
Mordhau Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by ZinfulGraphics

Why are you guys so awesome constantly updating the game like this?

Are there any plans to use what you're learning here to create something more elaborate? Perhaps either a huge expansion or a whole new game all together?

Whatever the reason, you guys are pouring a lot of heart into this project and I love it.

I mean we haven't decided on a new game, but our current plans are to support Mordhau for quite some time. Unfortunately games need money to exist (we have bills to pay).
That being said, a huge benefit of our team is that it's still pretty dang small, so we're able to continue support with having to worry about monetizing or churning out new games super quick.


Originally posted by Me_Llamo_Bueno

I’m new to the game but I see a lot of people complaining about the rate that you earn gold could daily challenges like 5 pommel kills for x amount of gold be something implemented to help this

We've talked about em, no plans at the moment but something we can consider in the future.


Originally posted by the_user_games

Are there plans for more light/medium chests incoming? I'd also love for some more helmets in T1/2 like the spanglehelm; which provide more face cover than just the head.

Hope you lads are having a good week!

Yeah, we're definitely lacking in T1/T2. There happens to be quite a ton of different IRL examples of what we call T3 armor, but there are only so many variations of mail or brigandine for T2. T1 has quite a bit of variety though, and we can definitely find good examples for both of them.


Originally posted by Branko100

So much information we got this evening, I love it :D Very excited about Drozje's new emotes



Originally posted by BoldFacedUsername

I know it was a stretch goal but are you ever gonna add saracen/middle eastern weapons and armor? I feel like we're missing a huge part of history not to mention the neat armaments and cool fashion

At some point, most likely. We have a few things planned for a themed update, but I wouldn't say it would be fully-featured expansion level, just a major content update if that makes sense. :)


Originally posted by LIBERAT3R

An idea for extreme drags and insta accels, so a little bit of background first I have roughly 500 hours in the game in currently sitting at level 91 so I definitely know the game pretty well however we as a community can all agree we've run into and dealt with people who abuse extremely quick accels and drags that make zero sense, we all understand the reason behind them so combat isnt just wild swinging however it can't be denied that they are too strong and at high level play that's all that is used, my idea to keep the feature yet also resolve the issue of them being abused it ways that ideally shouldn't be plausible, make a sweet spot mechanic, remember in battlefield 1 how sniping was? At certain distances snipers could 1 shot however too close or too far lead to the weapon not doing as much damage. HOWEVER for mordhau I propose that weapons have the same style but instead of range it would be a certain set of degrees infront of the player based off the camera where the attac...

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A sweet spot mechanic would cause quite a bit of inconsistency. The only way I think it could work is on specific weapons that have it enabled as a downside (since it'd be a major one) to counter other major advantages the weapons have.

Having distance based stuff like Mount & Blade doesn't really work for us, since the footwork is much faster, and we ensure that you can always rush an enemy and get close - there is no way to backpedal and disengage from an enemy unless they let you. This is super important to promote offense-based gameplay, as a defensive meta would not be fun in Mordhau.


Originally posted by [deleted]


begone bot


Originally posted by Fargoth_crunchmaster

Any updates on the mod tools and new maps for the bigger game modes?

Should be really soon! No ETA yet but we're getting a lot closer to wrapping up development on the SDK (we're not there yet, but we're making good progress). As for the maps, we have a few in development. The most complete one has a decent amount taken care of, but still needs a lot of texture work, some big chunks are still blocked out and need actual models for the buildings.


Originally posted by Igor369

How about making crosshair give more information? In chiv it changed visually during weapon release phase, it would be cool if it also gave information about riposte window possibility.

And it would be nice if you standardized emote keybindings so they do not change when you have a weapon, fists and weapon and shield.

We are looking into both of these!


Originally posted by peacefullMountain

Any chance you could add a kill archer voice command? That's the thing I miss the most from chiv

Unfortunately a bit too late, as it's really hard to go back and contact some of the voice actors, and the lines would probably sound weird since the amount of time since they originally recorded them. Also, poor Barbarian doesn't even have that line, it was a voice pack.


Originally posted by Delta1116732

There was a community survey a while back in November asking for recommendations on what the game's focus should be; what was the outcome of that survey? Is there anywhere to review the results? Is the addition of more emotes, and the future update to loadouts a result of that survey?

