mateusz707

Hello, what I write will be quite long, but don't let this discourage you from reading it, I just want to write about all of my ideas that came to my mind from the beginning since I started playing Mordhau. And, I really would appreciate it, if you will comment about each of the points mentioned.

  1. Cosmetics ideas. I really would like to see more kinds of cloth arm cosmetics in the game. Im thinking about adding more "wide" kinds of sleeves, short sleeves and especially some single leather bracers without the gloves. And In my opinion you should make more gloves which will cover hands only, just like the chain gloves.

  2. Symbols. Why there is no freeguard symbol avaiable to use, when we have iron company boar? I think that it would be pretty cool to have it, because eagle is a symbol that represents most of european countries, which could be helpful in creating some historical knights. Also, would you like to expand symbols with those, that were used in...

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Hi! I'll answer these the best I can :)

  1. We can definitely look into these - cloth armor was definitely a thing and more variety is always nice.
  2. I don't think there is a reason on this one, might just be an oversight. I'll bring it up to the team and see what's going on there.
  3. We're always adding more skins - that being said, tower shields are not really medieval era - they're more roman/greek antiquity, so it's unlikely we'd add em. As for metal roughness, it isn't compatible with our weapon system and it's not something we're particularly invested in changing.
  4. We are probably going to do more faces in the future. They're a lot of work but I think they definitely add a lot to the game.
  5. Scabbards are something we have ruled out quite a long time ago, unfortunately. This is due to performance issues - each weapon would need a new scabbard model and texture (not counting customization) and rendering all of those on screen would reall...
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Originally posted by FoxSpeaks

Incentivize players to win matches. While I love all of the memes, the payout is more or less the same for everyone so there is little incentive to win matches outside of ranked. It could be slightly more gold or low-cost cosmetics that are auto unlocked after you win a certain number of matches.

Just some food for thought. Keep up the good work!

So, rebalancing the gold gain is very tricky since too much adjustment can break everything - but I do agree that winning doesn't matter as much as it should. I'll see what we can do about it.


Originally posted by mitch2302

Could you please consider making bear traps a 1HKO on horses?

Seems only fair that a trap could break its legs

I think we've talked about this in the past, but I'll bring it up again!


Originally posted by tribalbaboon

Another thing I've seen people talk about before is allowing people to spectate ranked matches and bet on who's going to win. People love betting, and unless I'm wrong there shouldn't be any legal issues with betting a currency that has no monetary value (I have no idea if this is true). It'd give us something to waste our gold on between patchies, and people would care about ranked more.

It's an interesting thought, but I think it's a bit too far out of the scope of what we want to achieve with ranked. Adding spectator slots might also impact performance and stuff since we are running quite a few 3v3 matches on each physical server, not to mention people trying to abuse the system.


Originally posted by rektednerd

Some suggestions that I posted earlier:

1) Combing Cosmetics. There are many different variations of helmets and armor (raised, tilted, no visor, painted). So why not have them all grouped together? For example, the new Valsgarde helmet. Why should I need to buy 3 versions of the same helmet for only a slight change in detail? It is completely outrageous to me that I need to pay 64100 gold for each different variation. We should be able to change the variation the same way you change patterns on cloth. I loved all the cosmetics that came with the new patchie, but 60+ cosmetics is really misleading because it really just a ONE new helmet but with 9 different variations you have to pay separately. Just group them together the same way you group weapon skins. It would consolidate all the cosmetics and might make it easier to implement new helmets/armor variants.

2) On some armors, the tint does not really match up to others. For example, the new kasten brust legs are ...

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Thanks for these, I'll bring em up to the team!


Originally posted by Puzzleheaded-Hall-24

I’ve been playing only two weeks. But I watched a documentary on how real castles were built to understand.. as this game has made me more interested in the Medieval time period...

I have to say (and I really hope The other players appreciate this too) The maps you have created especially the castles the walls the tents and the general look and feel of the maps is just incredible I think the combat is so amazing and so immersive people forget how good the cosmetic attributes of each map are. especially that one with the huge castle keep in the middle that you have to run up the wooden staircases to fight the warden. It’s just amazing.

Thank you game creators.

:))) thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by Alpha_One_Two

I saw someone the other day suggest daily and weekly challenges for a little extra gold. Like 3 daily and 3 weekly. Examples pf daily being 20 kills in frontline - 300 gold, 30 kills with the messer - 500 gold, xx objective points in invasion - 400 gold. Weekly would just be a higher variations of this for more gold.

It would be good for multiple reasons. Additional ways for people to earn gold would be great especially with a new cosmetics constantly being added. It gives players a reason to try out various weapons or play styles that they otherwise may never want to try. It could also help with player retention. Has something like this ever been talked about? Im fairly new to this sub reddit so i apologize if ot has been discussed previously.

Another idea is career milestones and challenges. This again is just something different players could work toward instead of grinding their same familiar weapons all the time. Gold and/or cosmetic rewards for these milesto...

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We have talked about doing challenges, it's something that could work but we aren't exactly set on implementing them at this point in time. Maybe in the future!


Originally posted by share-this-info

At the end of a 3v3 ranked match there should be a button that says “que again with this team”

And who ever else on your team presses that button re ques with you

That'd be nice, yeah. Good idea!

03 Oct


comment section got weird, locking this post. 😒


We're working on it, we've found the issue a week ago but not the reason why it happens yet. It's a particularly insidious issue related to nondeterministic cooking in Unreal Engine that must've cropped up at one point and has gotten progressively worse since, which makes tracking it down quite difficult.

02 Oct


Originally posted by penemuee

Improved pak file assignments, more work on improving patching times is ongoing.

If they actually do improve/fix this, I swear I will never spam foppish voices lines again!

We're working on it, we've identified the issue, but haven't been able to fix it entirely just yet.

29 Sep


Originally posted by Vq-Blink

Hi jax :)

hi :))))


Hello everyone!

We're glad to see everyone enjoying our latest update, and we've been super-appreciative of your feedback and suggestions. As always, let us know your thoughts below! To reiterate as well, smaller suggestions - "add this skin" etc. should be posted here, as it's starting to clutter the sub up a bit, and we like to consolidate feedback as much as possible (it makes it easier for us to read your posts).

As for our latest dev meeting, we mostly focused on feedback as well as bug fixing, and we did a few playtests. Some quick notes from last week are below:

  • Work on server RCON, which we are testing internally. Good progress so far, but still needs a few more features and polish!
  • SDK development, which is progressing smoothly :)
  • Server browser bug-fixing.
  • Monitoring the update, addressing issues with balance, gameplay, and user experience.
  • General bug fixing, and investigation into some issues with 3...
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Some new shirts, posters and mask are available now - head over to twitter and retweet for a chance to win a $10 code :)


Originally posted by dinneybabz


Fun fact: brawl has turned out to be 40 times more popular than BR, speaking relatively in relation to other modes.

28 Sep


Originally posted by tattoosandspooks

As a women who has been playing Mordhau for a very long time, I can’t wait for female builds. I just hope they don’t over-sexualized them. I want them ugly and goofy like everyone else in the game lol

When we do add female characters, they should just use the same armor as the dudes. They will just look a little different, as far as I know :)