
Mordhau Dev Tracker

12 Jul


Originally posted by 2unguska

Release cosmetics. You guys need to feed us more often. That's how zoo works. In EU at least.

We can't realllly do mini-patches at the moment that are just cosmetic drops - but we do try to include cosmetics in each update! This upcoming one should have some good stuff :)


Originally posted by death1234567889

I remember a mod or someone else saying there was a way to create a report of the server if you're getting ping issues as this is more useful than just saying you're having ping issues. Could you remind me how this is done?

It's WinMTR - there are instructions on our discord (where you need to send the reports to anyways) - try !servers or !winMTR in the tech support, channel and it'll show ya what to do :)


Originally posted by 7dayban

Any update on the multiple limb amputation test? Nothing hyped me more than the thought of cleaving both a dudes legs off in one swing, or lopping off a dudes outstretched arms.

I think (?) it's more or less done, I'll check though :)


That's most likely the idea in the future!

This engine update will support new lighting versions, but we have to split the lighting/map/mode - that, and also we need to of course make night versions/etc. It's on the list of things to do!

07 Jul


We're actively working on console ports, yes. :)


Originally posted by NoneOfUsKnowJackShit

Joined a crossroads game and immediately got killed by a horse, so i went to get on one and saw this guy (beegnyss) at spawn killing all the horses. I'll let you read the chat and see his response. TLDR, basically he said he was a developer and that he was allowed to kill the horses. I'm not sure why they would even add the horses if they're going to pull some bullshit like this. It's not a big deal, because i dont ride the horses that much, it's more the principal of it. But for the people who bought the game and enjoy riding the horses, this kinda f**ked up. We tried kicking him, but it wouldn't allow us to call the vote because of his "Developer" status. Some players left because of it. It's a good way to get your player base to stop playing your game and switch over to your recently released competition. Anyone else deal with this kind of shit?

he's not a dev, if you've got playerlist we can MURDER

(or just do a 3 day ban for light griefing)

06 Jul


Originally posted by prateek_tandon

What’s been with the eu servers lately? Not a lot of players there yet most of us experience some sort of lag or high packet loss.

Yeah, we've been getting reports and trying to track down the issue. No luck yet but we're working with our providers and trying some new things out on the server side.

Server issues can be a mix of the server hardware, stuff going on network wise in the server, routing issues, client network issues, client computer issues, DDoS etc. so it's not always a very obvious solution. The engine update should also have a bit of network optimization, which may or may not help as well.

tl;dr netcode is witchcraft, but we're throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks


Originally posted by prateek_tandon

Since you mentioned in a reply in the previous thread that the engine upgrade is the priority right now, when can we roughly expect it to be available?

We're shifting from development on this update to testing it - I can't say that we'll know when we've found and fixed all of the bugs, but starting this week we should be able to get a better reference. Usually, our testing phases take a few weeks, and I'm going to take a wild guess that it's gonna be on the longer end since we're talking about a new UE4 version. Once we start getting deep into the testing we'll be able to give some more accurate estimates, though.


Originally posted by prateek_tandon

When can we roughly expect the Eastern Invasion expansion to come out?

We've got to get our current update (engine upgrades, fixes + some content) out, and then our next goal is the EI expansion!


Hey again!

As always, we're eager to hear your feedback and any suggestions, critiques, etc. that you might have. Last week's feedback was great - I wasn't responding to things due to being 'away from the office' a bit, but I'll be going back and answering those as well, and I'll be making sure the team sees pertinent information from both this week and last's at our next meeting.

As for our meeting notes, a big takeaway is that we're beginning to transition from the usual development grind into testing/bug fixing, so a little bit of progress is always great. Some meeting notes are below:

  • As for testing, we're investigating crashes with DX12 on the new build. Not sure why exactly, but we're looking into it.
  • Noria (new desert map) is still being developed.
  • Some initial work on new impact/blood visual effects. Ours at the moment are a little hard to see, and we'd like to make them a bit more cinematic.
  • More tweaking to th...
Read more External link β†’

29 Jun


Hey all, you know the drill - please post any feedback, suggestions, concerns etc. that come to mind! As always, please keep things civil and be respectful to one another. Thanks a ton for all the feedback you provide us, and we appreciate your patience as we work on the engine update. <3

This week was a catch-up in terms of our meeting, as we had quite a few people not able to make it last week. Feast your eyes on our meeting notes below!

  • We're switching 80 player servers to 64 player servers. This should help with client performance (your fps) and may or may not help with packet loss/network issues on the server side of things.
  • We're looking into engineer spam. We don't want to ruin the engineer playstyle, but we're looking to balance things to prevent D-Day levels of fire-ballista machinegun spam. We're looking into ways of keeping the impact of the fire pit and mounted crossbows but limiting how oppressive they can be, as right ...
Read more External link β†’

Originally posted by HuaHuzi6666

Jax, could we potentially get more musical instruments? They could even just be skins of the lute. One of the things I love about this game is the goofy moments, and having more than just the lute (even just a drum, horn, or something) would make bard mains very happy :)

It's a low priority thing, but it's something we're aware of and would like to do eventually :)


Originally posted by SpunkGargleWee

Regarding weapons falling through the ground, you should also take a look at the collisions of the frying pan. It seems like they only exist in the handle of the pan and this makes the rest of the model clip through the ground all the time

yeah, we should fix this πŸ‘

25 Jun

24 Jun


Originally posted by Ernesto_Perfekto

Mappie snappie when?

we were actually going to show one off, but the artist had a lung collapse

monkaS but he's fine now


Originally posted by Jeex_Sluzz

Guess I'll ask before someone else does

eta on the patchie?

we should start testing in a few weeks, if I had to guess. once we get into testing we'll have a better idea on how ready the update is πŸ‘


Originally posted by doreato

Holy shit I remember when someone posted that warhammer skin asking for it.

Can't wait till this is added soon. It's gonna be soon right?

yeah - we plan on releasing this w/ this patch. the only reason we hold back some cosmetics is to bundle them into specific themed updates, this stuff isn't part of one of those themes πŸ‘

23 Jun


Originally posted by Littletweeter5

Maybe if the players were informed of how to report people before it’s too late…

This will be rectified soon - we should have in-game reporting for chat behavior, with info on how to do reports for things that require more evidence.