
Mordhau Dev Tracker

03 Jun


This will be fixed - we're reducing releases on certain weapons (like this one) and also looking into some more glancing blow changes.


Not true. We have not confirmed a date as of yet.

02 Jun


Hello everyone!

As always, we appreciate your feedback. A lot of these comments and posts have really helped us out in terms of getting a feel for what you all would like to see added or changed! Feel free to post whatever comes to mind, and we'll be sure to take a look :)

You can find last week's post here:

External link →

Originally posted by amosjxn

Can you do the same thing with stabs?

no because you can't accel stabs. you can delay them a bit with a stab drag, but not the same as a swing because it moves in the wrong direction

01 Jun


elizabethan armor would be more fitting for the chest :)


If you stand still and let someone drag against you, they will. Moving away from the swing (backwards and left) would have made this a lot harder for him to have landed.

31 May


Originally posted by johnnyxxx21

I’d put on something like 9 9 6, that’s the heaviest armor possible in each slot and then look through what weapons you can fit in with that build. I personally think that the longsword, greatsword, short spear and bastard sword are all very solid weapons to start learning on. The friendly and tenacious perks are your friends. Try to be mindful of where you’re at on the battlefield. New players have a tendency to tunnel vision and wander into the enemy team where they get surrounded and killed. Try to keep friends to your sides and behind, focusing on the enemy in front of you with stabs and overhead slashes. The game has a steep learning curve but once you get the hang of it you’ll be hooked like the rest of us.

this ^

also i think poleaxe is nice as well, longer weapons will help when you're still getting a feel for weapon reach and footwork and stuff :)


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

They should just buff turncaps, I don't care if drags work less because of it, I just don't want this kind of bullshit in the game, that's what killed chivalry.

Good thing the actual "pro" players like Stouty and stuff dont do those, but they still shouldn't be possible

Buffing turncaps more would make you unable to fight people that walk/sprint around you. There's a limit of how far we can restrict the freedom; too much and the game won't feel good or play properly, and at that point it's more like a lock-on combat game. Too little, and you get reverses and stuff like that.

The way we've made the game isn't to completely remove the ability to turn while swinging, but instead to make spins and stuff less optimal. The best way to play isn't this, so while it's technically possible, at high levels of play it's not effective at all.


No offense to the guy in the video, but this isn't super high level or 'meta'. If you're good enough to kill everyone normally, this is just showing off. Go watch a comp tournament (we have a section on our discord) and you definitely will not see 360's and emote spam. Actually looking at people and fighting more normally just works better. There's still times where turning away is good for forcing misses or reducing damage, and there are some nasty drags as well, but it looks way better than this does.


We're working on something like that, I believe. Not sure what tier - we do need more T2, but T3 is also much better and more commonly used, so we'd have to figure that out. :)


Originally posted by streetboat

Nice to see some love for HEMA in here. That's a schlüssel guard from Joachim Meyer, right?

*cries in boring fiore guards*


Originally posted by New_SirPuffball

So, what's this Unreal Update I keep hearing about going to mean for the game? More efficient and smooth gameplay that runs better, or just to make working on it more bearable?


So for the Unreal update, this is just normal procedure for us. Epic updates UE4 and brings new functionality, which can help with development and sometimes game-stuff too. Maybe they change some stuff the helps with baking lighting on maps, maybe it's general optimization, etc. We try to stay as close as we can to the latest version, as this ensures that we have the best tools to work on the game. Also, if we don't update for a while, then we end up with a super old version which essentially would lock us out of going to a newer one. Don't quote me on this, but IIRC Ark for example runs on UE4 4.5 or something, and the latest version is 4.25 - for them to update would take an insane amount of time. If we fall behind a ton, we wouldn't really be able to update.

We want to add folders as well :)

30 May


Originally posted by RagingRipto1

Personally I think a good change would be adding a wooden mallet to the toolbox, this would give the wooden mallet an actual use, allowing engineers to have a repair tool for their buildings while not having to sacrifice 2/3 item slots (could keep mallet as a standalone weapon option for memes). I think engies are already limited enough by the cost of the toolbox.

If this were implemented I'd say when you switch to the toolbox you bring out the mallet, but instead of R throwing the mallet, pressing R with the toolbox mallet will pull out the toolbox to build like normal, and right click to cancel back to the mallet.

With this change engineers could run toolbox and mallet and still have 2 slots for a better weapon or supplies, or they could opt to use one of those other 2 slots for the HHA or BH for the better repairs over the standard toolbox mallet. Overall it would give Engineers a lot more build freedom.

