
Mordhau Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Originally posted by SirXarounTheFrenchy

Is there any plan to change the armoury rework ? It's a pain to make any merc now with how many time you have to click on menus to get to what you want.

Also, I like frontline as a concept, it can be fun pushing the objectives but being able to lose them but, like many other person, very rarely play it because of it's VERY long respawn time. Is there plans to have it be lowered or be the same as in INV ?

Armory rework - no plans currently. We are definitely aware it's annoying, at the moment we're more focused on other things. Internally, it's probably the most talked about current issue though, so it's something that's on our radar for sure.

Yeah, spawn times are one of the main issues with FL. Like I said above, we might as well make the mode more fun if it's in a combined playlist. Pacing is intentionally a bit different in FL compared to INV, but we're looking at spawn time reductions in some form.


Originally posted by retrogamerX10

The map geach is working on rn will be pretty foresty afaik

yes indeed it will be


Originally posted by storm_foam

Hey Jax you finally posted!

A few points:

Can you update the brigandine legs to have colorable leather and fix the shoe clipping/missing space problems it has?

Also we could use a flattish forest map similar to Iron Company's camp on Grad. Very easy fun idea.

Another idea I have on the weapon side of things, the game is lacking in cheap two handers. Something like a spiked club with a throwable function would work wonders at the 12-14 point range, being something like a light evening star. I think the peasant club is very fun, and this could work similarly. This could be the longsword to the Evening Star's greatsword.

I'd like some footman and lower class skins added for weapons in general. There seems to be a large trend in the newer items of making everything engraved and ornate, and the most prestigious looking item of its historical period. We are in grave need of some new multi part customizable sets for things like the halberd, spea...

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Brig legs are known, I'm pretty sure Grator is working on it actually!

09 Aug


ai generated comment:

devs bad >:( stinky devs


Originally posted by Melon-Dog

Hey Jax!

It's nice to hear that you guys are making some progress on the women models, and consider some suggestions from the past Feedback threads.

Are you also considering some changes to the whole FL/INV merge, or is the merge meant so stay as it is right now? I and many others just don't enjoy getting put into a FL match after queuing into an INV match, and vice versa. As you've probably heard by now, many INV players desperately hate the respawn timer in FL, so why not start there with lowering or entirely removing it.

At the moment, we don't plan on changing it.

The reason being is that we felt novice servers were critical to help attract and retain new players (and help grow the population of the game again), but they end up splitting the player base. Before, most people played FL/INV, so it was already split - but adding in novice servers would then divide our player base even more. We felt that this was too much, and would result in servers struggling to fill up - so we merged playlists to help prevent this.

Something that we are prioritizing, however, is making the voting screen and map voting process a lot better - less (or no) repeat maps, and a good variety of options for players to choose for the next round. Also, the FL respawn timer is something we're definitely looking into as well - why not improve the mode so that more people actually like to play on it?


Hey all!

Like usual, we'd love to hear feedback on MORDHAU - any ideas, suggestions, comments, things you'd like to see tweaked, etc. are all welcome and 100% appreciated! Like always, please be civil and constructive with feedback - it definitely helps me out in being able to share your ideas with the team. Also, a little side note: please try to give specific feedback if you can - "fix Arid's last objective" doesn't really help, but "the last objective on arid is underwhelming because of x y z" is super useful to us.

Anyways, the past few weeks have been a little less intense for us, with a lot of people out of the office - but that doesn't mean we're not working! A few updates we have to share are:

  • Women character models are nearing completion. Base proportions are mostly done, with some tweaks here and there when needed. Aside from that, the female faces are wrapped-up, and now some minor aspects are being taken care of. First-person hand models a...
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Originally posted by -Helvet-

Hi Jax, could you pass this comment to Grator please? It's mostly skins & gear request thx.

- Rodela shield
Info about this shield It's in spanish but the auto-translate does the job!
In my sens, this shield could be a skin of the round shield we currently have. Right now, we only have a viking-style shield which is nice but doesn't fit well with later period weapons/builds. It was mainly used with a side-sword (which fall into the category of the rapier in-game). That said, it could also be a skin of the targe shield instead but the targe already has many skins compared to the round shield. Hell! you could have a skin for both as one Light Rodela & Heavy Rodela! It could also be a buckler skin but I think it is too small compared to the majority of the Rodela that I could find online.

- Jointed Ho...

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thanks for the suggestions!


Originally posted by Dazeuh

I'd like to just use this as my feedback, it's honestly the only thing I think mordhau is lacking to be a complete experience. After this it's really just more maps and lore building for me, and provide players the medieval experience they fantasise about.

Also, some invasion maps could make better use of the space, perhaps some RNG on which direction main spawns are each round just to change up how the map is played and which routes become more preferable and strategic.

The last thing I'd like to see is some mechanics that help friends stay together better in invasion, since invasion is quite murderous, and it can be hard to stay relevant with your friends when we're always dying one by one and impatiently charging off from spawn one by one just t...

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brought this up to the team, thanks!


Originally posted by Deargrigh

Hi Jax, appreciate the extra detail in this one!

I've been having a think about ways to add a bit more playability to the game outside of new maps (which we know take a lot of time and effort on your side) and I think — based on the results of your recent poll — combat additions / gameplay additions is probably the way to go. I think maybe some new equipment, perks and new ways to interact within any map are probably the sweet spot between keeping/getting people interested, and developer time.

