
Mordhau Dev Tracker

20 May


and then the winged hussars arrived?

great art!

19 May


Hey everyone!

Once again, thanks for the feedback! We've just concluded our weekly dev meeting and a lot of last week's feedback was very helpful for us to see. We'd love to hear any ideas, suggestions, tweaks , or anything else that comes to mind.

Please keep things on-topic, and be respectful to each other :)

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

Originally posted by Shabbahr

I liked his first few arma vids. Now its just forced funny for the yt videos.

well that's just like... your opinion, man


I can smell the BM through my screen


Originally posted by SpunkGargleWee

Rework Horde mode, something heavily inspired from TF2's Mann vs Machine would work great

We had started and then shelved some improvements to horde - we'll get back around to it at some point in the future. Definitely not set in stone yet, but we have a few ideas we'd tinkered with :)


Originally posted by Zachary9944

Ranked 3v3/5v5

3v3 is in the works, no eta yet but it's a pretty considerable focus for the team.


Originally posted by SlippyMcSlipSlip

I’d like to see more T1/T2 chest skins. There aren’t a huge amount of options compared to the vast number of T3 skins.

The maul probably needs some changes, although I don’t know what the ‘fix’ for it would be. It’s kinda boring seeing 75% of the server on invasion/frontline using mauls, but I appreciate that people enjoy using it (even me sometimes). That said if you nerfed the maul there will probably be another big swingy weapon that people will use instead (executioners sword perhaps?)

I’d like to see changes to the engineers ballista. It’s way better than other ranged weapons, comes with the utility of the tool box itself and very difficult to snipe the user with a ranged weapon.

EDIT: oh yeah remove the ‘spy’ part of the game. Abusing team colours shouldn’t be a mechanic

We're working on more chest pieces (new T2 chest teased on the discord) as well as toning the maul down a bit. First thing with it is to make the chest damage sub-75 so you don't get free kills via kill-assist, and then looking into making it a bit less oppressive in other aspects. The maul is supposed to be more of a one-trick-pony in getting one shots, so we'll be keeping that damage for headshots but making it less good in other ways, most likely.


Originally posted by 123mop

General UI improvements: 1: Allow hiding, transparency, or size adjustment to the indicators around the map. Indicators for frontline objectives, invasion objectives, and buildable map walls are pretty intrusive currently and can block relevant information.

2: Armory improvements. My understanding is that these are already on the way, but easier organizing with folders and draggable loadouts, easier copy able components from and to loadouts (save a weapon setup, or face + body setup).

3: Volume adjustment for voices.

Not too sure about #1, but #2 and 3 are planned. :)


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

I would like a T2 (raised) version of the original arnet plume. Also velvet arms and legs to go with the T2 Brigandine chest, see this post

Even though this is a mockup, brigandine wasn't used like this for arm/leg protection. If you look at historical examples and stuff, you'll see that mid 1300's they wore a brigandine / coat of plates with normal plate arm/leg protection. Prior to that, splinted things existed, but we already have those in the game.


Originally posted by TheMordhauBird

The Bird would like an additional plumed helmet, such as a sallet or point armet.

A T3 Brigandine would be nice, as would a T2 Milanese brigandine.

Also, The Bird humbly (quite proudly, actually) requests a German eagle emblem.

That is all.



The armor roughly follows certain visual rules, with rigid/single piece plate being generally T3 and T2 consisting of more composite armor like brigandine, coat of plates, etc. That being said we're looking into globose breastplate / corrazina kinda things, which we could make T3 if they look similar enough to existing T3 stuff.


Originally posted by Cswic

Perks have remained largely unchanged for the last 2 years. Probably the most significant change to perks since release was cat perk getting a fall damage reduction buff which is changing one number from .5 to .9 or whatever the values are. They could have been an interesting way to actually give incentive to opt for lower point armor / weapon builds where you get other perks. Instead what we are left with is a lot of lackluster passive perks that you hardly spare a second thought to.

Jump kick could have been a perk with trade offs or restrictions bound to the perk or requiring a light chest piece to be used. Instead it ended up as plate knights hopping around and being largely despised among the competitive minded players as far as I can tell.

Why are there inconsistencies in the point system and loadout system in general? For the most part, weapons adhere to "more points = better larger weapon". Yes weapon balance isn't that black and white but the gene...

Read more

Perks are something we've been looking into, as well as general balancing of equipment. The point rework now allows us to mess more with point costs now than we could before, so we have a lot more room to experiment with these things going forwards.


Originally posted by Jamcakes_

Honestly, I'd love to see more classic knightly / foot soldier gear like smaller pauldrons, gauntlets, and aventails. Here are some of my mock-ups to show what I mean

I like these, nice mockups as well!

18 May


Originally posted by Dewgong_crying

A friend insists he saw somewhere with the developers planning a nerf to maul so that it doesn't OHK. Has there been anything actually said on this?

we'll be changing the damage profile to chest to under 75 so you can't just get free kills via damage, and I think crush is working on some tweaks to help make it a little less powerful in other aspects. The OHK on head is the entire point of the maul, so I doubt that will change too much - remove that and you just have an eveningstar that can't combo

17 May


mittens would be neat, we'd have to figure out the animation on them though :)

16 May


Originally posted by New_SirPuffball

I hope you can get the helmet without the horns. It would finally give me a proper heaume for my 12th century knight instead of "bucket with giant holes in it" and greathelm.

you can :)


Originally posted by FreshPrinceOfAshfeld

Wasn’t there like a dick piece for armor that would show dominance or something? I swear I’m not talking out of my ass I just forgot the name.

codpiece. 🍆

14 May


not that one specifically, but we've been looking into something similar.
the issue with this one is that it obscures armor tier, and the neck thing is completely incompatible with our armor system now, so it wouldn't look good pretty much ever with the combinations you can do.


Originally posted by Fart__Smucker

Legit? If so where is this info from? can't seem to find it myself-_-

the discord!