We need to take a look at the repair tools. The HHA kind of invalidated everything else for pure engineers, but we'll see what we can do.


Originally posted by BokkieDoke

It's more about this sub than the game itself, but could we get a pinned and updated post on the planned contents of the next patch once they start being teased and confirmed?

Mostly asking because planned weapon balance changes. I'm not asking for precise numbers (I know those change during testing) but knowing that X weapon is being looked at because feature Y of it is considered too strong would be nice.

Also some explanation about certain things from the devs themselves here would be nice. Like the reasoning I've heard behind the skin color options being delayed, which I find odd. Why not add the skin colors, then add the improved facial editing later?

I will be writing up a post for you guys, going over some changes that are planned for the future. Not necessarily about the next patch, and the thing with balance stuff is that it changes like 90 times before an update comes out, as it's really based on 'feel' and feedback, so it's best to go over that usually once everything is locked in, via patchnotes.

As for skin tones, we've worked a bit on them - we just tried changing the skin to be darker and it looked like we pulled the model out of some 2003 mobile game lmao. We actually have to do this properly, and it will worth it.


Originally posted by stash375

Please experiment with 32 person Frontline and Invasion servers. The game runs far better with 32 people and the fights are far more manageable.

From what we've seen from changing the server counts, most players actually like the larger modes even if it means less performance. We'll be adding some server size options in though, most likely.


Originally posted by KasiFlow

Whenever it's asked the usual answer is always silence or the usual "not our priority right now" It's been over a year, surely models and textures and voices shouldn't take that long? Armor doesn't even really need to be reworked, it was said that the size slider system could be used to rework armor for females

The slider wouldn't work - we would, from my current understanding, have to create a completely new model and re-skin and weight everything to work with it. This means we'd have to go and re-setup every single armor piece in the game to work with the new model, and this would be a pretty big undertaking.

Read my comment above for the current status on adding females though.


Originally posted by Jaewok

From the Mordhau kickstarter page;

"CREATE YOUR WARRIOR. Pick your gender, choose the type of body, adjust facial features, and even sculpt a face to your liking. We want you to be recognized from how you look, as well as from how you fight."

It's been more than a year since launch. Are we getting female characters or not? I've been asking every week and haven't been answered. There are promised kickstarter features that have not been implemented.

If you're not going to do it, just come out and say it so those of us waiting for this advertised feature can move on.

We will at some point. It's just not the best bang-for-our-buck at our current state of the game to develop, but once we're done with the SDK and a few other priorities we'll take a look at what we can do.


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

A few suggestions: Shield bash and/or charge, Slightly higher parry drain negation for shields (or some other improvement to make them less useless), Ability to hold torches for objectives in the left hand, Ability to kick regardless of what is held. Can someone explain how I make a list? I've tried many different methods but none work.

We'd like to do a bash at some point, but if we did it'd likely come with a change to some other aspects and allow for non shields to do an offhand punch or some other light interrupt kinda thing. This being said it's just a thought we've had, and nothing's set in stone on that front.


Originally posted by mootpoint007

I like to play a short spear + targe loadout because I have a lot of fun throwing my weapons. I've noticed that while mounted you can't throw your short spear while your targe is equipped. I tried tapping and holding 'R' but threw my targe either way.

This has come up a surprise amount because I end up mounted chasing other mounted players on crossroads a lot, and sometimes I want to finish them off by throwing my spear, but can't unless I unequip my targe (which would leave me more vulnerable to their real spears).

Is this intentional? Can it be changed?

It's something we can look into. We'd like to at some point change alt modes to be done by re-pressing your weapon key (1 for primary weapon alt mode etc.) and that would free up R to be used for extra things and remove the held delay on shield wall/targe throw etc. It might happen, might not, but it's something we're interested in.


Originally posted by TheMordhauBird

The Bird would like to request the rest of the hussar armor set.

We have received elizabethan armor to supplement the chest piece. The Burgeonet and now the legs complete the set nicely. Adding a hussar helmet and legs would be an excellent addition.

Furthermore, the community overwhelmingly wishes for a sabre of some sort, preferably the hussar variety. This would be most pleasant.

Also, The Bird would like to point out the significant clipping issue with the cloth coif lowered. With 90% of the T3 helmets with which it is compatible, it clips horrendously and ruins the appearance. It is often a great piece to add color to an otherwise "metal" loadout. This helps to prevent TK, or just cosmetically enhances a loadout.

That is all. Thank you for readin.

We're working on fleshing out some more matching sets :)