
Mordhau Dev Tracker

02 Jul


This isn't intended - part of some animation bugs and a few oversights we're looking into. Should be fixed relatively soon!

30 Jun


Hello again :)

Once again, we're asking for your feedback and suggestions! For this week, we'd love to hear more focused feedback on how you're feeling about patch 19. Let us know your thoughts below!

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

Originally posted by Lk_The_Hero_of_Ages

This was from a couple months ago, so I'm sure it was fixed.

Ah, okay.

29 Jun


Cowabunga it is


This is a bug, not intended. We'll be fixing it in the near future :)


I think we just fixed this. Elweb just changed some Camp spawn protections, not sure if it was this one. I'll update you once I find out for sure :)

edit: fix was unrelated to this, but we also fixed this specific issue a few months ago (this is an older clip)


Originally posted by BrandonPravo

My Frontline Submission. I'll be adding more until the deadline.

Edit: Had to fix the link.

2560x1440 album:

1920x1080 album:

u/BrandonPravo Hey, Mordhau team here! We were looking through your screenshots from our this competition and we'd like to use one, if you're alright with that. If so, please send us a link to your Steam profile and we'll reward you with 50k gold! Thanks for your time, and have a great day. :)

27 Jun


not much brain to cronch, unfortunately

reminder, if you see people being racist etc. head over to the discord - - and report em to a moderator.


Originally posted by GreyMatterial

Something that has been bugging me lately is the fact that the shield pauldrons always have a gold accent and you can't change it. I would appreciate the ability to change its accent as is doable on every other set of pauldrons in the game. As always thanks for making my favourite game of all time and I hope it continues receiving updates long into the future. :)

We could look into it, not sure about how labor intensive it would be. I'll ask the art guys.


Originally posted by kappanata

Please make the emotes menu always the same no matter currently selected equipment to prevent the need to memorize different key presses based on whether I am currently wielding a sword, bow, toolbox, etc.

You can grey out the unavailable emotes or tag them in some way rather than omitting the emote completely and shifting the layout as a consequence.

ye BIG true


Originally posted by h0wdyYall

A daily objective system would be great for giving players a bit more gold by incentivizing them trying out new weapons/game modes. A few objective examples could be:

Get 20 kills with the longsword.

Heal 10 other players.

Get a 7 killstreak.

Play 3 games of ranked.

Play a match of battle royale.

Get 10 kills on a class with only light/no armor.

It's something we've talked about - the thing is we have to make it balanced (not inflate gold gain too much) but also make them fun, and make them something that just isn't there to get more gold but also serve to keep players coming back.

That being said, we've been putting a lot of thought into this. No guarantee yet but we're looking at it.


Originally posted by Timontie

Yeah, I really like the Engraved Blade skin of the longsword from $100 Kickstarter bundle. Tbh I’d purchase it again if it was possible. 1, because I spent shit ton of time in this game and 2. I really appreciate devs’ work

Kickstarter-exclusive items are, well, exclusive to the Kickstarter backers. They (I was one as well, wasn't on the team in the beginning) threw money at this unheard of project from a first time studio with less than 10 people. Without those backers, Mordhau wouldn't exist - it would be grossly unfair to allow people to buy those items now.

Also not aimed at you, but if you're reading this please for the love of god stop messaging me and asking to buy these items off me. lol


Originally posted by Eexoduis

Thank you for the response sir, I appreciate your time and honesty

:) No problem


Originally posted by TheSoundofFreedom

Make a full map based off of "The Pit"!

Would be pretty cool! Sometimes it's easier to expand a map, sometimes it's best to create a new one. Desert stuff would be great though! Fun fact: Castello's interior keep is based off the inside of Contraband :)

26 Jun


Originally posted by Frankaos333

Since we already have the engineer as a support class, why not add a way to play as some sort of healer? Maybe a perk that allows you to use bandages on teammates or even a new piece of equipment like a healer's kit. I think it could pair well with the plague doctor's mask and a good player with a healer character could be yet another invaluable asset for a team just like a good engineer or melee defender is

I think healing is okay at the moment. Support builds are neat, but we aren't really making a class based game so there are some limits on how to implement things without them being too overbearing. We do want to flesh out some more roles that aren't directly combat related in the future though :)


Originally posted by Oberleutnant_spatz

I think we can all agree that so called "spies" are not fun to have in a team or to play against, its basically a crutch. Please make it so that every red in a loadout will switch to blue when in the blue team and vice versa.

Yeah it's something we're working on. Adding some checks to team colors etc might seem simple, but it requires quite a bit of work to implement in a way that actually works without being insane to implement. Coding and stuff is weird like that sometimes.


Originally posted by SaintBaz

(Landsknecht on the discord) I’ve mentioned this a few times but it’d be cool to have more than 2 cloth/metal/leather options per piece of gear so we can make more colorful outfits. Some gear that could really use this (in my opinion) is the Landsknecht gear, being able to individually color the arms and legs would be great, and a pattern option to color the white parts like you can with the hat. One more Thing id like to see (that I haven’t seen anyone else ask for) is to be able to color the rivets on the splinted armor and Brigandine similar to how you can color the rivets on most armor without being limited to the overall armor tints. (Also please add pink so I can be dripped out like the boys )

As far as I know this is a limitation we put in place to help with performance. Adding more than 2 color tables per item could mess things up, so I don't think it's particularly likely. That being said we can cheat this a bit with patterns to add some variety, but the 2-color rule might have to stay.


Originally posted by Eexoduis

We need greater mod support. Appropriate support systems in place will extend the longevity of this game tenfold. Chivalry is proof of that. I understand that SDK would take time, but I feel it is a necessary sacrifice to make based solely on its potential benefits.

Also, more transparency and communication, please! These two are so vital to maintaining a good relationship between the developers and the community.

Consider adding a second supporter DLC pack. Doing so may potentially... irritate the community, but I feel it may be necessary to ensure further development. I have no insight as to the financial status of Triternion, but surely additional income would serve as an unspoken promise to ensuring the longevity of Mordhau. Adding a crown (similar to the tournament reward) as the DLC cosmetic would be extremely popular.

  1. SDK is in development! More details soon™ :)
  2. A small text-based dev blog will be coming out, detailing some things we're working on in the near future. So hopefully that will help a bit as well.
  3. We're okay on cash at the moment, while our updates come slow a small team = small overhead, and we're set to work on Mordhau long-term. We're not going anywhere anytime soon.

25 Jun


should be fixed now - steam sale probably put stress on the backend if I had to guess