
Mordhau Dev Tracker

14 May


Originally posted by master_bungle

Wish they would finally sort out the bug causing people to not earn their gold and xp at the end of random games so they can actually buy these cool items they are adding.

I mean, I love seeing new cosmetics in the game but it feels shit to play 20+ minute games and for no apparent reason not actually earn the gold & xp it displays at the end of games. Even worse when you are actually saving up for something specific.

it is something we've been looking into, and we may have fixed it with the next update due to same changes in some backend technical stuff :)


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

A new helm, a new chest piece, and a new skirt, pretty cool

that skirt is exclusive to the chest piece, and there is another variation with triangular mail as well :)

13 May


Originally posted by BurnmaNeeGrow

they really need some more merchandise. i'd love to get a mordhau banner or poster

:) soon™

edit: hard to make new merch when the world is in lockdown, though.

12 May


Thanks for all the feedback! New thread is pinned.


Hey everyone!

Last week's feedback thread was great, so we'll keep this going!Please keep smaller suggestions/feedback here, but feel free to post more elaborate ideas as separate posts if you'd like.

Please keep things on-topic, and be respectful to each other :)

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

Originally posted by HeavyVermicelli

Could the devs please add helmet crests including horned helmets to the game. For Honor has them and chivalry has them I don't see why Mordhau shouldn't as helmet crests were used in combat and tournaments.

'horned' viking helmets, no. those were made up in the 1800's because it looked cool to some theater costume designer.

crests on the other hand... 👀


Originally posted by danprince

Armour used to cost different amounts of points. Heavy armour pieces would cost 3, medium were 2, and light were 1.

So if you see 3/3/2 it meant heavy helmet, heavy torso, medium legs under the old point system.

still applies based on armor tier - 0/1/2/3 :)


Originally posted by BurnmaNeeGrow

night maps


BIG true, we've talked about night maps :) no guarantees yet but it'd be super cool.

edit: atm I think that we'd have to take the entire map and copy it to make a night variant, and then if we changed a barrel position or messed with an objective we'd have to go back through, do it on all versions, rebuild lighting etc. So it's possible, but we're definitely not going to go that route; instead we're looking into making lighting variants, or something that accomplishes the same thing without having to duplicate maps.


Originally posted by Nightwing69

I know I’m late here so I doubt this will be seen, but there’s an exploit on Grad invasion (the version where blue attacks) where a guy on red can build just 2 walls to hide inside the trebuchet. The sides of the trebuchet look like you should be able to stab him through it, but they actually have invisible hot boxes so you can’t. And because of the way the objective works, one red guy hiding in there is basically untouchable and will completely stop blue from progressing.

I haven’t seen people do it that often, but like the spy builds, it’s only going to get more common the longer it goes unfixed.

We're aware, looking into a fix. It's actually not as simple to fix as it might seem, but we're working on it.


Originally posted by yoshi570

Hey /u/Jaaxxxxon. How do you feel about reducing maul damage from 75 to 74? As it stands, the maul deals minimum damage 75 to body swing, to all armor.

What this means is that landing a swing will automatically reward you with the full 100 point of a kill, instead of only 75 points for assist. When the game launched, the threshold was higher in order to get credited for full kill, but this was lowered to 75 shortly after release. Since then, any maul swing means you are awarded 100 points. People in frontline and invasion are abusing this to end up at the top of leaderboard, since their point-economy is far more efficient than literally any other weapon in the game; they simply earn more points for doing the same stuff as others.

This tiny nerf would change exactly nothing to how the weapon function; same HTK against every armor/body part. All it would change is prevent people from abusing the "75 damage to get 100 points" feature from the...

Read more

This is planned. :) Probably less than 74, but still a two-shot.

11 May


I wouldn't say it's likely, gladiators were like 1000 years too early for Mordhau's setting, and having armor on without t1 armor obfuscates the tier of the person. For reference, if we went 1000 years *past* the timeline of Mordhau, we'd be adding stuff from the year 2500 into the game - it's too much of a stretch to add gear from antiquity.

08 May


Originally posted by catdesu

Ranked 2v2 / 3v3 please!

