New World

New World Dev Tracker

25 Jan


I haven’t deleted anything, I’m actually having some quick dinner. Decided with salad tonight, trying to be a bit healthier.

I’m not the only moderator on this forum. But I trust in my mods that it wasn’t anything nice said.


… we’re in a pandemic. Everyone is working from home.


Well some do say that CM’s are a bit of a therapist :wink: haha I’m just kidding, but yes, I’m here to manage the community, hence the name… community mangement. This IS a big deal for the devs and us, every patch is.


I appreciate that, thank you! And no offense taken, it’s all good.


Haha no worries, just trying my best and it’s all good. I know people are just excited and wanting a patch.


I promise you, none of the devs are sitting back twirling their thumbs working too slowly.

They are pouring their hearts and souls into this game and are constantly pushing around the clock. No one is perfect and can communication be better? Sure! And we’re working on that too. But please, the teams are very much hard at work.


I honestly had no clue when the patch would drop tonight or even if it would drop tonight until it was about to drop. And it’s not due to lack of communication or any of that. There’s just alot going on.

The point of me coming in here was to say there was no set date announced. And not to have expectations of it being released on a certain day unless said otherwise.

I really appreciate that and thank you. I do hear from the devs, daily and all day. And we’re working on them coming in here more… but at the same time it is hard to have every comment ripped apart and examined.


Let’s 1. be nice 2. take this all one month at a time :wink:


Sorry you feel that way, distrust is created by lies. I didn’t lie, I was clear that I either didn’t know or then couldn’t share. Which is the truth. Just because I’m sharing something with you that you don’t want to hear does it mean it’s a lie.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Thank you so much for taking the time to help us test the January Public Test Realm! We’ve collected a lot of feedback from you that will help us guide the direction of New World.

As a note, as we are releasing the January Monthly Update 2022-01-25T12:00:00Z (in your local timezone), the PTR will be shut down at 2022-01-25T18:00:00Z (in your local timezone).

Reminder: During this time, existing characters will be deleted as we prepare for our next test cycle to commence in the near future.

Thank you again for all of your feedback, notes, and help. We’ll see you in Aeternum!


Hahaha can’t make everyone happy I suppose! Enjoy!! :smiley:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations aventuriers,

Nous précéderons à une interruption des serveurs 2022-01-25T12:00:00Z pour notre maintenance mensuelle, dans toute les régions. L’indisponibilité des serveurs est estimée à environ 3 heures (~180 minutes).

Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez consulter les notes de patch ici : Mise à jour de janvier : facteurs de mutation - Sorties | New World

Merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension !

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações Aventureiros,

Vamos ter uma parada programada para nossa Atualização Mensal de Janeiro em 2022-01-25T12:00:00Z. O tempo estimado de parada é de aproximadamente 3 horas (~180 minutos).

Por favor leiam as notas de versão para essa atualização aqui: Atualização de Janeiro - Mutações - Lançamentos | New World

Obrigado pro sua paciência e compreensão!!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hallo Abenteurer,

Wir werden für unser monatliches Update am 2022-01-25T12:00:00Z Wartungsarbeiten durchführen. Die Server werden vorraussichtlich für ~3 Stunden (~180 Minuten) nicht erreichbar sein.

Die Patchnotizen für dieses Update findet ihr hier: Januar-Update – Mutatoren - Veröffentlichungen | New World

Danke für euer Verständnis und eure Geduld.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime for our January Monthly Update on 2022-01-25T12:00:00Z (in your local time zone) for all regions. The estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours (~180 minutes).

Please find the full release notes for this update here: January Update - Mutators - Releases | New World

As a reminder, any unopened presents and unused event tokens you collected during the Winter Convergence Festival will disappear...

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Incorrect, it was just something that was not to be shared until it was ready to be shared. Which is now. Because I AM communicating more with you guys and trying to get across that there was no LOCKED date of it being released or any future patches unless otherwise… it was then turned into that I didn’t know. I did and do know.


Or I am being honest and communicating with you that I did not have any information that I could share at the time of this post.


Just now.