New World

New World Dev Tracker

28 Jan


Haha I remember the first time finding the chest under the waterfall in Armine. Was such a gamer moment!


Thank you so much!! Will let the team know! They’re gonna be so happy to hear that!


Oooohhh I haven’t tried that yet, I aways get so nervous with pvp


Alright, sooooooooooo…

I think we’ve reached a point where the question was answered? Haha, we do communicate. We communicate what we can, when we can. It’s like that with every community in the world. I understand you want MORE details and we’re working on that. We hear you guys loud and clear and agree. That’s why we’ve started the dev videos, have the blogs and are working harder on being more active here.

But we are communicating and will be trying to compromise with the players that need more.


Yooooooo some of the audio sounds still give me chills. Like hearing someone cut down a tree or mining a rock far away from you.


Ooohhh I love that!! I also loved having a spot with my company that we would meet up to swap materials.


Wait… camp bridges?!


LOL oh, well, um… it’s just something I call myself when I find a game that I’m digging LOL. And I definitely no lifed New World.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing honestly. I always believe that life is already so negative and difficult, if someone finds something they enjoy, then enjoy it!! Also long as it’s safe, sane and consensual.


Did you know that we learn from positive feedback just as much as we learn from negative feedback??

I challenge you to list atleast one thing you did or do enjoy with New World!



I’m so sorry!!! Apparently I need more coffee today!!!

Let’s continue it here then.


Hahahaha I love Asmon, honestly I think he could pull it off.


I know the team is hard at work finding balance. Casual vs. no lifers. PvP vs PvE. And so many other things… For the Feb patch they will be including balance in their fixes. I can bring this to their attention to not forget us casuals!

27 Jan


Hahaha I believe you, guess I never thought about it…


I dunno, he sure does have alot of hair to be called bald? Especially now that he’s grown it so long!


Did you know that we learn from positive feedback just as much as we learn from negative feedback??

I challenge you to list atleast one thing you did or do enjoy with New World!


LOL, WHAT?! Is it? Hahahaha I’m sorry, I did not expect that.


Absolutely not! They are just working hard on the game, but we’re chatty as ever! Last week we had the devs stop by and answer a few questions. Moderators are more to help moderate the channels so they can sometimes be silent but deadly :wink:

Sometimes we start conversations but it gets buried or we get pulled in another direction OR it’s even just the end of our shift. Nothing sketchy.


What weapon do you think Jeff Bezos would main?


They will come once the devs have fixed the housing problem with transfers and they feel comfortable that transfers are in a safe and stable state.

This was talked about in the recent dev video.


Thank you so much for this!!

Sometimes the negative voices can be a bit loud but we understand it comes from a place of passion and love for the game. But it is ALWAYS nice to hear about happy players too or even what players ARE enjoying. We learn from that just as much as we learn from the negative points too.

Thank you again!