
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 May


Originally posted by WardenDeusVult

Wrote this on last two feedback discussions but didnt get a response:

Greetings Jax. I have almost 900 hours in Mordhau (playing since release) and I have few things to say:

  1. There needs to be done something about longsword accels. Longsword is one of my favourite weapons because the accels are scary, especially when speeded up by riposte. I am basically telling that my favourite weapon is a bit broken

  2. Gold tint! We need a proper gold tint. The current one looks barely different than normal tints

  3. Allow us to customize loadouts while downloading mods/maps. We can customize loadouts while matchmaking, so why not this?

  4. P o l e h a m m e r w h e n

  5. More options to support the game! I already own the supporter pack and I wish there was some kind of supporter pack 2.0 (maybe a head ornament/weapon skin)

  6. Add some cosmetics which are...

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  1. I haven't heard too much on this, but we can look into it.
  2. we don't want to make armor tints too saturated, and we're not really into the idea of just purely gold armor, as there aren't really any examples of that existing in medieval times.
  3. The mod downloading is better left untouched, as there could be some issues with this and allowing access to other parts of the game. That being said, I'm no expert and I'll see if there's something we can do on this front. FYI I'd class this as pretty low priority though, while it would be a nice QOL change it's not something revolutionary that we absolutely must add. In any case, though, I'll forward it to the team - if it's an easy thing to do, we'll look into doing it!
  4. soon™
  5. no plans for additional monetization at this time, but we appreciate the sentiment <3
  6. we definitely check cosmetic suggestions on here! you might see quite a few things requested on here show up in the game relatively s...
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Originally posted by Quenquent

Those are things that were already suggested back in the official forum but I will repost them here for visibility :

  • Give the health and stamina of our killer WITHOUT the health and stamina he gets from killing us. Seeing the health and stamina of our killer is mostly here to see how good we did against him. It's pointless against killers with Bloodlust and/or Fury.
  • Allow throwables to be feinted. It's annoying to have to look down with things like the Javelin when our target died while the throwing animation plays.
  • Allow ripostes to swing-through teammates (when the weapon can normally swing through. You even liked the idea back then, not sure what it has become of it.
  1. yes, that would be a great change. I'll mention it to the team.
  2. no, throwables are meant to be very easy to defend against if you see an enemy thring to wind a throw up on you. we try to limit projectile spam as much as we can.
  3. maybe? It's a bit of a balancing act, as things can get real messy really quick if we allow pass through on swings. On ripostes I could see it potentially working, but it's something we'd have to mess with internally.

Originally posted by BaiMoGui

Nerfing firebombs without making any changes to engineer build abilities is one of the most short-sighted decisions I've seen in this game's development.

Just had to quit the game for the night after repeatedly getting our spawn surrounded with spikes. Much more of this and I'm done for good.

One f**king engineer should not require 3+ players from my team to coordinate to counter, so I don't want to hear about "organizing with my team" to use firebombs. If that's what's needed than engineers should be limited to one f**king structure at a time so they have to organize 3+ players for the level of spam builder bullshit we have going on right now.

We're making firebombs stronger next patch, especially against structures. We wanted to get rid of 1 or 2 people turning the entire play area into fire, but underestimated the impact of buildables. Next patch a single firebomb will be much more effective as a counter to engineer structures :)


Originally posted by mootpoint007

I wish that there was longer timer before matches started. The first objective on Invasion frequently feels irrelevant because so many people aren't loaded in or spawned. I think this is made worse because the initial objectives are spread out on a lot of maps, and it's a lot harder for defense to hold multiple objectives if only 1/8 of the team has loaded in and started playing. I feel like I generally don't get to play the farm defense on Grad or the corpse pile defense on Mountain Peak because they're over before I get back from getting a glass of water between maps.

I agree! i'll talk to the team about this :)


Originally posted by xxxpussyblaster69420

More historical armours



Originally posted by Senseless0

Id like a mode similar to frontline, but the objectives (or capture points) aren't placed linearly, but rather scattered across the map. the more areas you hold, the faster the enemies ticket counter drains.

This promotes back-capturing and really spreads the players out across the entire map. In a shooter this is fine, since you can shoot someone from a distance, but running around the map to try to recapture an objective gets rather annoying when you can't get rid of enemies unless you're a few feet away from them.


Originally posted by SignalSecurity

Could we please have pages or collapsible taba or folders to help organize created characters for selection on the list?

We want this as well! No ETA, but it's something we're aware of and actively discussing.


Originally posted by catdesu

Can we get more individual player stats? For example I would like to see my playtime with specific weapons, my most played gamemode etc. It would also be cool if other people could 'inspect' these stats.

We don't currently have tracking for these things, but we could look into it :)


Originally posted by KingLouie_

I already made a separate post about this but I put it here again: If we get a 3v3 mode or some other small scale team mode in one of the next patches, please consider hosting them on high tickrate servers. I know a lot of people that don't play ranked duels because they don't wanna put up with these servers.