With that said, here's a few generic suggestions off the top of my head. A lot of these ideas would need proper planning and balance adjustment, I know, and I'm not attached to any idea in particular. I think others will probablly have better ideas, but just to get the ball rolling:


Unique Weapon Spawns

I love how there are certain weapons that you can only find by exploring the map and pick...

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banger suggestions my friend

03 Aug


Hey all, sorry for the radio silence - we skipped yesterday's meeting due to a good chunk of people being out of the office or unavailable. I'll be leaving this thread up until next week when we catch up. Sorry for the inconvenience!

26 Jul


Trashter n ion, not trashterion

Based on this typo I discard your feedback and your point is invalid


23 Jul


Originally posted by majubass

Kek a week ago or so I matched on ranked duels with a guy named „crush”. Just as I noticed it I got kicked from the server with a message that I was kicked. I mean - if you are a dev and want to play ranked good for you but why would you connect just to kick other players lol



Originally posted by Vq-Blink

But if a bootlicker aren’t we? Crush had access to some of the greatest players in the game who knew what needed to be changed and how to improve the game and he disregarded all of them. There was a dedicated separate balancing discord and I saw so many great ideas go through there and nothing was ever done with it.

He single handedly killed this game

This is untrue. The "greatest players in the game" were consistently listened to, a lot of changes were added and made because of their feedback and suggestions. You can go through several patches and there are most likely a bunch of things that came directly from this feedback. But there are also plenty of not so good ideas, just because they come from the best players does not mean they are always good ideas. Ontop of this there is a lot of infighting in these circles, meaning a suggestion by one very good player is disregarded by other very good players. People think its one collective think tank that agrees on everything, when that couldnt be further from the truth. NA Comp plays on a comp mod which barely changes anything about the game because of this, when they have the power to change a lot with the mod. After most of the straight forward suggestions are implemented, you are left over with more controversial ideas and whole thing comes down to subjective opinion of how the ...

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Originally posted by Big-Papa-Dickerd

Dude 100% has a micro D and wakes up sweating every night knowing he inferior to stouty. His life must honestly really suck.



Originally posted by Spaceman_Schmea

There are a whole bunch of minor changes that affect how combat feels, but i'll just list some of the big ones. Shields had held block without the ridiculously long delay they currently have, you also had much faster movement speed while blocking, but axes caused 33% more stamina damage when blocked with a shield. Kicks used to do much more stamina damage, and would do double stamina damage to held block shields. Chambers used to cost 0 stamina, so you could chamber infinitely. Attacks didn't "lunge" as much as they do now, it made dodge a little OP, but also made combat feel a little more varied because weapon reach mattered a lot more. The walls engineers could build were actually tall enough to matter and couldn't be climbed over. You could equip 3 fire bombs on the same character and play the game as a fire mage.

The shields were changed because they were very frustrating to play against in combination with a large amount of complaints about them. It was not really possible to open up the defense of good shield players even for other really good players, and the fighting against them was generally considered very tedious and unfun for anyone without a shield. The old held block shield mechanics did not work well with the rest of the game, as it is designed entirely around timed blocks. To fix that while keeping their mechanics, it would have required one or several entirely new offensive mechanics to deal with them, and even then it could have still been a big problem so we decided to change them this way.

Kicks were changed because they were dominating the higher level duel meta so much that at some point duels were mostly fishing for successfull kicks, which could win an entire duel on its own, and this kind of gameplay was not so fun. After a large amount of complaints by the hig...

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20 Jul


Originally posted by sdolk1

if the new weapon is large stone im all for it. i just want to be able to spawn with it instead of having to walk half the map for 2 mins just to engage in combat.

so uhh weapon and armor skins, as in skins for weapons and skins for armor

That being said, new weapons are cool, we could definitely use some new ones. :)


Originally posted by DrunkDwarfUK

Steamcharts is saying otherwise, the concurrent numbers have gone up since the patch. The reason you are seeing "so little active servers" is because a lot of the players who were previously getting stomped are now all on Novice servers together, which you do not see in the server browser unless you are a novice.

That a large proportion of the active playerbase was being split off into novice servers is the reason why they had to merge Frontline/Invasion, and while the Novice servers exist, they can't go back to unmerging them.

This is pretty much it. That said we are aware of the current issues, and are looking into ways to improve them with e.g. a better voting screen that is weighted towards invasion.

19 Jul


Hey all!

As usual, we're interested in hearing your feedback - your questions, comments/concerns, suggestions and everything else help us steer the game in a better direction - we're happy to hear it! Like usual, please keep things civil down below. On a side note, I'd like to say thanks especially for doing that in the last post - we're aware the armory hasn't been well received, but not getting berated and just getting feedback on it is way more beneficial for all parties involved :D

A quick note about the armory in general:

Like I said above, we're aware that the Armory isn't exactly up-to-par in terms of usability. We've been monitoring feedback and will be looking to make improvements where possible in this regard.

Something I saw in last post's comments was a request for us to revert it or develop a different version of the armory; unfortunately, this isn't possible. A main reason for the armory redesign were to make the UI function pr...

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10 Jul


Originally posted by 1CombatMedic1

this meme has a point you havent even responded a few people now have asked about this merge? are you gonna revert it or you want your game to die further? im on EU servers a lot and they have been seriously low pop lately

like you said - since the servers have low pop, we merged game modes into the same servers

we are looking at making the vote screen have a certain % of each mode so you don't get all FL or all INV on a vote

08 Jul


Originally posted by VengefulKenny


just the *right* amount of stroke