
Mordhau Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Originally posted by CroCopsLeftLeg

If there’s a option to make that hood white then I’m quitting the game

Downside = kkk cosplays

Upside = decapitating racists

(You can also report people to us on the discord)


Originally posted by Slop-Slop

I had heard a rumor about you guys hiring an experienced server guy of some sorts. True? False?

We hired a guy to work on the mod SDK. Our server guy is great, the issue is that we don't physically own the servers so we're kinda at the mercy of the providers at times.


Originally posted by Vanderworth

I had asked this previously but I am unsure if you had seen it. Any chance of getting a 1 handed version of the training sword?

I didn't see it! This is something we could look into, maybe a wooden arming sword or something could be made. It's kinda low priority but I'll let the team know :)


Originally posted by conqeboy

Please make some kind of mechanics list page, where every mechanic would be listed and explained in detail. I'm not sure if a new player, or a player that had a break and missed a patch or two, has all the info he needs if he doesn't go through several patch-notes. Right now there are only loading screen tips and a tutorial, and those don't cover everything i think, especially the newer changes and stuff that changed a few times, things like:

Does a kick still do more damage with T3 legs? Does it do set amount of damage every time, or does armor mitigate kick damage? How exactly do clashes work? When exactly is early/late release and how can i tell? Does stamina drain and negation affect chambers or only parries? Is there still some kind of active parry going on, or did it get completely replaced with riposte hyperarmor? How exactly do shields work, do they still have the blocking thing while riposting, and does it take into account the 1st or 3rd person shield animation?...

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This would be great - the issue is that a lot of the mechanics change a ton over time, and it's something that if we forget to change or something is out of date on that, it's now harmful for players to read. I would guess that this is why a ton of games don't show super detailed stats or mechanic writeups, as they change a ton.

That being said there could be some things we could do that would definitely help, and it's something I'll bring up to the team. Thanks for the feedback!


I think a big part of this isn't accels from neutral, but riposte accels. Crush is working on some riposte changes that will make things more readable, and may help a lot in this department. There are a lot of little things that if improved will make the game play a lot better, and we're working on them!

15 Jun


Originally posted by SlartyMcGuarty

Are there any screen shots of the polehammer?

Soon :)

14 Jun


Originally posted by MM_Double_M

I know I shouldn't ask but can you give us any indication on when the next patch will be released? Is it a matter of days, weeks or months?

No, I cant give an estimation, I would if I could! We have a few critical bugs we're ironing out at the moment so hopefully not too long :)


Originally posted by Sentient_breadkrum

Polehammer, 2 undisclosed weapons, skins, new armor and lots of changes.

only one weapon for this patch - pole hammer, but there are a few which are being evaluated atm

13 Jun


Originally posted by orangesheepdog

Keep it up with these feedback posts. The level of transparency exhibited here is unreal.


12 Jun

11 Jun


Originally posted by Kaleen__

Jax, any comments on the Loudouts being wiped thing that happens to alot of people?

It's a weird bug related to Steam cloud stuff as far as I know, and we're not really sure how to fix it. This being said you can always make a backup of your game.ini file which can be found in the Mordhau Appdata folder in the meantime.


Originally posted by Fredmonroe


Currently if you are using a shield and 1H wep, and your 1H wep gets disarmed before your shield (because you tried to chamber with no stamina), for some odd reason your shield automatically gets put away. This seems like a bug to me, considering that you are actually allowed to have a shield out with no weapon equipped. If it's not a bug, I gotta say it is super unintuitive - why when my weapon is knocked out of my hands do I decide to just put my shield away - isn't this exactly the time I need my shield most? I mean they're different hands, if my shield is knocked out first (because I blocked) I do hold onto my weapon still (though it is probably about to be knocked out in half a second). I also think that it takes away a skill based opportunity - you should be rewarded for keeping track of your stamina and for hitting the chamber instead of just blocking.


I think it would be cool if you had some (very limited) customization over...

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  1. This is a bit weird, it's probably an oversight. We'll take a look :)
  2. This would be super nice, but it will require a lot of changes to the armory system as it's not as simple code-wise as it sounds. We'll see what we can do in the future on this one!

Originally posted by AyyLmaoEUW

Some map balance changes in invasion seem pretty necessary. Blue team on crossroads, defending team on castello, red team on grad when defending king, defending team on taiga all seem very difficult to win. Feitoria seems like the most balanced map currently, though it can be hard to kill the nobles if you don't have the catapult.

Yep, we're still working on that front. Some small changes with this upcoming update, and we have some win% and completion time stats working so we're able to better tweak things. :)

10 Jun


Originally posted by quotahh

which devblog was it where you guys said you didnt want fights looking like two ballerinas?

The way we make fights not look like ballerinas is by making this stuff less effective than normal play - in any case, we're looking into some changes to riposte that should help reduce the spins. We don't want beyblade fights either!


If you can let us know what servers are having issues we can look into fixing them :)


We're fixing this. More info in a dev blog soon.

09 Jun


We are working on a solution to this, can't say exactly what yet but rest assured we're aware of the issue and we'll be fixing it.


Originally posted by Urcran

Please have some way to tell friendly buildings from enemy ones. Either by having a name appear when a building is looked at or by coloring the structures with bits of red or blue parts like the frontline buildable walls.

Also if engineers could create stone piles so stones could be used in more locations then that would be nifty.

First part is noted and something we're looking into :) We also want to add some more utility for engineers, but we'd definitely have to make sure it's all balanced and stuff.