As for ranked rewards I'd suggest some minor cosmetic. Maybe a banner or something like that. The win-trading in the duel ladder is already out of hand.

The server tickrate on ranked duels is 60hz. More than that provides very marginal benefits and greatly increases the upkeep of servers, so it's unlikely that we will change it.

To clarify, the main benefit of higher than 60hz servers tends to be slightly reduced ping. If the server checks player input 120 times instead of 60 per second, you could reduce your ping by about 8ms or so (I could be off on this, I'm no server tech). This gain isn't really worth it when 8 ms won't really change the outcome of the majority of duels, and makes it much harder on the server hardware itself.


Originally posted by Dede117

When is ranked getting improved?

I.e ranked rewards, ranked 3v3 ranked 5v5. There's no reason to play ranked atm and its dead.

Give us a cool skin or a reward or something for finishing at whatever rank

Also, remove the pillars in ranked. Big flat square box please.

We're discussing how to make ranked more enticing, the thing though is that to do cosmetics, you'd need to make a season and then rewards per season. Your helmet or whatever disappearing because you've not played ranked could get pretty annoying. We're looking into this, and trying to find a way that allows us to reward players for their ranked placement without requiring 20 items to be made per season :D


Originally posted by needlzor

  1. It would be nice to either make it impossible to enter the spawn zone with a horse, or give the engineers a way to build anti-horse stuff in the spawn zone. I've had many unpleasant games because of someone who dominated the top of the leaderboard by spawnkilling our team on a horse in Crossroads.

  2. A scimitar skin for the Messer and the Falchion would be neat. They are already curved swords focused on cleaving so it would fit nicely.

  1. The issue here is spawn killing with horses, which is something we're aware of. we will look into fixes, but maybe not in the way you've described. We'll see though. there could be a lot of ways to fix this without just force-fielding the spawn if you're on a horse, but we'll have to experiment to find the right way.
  2. would be pretty cool :)

Originally posted by Oberleutnant_spatz

Or the huge rectangle tower shields, ot was my go-to shield to guard the king in that one map. Kinda the same situation as in the updated mountain peak last stage.

tower shields are not really a medieval thing, more of a roman/greek thing from like 1000 years earlier. we want to keep the timeframe of Mordhau to roughly 1066-1550 or so, and adding gear from antiquity would be a little too much of a stretch .


Originally posted by DrunkDwarfUK

Round shields have been confirmed to be coming in the next patch!



Originally posted by Miltawne

A way to look at advanced weapon stats without equipping the weapon

Right now the armory is something that we're leaving as-is, for the most part. It's a lot of old code that we want to improve, but it's better to wait until we can completely overhaul the system, as opposed to trying to work some small QOL changes into the current implementation.


Originally posted by Majora4Prez

More mail options! A viking byrnie without any ahistorical gambesons sticking out from underneath, a high medieval hauberk with a tunic sticking out from underneath, a surcoat over mail, mail chausses with plate schynbalds, etc.

Shorter versions of fanned and basic segmented gauntlets would be nice too, as would demigauntlets and mitten gauntlets.

More variety in sallets, more kettle hats with bevors, later conical helms made from one sheet of metal rather than out of spangen, and armets that commit to either having a wrapper or not instead of having wrapper features attached nonsensically to the cheek hinges or visor would also be great.

I'd really like to see corazzinas, kastenbrust armour, and almain rivets, as well as alternate versions of footsoldier arms, gothic arms, and splint arms that have mail underneath instead of cloth.

I say this every week, but pink cloth too!

There's a lack of T2 and T1 armor, which we're aware of. Expect some more non-T3 armor in the future! Some other pretty cool things are in the pipeline as well ;)


Originally posted by Foend

Shield bash in addition or instead of kick

Shield bash could be cool, but IMO at least it should be separate from kick, as kicking locks you in place. We've talked about a few ideas, nothing set in stone, but we have discussed experimenting with some things that could allow for a bash mechanic to be added. Nothing is confirmed, but we're looking into it!


Originally posted by KyleTheKatarn

Add Team Deathmatch and Skirmish to matchmaking to revitalize the modes. Team Deathmatch would probably be easier for newer players to get accustomed to the basic gameplay over the often chaotic Invasion and Frontline. I'd like to actually try out Skirmish again, but the mode is normally dead on account of being hidden in the server browser.

We do want to make TDM/SKM more populated, but the issue we're facing is that by adding more matchmaking modes, we end up fragmenting the player base. We're holding pretty decent numbers of concurrent players, but it's a balancing act of making sure each mode we promote stays at a good level of players, proper queue times etc.

We haven't made a decision on what to do as of now and we're still monitoring the situation, but we're aware that people are interested in these modes and we're looking into what we can do to get them more populated without negatively affecting other modes :)


Originally posted by Orsobruno3300

afaik it's an issue on steam end, nothing the devs can do.

yeah blame smelly dota ;)


yeah steam broke today, we couldn't do anything about it. sorry boiz

24 May