2v2 no, 3v3..... I can neither confirm or deny ;)

2v2 meta wise is not super healthy, as the first team to get a kill will win the majority of the time - the most hurt person backs off and heals while the other prevents the 1 from getting any health/stam regen, and then the 2 double team the 1.

In a 3v3, if a person dies, a 2v3 is much more manageable, and while the advantage goes towards the team who gets the first 'pick', it's not a death sentence, as the 2 aren't necessarily in a 1vX situation and can still use teamwork to survive.


Originally posted by Gott_Mogis

one bug report: there are still helmets (eg pointed armet) where the secondary metalcolors are not properly displayed (eg black instead of gold when on red team)

We're aware of this, and we'll be fixing them with the next update. Let us know if we miss any!


Originally posted by jrubolt

Please add a small movement speed penalty to the maul/waraxe similar to what was done with the zwei.

Currently it is far too easy for good players to pub stomp with (1) hit and run tactics in Invasion/frontline.

Some players are consistently getting 150 kills a match now and I can't see many noobs sticking around in a game where they constantly die before they can even engage in a fight.

Also for the love of all that is foppish! Please do something about these "spy" loadouts.

Spy loadouts have been noted and we're working on that front. As for the maul specifically, we're looking into how to make it a little less overwhelming. Both the Maul and the War Axe are pretty much pubstomp weapons (maul moreso) but they might be a bit overtuned currently.


Originally posted by WD_Animation

As someone has already mentioned, add challenges to the game that give gold/xp rewards, perhaps have some challenges that require some grinding to complete, but reward an exclusive cosmetic? After you've completed all the achievements there really isn't anything more to do besides grinding to get gold.

Adding more voicelines for tactical gameplay, like "behind you, kill the archers, do the objective, take cover" etc. More emotes would always be fun.

Adding more scar options to the face, and not only the one over the eye. Warpaint to the face and body could be cool.

Being able to show wear-and-tear on your weapon as well, this was showcased in one of the devblogs, would be cool to use a weapon that doesn't look like it just came out of polishing at the blacksmith.

Check my reply on galaxy's comment about challenges- tl,dr: something we're looking into :)

New face scars etc. would require a separate face texture, so it could be possible but we don't have support for modular scars and stuff. As for weapon stuff, it's the same thing; no built-in support at the moment but it would be nice to have. No guarantees but I'll let the team know!


Originally posted by Masticates

Small QOL improvements like loadout folders, or a tick box on each loadout to choose whether we want to spawn on first or third person, or whether we want to spawn using the alt mode of our weapon or not. Easy to implement, will please the playerbase.

We do need foldies, as the discord has reminded me of (usually on a daily basis). The armory is some of the oldest parts of the code, and with all of the added cosmetics as well as upcoming ones, it's getting super cluttered as it is! We're going to be looking into doing a revamp of the armory - nothing 100% guaranteed yet and no timeframe at the moment, but it's something the team has been discussing quite a bit. 📁


Originally posted by chrisiseker

Pls jax help us :c Am left handed(only pc) and bound my sprint to LeftAlt. Now everytime I try to run+jump(LeftAlt+Space) it just doesnt work. I already confirmed this with serveral other players and it seems to be a mordhau only problem. Well bc of this i can never play at 100% if i cant run and jump at the same time. Have this prob. since release. PLEASE help :(

Never heard this before. Can you confirm this is Mordhau-specific, or does it also happen on other Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) games?


Originally posted by Tyquito

I would love to see more end of match statistics! A great example of this would be the game Insurgency: Sandstorm where the end of match stats show feats like:

  • Who the MVP of the match was
  • The people with most offensive and defensive kills
  • Most assists in the match

You guys could even add your own spin on it like adding who had most parries and/or chambers! Most limbs hacked off, highest damage dealt to enemy team, damage against own team, etc.

A change like this, in my opinion, would give more attention to the little things alongside giving gold/EXP to allow some players to get rewarded without having to necessarily top-frag!

Shoutout to this comment

We've been looking into something similar to this, and Spook has been working on a lot of UI improvements. I'll forward this to him and we'll see what we can do!


Originally posted by chrisiseker



Originally posted by BurnmaNeeGrow

id love to see another open and large map like camp or crossroads sometime in the future

Same! The upsides to those is that they're not too complex either - I'll talk to the team about this and see if it's something viable.