It was mostly seeing how to spend our dev time on content. Seeing if we should work on big maps, small maps, focus on Horde, Brawl, etc. We saw that the most demand is for FL/INV improvements, Horde was more in demand than we thought, and Brawl/smaller modes weren't as popular as we thought. As always, people want more cosmetics and weapons, which was expected. I'll see about publishing that survey as well. :)


Originally posted by Krimaeus

Loadout Folders/Categories | Quality of Life


I see plenty of players have been asking for is loadout categories/folders to be added to the game. This would be a great and very helpful addition to the game, especially for those with a large amount of loadouts.

Being able to separate loadouts into categories based on things like gamemode (Ranked, Frontline, etc), the mod you're playing (the Star Wars mod for example, since it brings a whole new world of classes and teams and what not) would be great for keeping your loadout menu clean and organized.

Ideally players could create and name these folders themselves to best suit their purposes.

I'm not a UI designer and I don't have any skills or experience in the matter. I don't know how difficult such a system is to create and implement into the game, but me and many others would love to know.

A visual representation of this idea: ...

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We know, they're planned.


Originally posted by jlc21002

What does the armory rework include?

Changing the way the UI works, and allowing us to do more things. Things like folders, way better organization, better display of stats, etc.


Originally posted by monsiour_slippy

The issue is that some weapons will always be better than other weapons, which is why you see certain weapons a lot more than others. Remember when maul was the best and you would see 85% of the server running it.

If you nerf the current meta weapons other weapons will just take over and then we will complain about those weapons.

I’m not saying that accels in general don’t need looking at but I’m saying if you change the meta weapons everyone will just run something else, maybe exec sword or messer (which is perhaps just as strong as the 3 axes right now)

Well, the point of balance isn't to get rid of people using the most popular weapon(s), it's to increase the weapon/loadout diversity. There will always be a best weapon, but we want to make sure it's not overall the best in every way.


Originally posted by Sapper501

Please please PLEASE fix the B Axe, war axe, and one-handed axe. All of them are in general too fast their accels are disgusting, particularly the alt B Axe.

We can look into it :)

06 Jan


we know, we're working on it :)


Originally posted by KasiFlow

Respectfully, im not sure Crush is a good dev to be giving the animations to. Crush has pretty much nothing but a bad reputation for his balance and animation work, is there anything being discussed to move him somewhere where his skills would be more useful?

I'd respectfully disagree - the reason the combat exists is mostly due to Crush. Going back to the alpha the game was absolutely terrible, and it's progressed massively since then because of the tweaks Crushed has done. Animations have also improved, and we've brought a new animator on board to help as well.


Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

Dividing prizes will be tedious and time-consuming, so aim to make a film on your own as you won't be able to split the prize with anyone.

So how good can the films really be without any actors?

So, Obliviousness and I talked about it. We'll give out some gold to actors, probably in the 10-25k range. This comment is addressed more at having multiple editors/etc. which would get weird, since we don't allow transfer of rewards, and we're only giving out 1 emblem/cosmetic per winner. Can't cut a crown in half :D

EDIT: We're still deciding on this, and we'll probably finalize the actor stuff post-competition. The thing is, unlike a tournament we don't really know how many actors there will be in a given video. If there's some wild cinematic with 100 actors, it's unlikely we'd just give out 25k to everybody - if there ends up being 3 videos like that, that is a LOT of id's to manually give rewards to, so we're kind of playing it by ear.


Originally posted by cavetusk

Any plans on more occasional increased gold and xp events?

It's something we're looking into. At the moment we have to change rewards by doing hotfixes, and we only have a limited window of time post-update that we can do hotfixes. After a certain point we start working on things for the next update, and that would require us to roll back to hotfix, and then re-add all the WIP changes - this would slow down development.

Because of that, we can only really time 2XP events around major updates or ones that are planned very far in advance.


Also, some other news:

  • 2 more devs are being brought onboard. One's a sound designer, and other will be a programmer working on general gameplay features. :))
  • We have a pretty cool competition going on, hosted by Obliviousness - a film festival! Check out the other stickied post.