New World

New World Dev Tracker

27 Jan


This has been requested alot and I can bring it up with the team, see their thoughts on it.


Glad to hear you’re enjoying it so much!!

This won’t be the last update/patch the devs push out, so we’ll just have to keep an eye out for pvp stuff!


Okay okay, what COLOR would the hippos be?! Would they be natural colors? Or magical colors? I would like a sparkly peach hippo please.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to hear that it was resolved but I’ll still forward this over to the team in the meantime since it looks like some other players are running into this too.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Thanks for the feedback! We deliberately lowered the housing tax for a bit as compensation (for more information, please see here: [Downtime] Addressing Various Issues - November 23rd 6:00 am PT - #3 by Tosch

But I hear you and will forward this feedback to the team!

26 Jan

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t speak Polish, so I hope this answers your question. If it doesn’t, let me know. As mentioned before, we will provide another transfer token after the housing persistence issue is fixed and we are able to complete the merges we had originally hoped would be done in December.

I anticipate that the housing persistence issue will be remedied soon, aiming for before February update, but it all depends on how well the changes do in testing/validation.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Everyone who was stuck due to a ghost contract should now be able to use their transfer token.

If you have a token and still are blocked, let me know.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Die Wartungsarbeiten sind abgeschlossen und der Server wieder verfügbar. Wir sehen uns in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are all done with this downtime! See you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

The difficulty with a global game is that there is never really a point that is perfect for a downtime. The issue that we are addressing affects every player within New World and is one that the team has deemed of being the utmost importance. We understand the frustration of losing a night of playing your favorite game. As this thread is not going to have constructive value, I am closing it down. Thank you for your understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers,

Nous effectuerons une maintenance de New World à 2022-01-26T19:30:00Z. La durée prévue est d’environ 2hrs.

  • Nous avons corrigé un problème faisant que le stockage personnel était rempli avec les objets identiques, mais pas empilés correctement. Ce bug a aussi fait que ces objets n’étaient pas utilisés dans l’artisanat, causant l’échec des fabrications et consommant les ressources les plus élevées. Ce souci a bien été corrigé et le stockage et la fabrication devraient fonctionner correctement.
  • Le Ring of The Forgers Signet a été incorrectement retiré du jeu et de l’inventaire des joueurs. Il peut maintenant être obtenu en jeu, mais ne reviendra pas automatiquement dans l’inventaire. Nous sommes désolés pour le désagrément et nous offrirons une compensation en-dehors d’un patch aux joueurs qui l’avaient équipé à un moment donné.
  • Un bug a aussi été corrigé faisant que les Coffres Eli...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer!

Wir werden 2022-01-26T19:30:00Z Wartungsarbeiten für die Server durchführen, um einen Patch/Hotfix aufzuspielen Die Arbeiten werden voraussichtlich ~120 Minuten (2) andauern.

Bitte beachtet die folgenden Fehlerbehebungen:

  • Wir haben ein Problem behoben, das dazu führte, dass die Lagerschuppen der Spieler mit Gegenständen desselben Typs gefüllt waren, welche sich aber nicht richtig stapeln ließen. Dieser Fehler führte auch dazu, dass diese Gegenstände nicht für das Handwerk verwendet werden konnten, was wiederum dazu führte, dass das Herstellen fehlschlug und eine falsche, höherstufigere Ressource verbraucht wurde. Dieses Problem wurde behoben und das Lager und Handwerk sollten nun wieder wie gewünscht funktionieren.
  • Der Siegelring des Schmieds wurde fälschlicherweise aus dem Spiel und den Inventaren der Spieler entfernt. Er ist nun wieder im Spiel verfügbar, wird aber nicht automatisch in ...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações, aventureiros.

Estaremos mantendo o tempo de inatividade em 2022-01-26T19:30:00Z para a atualização. O tempo de inatividade é estimado em 2 horas (~ 120 minutos).

Obrigado pela paciência e compreensão!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be taking downtime on 2022-01-26T19:30:00Z (in your local timezone) to address a few issues that came up as a result of the January Monthly Release.

This downtime will take approximately 2 hours (~120 minutes).

Please see the changes below:

  • We fixed an issue which caused player’s storage sheds being filled with items that are the same but were not stacking properly. This bug also caused those items not be used in crafting, causing crafts to fail and consume the top resource being used. This has been corrected and storage and crafting should be behaving normally.
  • The Ring of The Forgers Signet was improperly removed from the game and players inventories. It is now earnable in game, but will not automatically return to inventories. We apologize for this inconvenience and will deliver a make good to return this item outside of a patch to players who had equipped it at an...
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    Delakron on Forums - Thread - Direct


We have successfully performed a restart of the instance server connection for Themiscyra, Ys, and Cibola worlds, as well. Expeditions and other instanced content should be accessible once again.

Once more, thank you for your patience!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Expeditions and OPR will be temporarily unavailable at 2022-01-26T03:00:00Z for a restart on Themiscyra, Ys, and Cibola. Thank you for your patience!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Expeditions and OPR will be temporarily unavailable at 2022-01-26T03:00:00Z for a restart on Themiscyra, Ys, and Cibola. Thank you for your patience!

    Delakron on Forums - Thread - Direct


We have performed a restart of the instance server connection for Tartarus. Please let us know if you continue to experience problems accessing expeditions.

We are continuing our investigations with the remainder of the worlds listed above.

Thank you for your patience!