New World

New World Dev Tracker

13 Jan


Heya! This is a bug we are targeting for next weekly PTR update. Thanks for the call out.


    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, you can continue to upgrade after 600GS. So now any 590+ GS item can be increased all the way to 625.


Heya! Great feedback. We are adding trophies to the PTR backstories in the near future. You will be able to buy houses and configure your trophies as you see fit.


    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes attribute bonus and perks scale based on GS, so increasing GS from 599 to 600 will get you that +25 for armor and +30 for weapons.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have temporarily disabled player to player trading while we investigate a potential gold duplication bug. We will re-enable the feature once we have a confirmed fix.

Thank you to the players who privately reported this issue to us and thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes this is a top priority. Fix is anticipated to pass testing soon. Latest was posted to this thread:

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Sadly I can’t clarify anything at this point. Just currently here tonight to meet you all and get and understanding on the overall feelings of everyone. I’m still learning all the back end myself along with what I can share and cannot.


Things are always changing and lots of things planned for the future. And I dunno, I still have a fun time with OPR. But I can understand being bored, give it time :grin:


You’d be surprised that the complaints of the orbs are small but I agree, mighty. In the grand scheme of things, there are fewer people then you’d think. Just as many enjoy the orbs and the challenge. So I understand there is frustration but know that BOTH sides are being heard and the team is hard at work creating balance.


I’ll let them know! I’m sure they’d be happy to hear that! Especially after reading through all the insults to try and help haha


Best of luck hitting 60! You’ll hit it before you know it! Where do you have a house(s)? Decorating my houses are absolutely one of my favorite things to do. Still trying hard to own every single plant item in the game. I love plants lol


Yoooooo yes!! It’s seriously such a good feeling to be running to a spot where you know there is iron ore and then… THERE IS IRON ORE! Even better if all three nodes are there. Yeeessss, delicious. Haha anyway, best of luck with your stream!


I can definitely add it to my listof suggestions! I know the devs are currently hard at work trying to lock down the content they had been working on to launch along with fixing issues that come up.


Nah, you’re good! We’re just chit chatting and getting to know each other :grin:


Lemme know how it goes!! Sadly they usually beat me, so I end up doing something else or going to another run that I love for resources. Definitely not fun though!!


I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about, I’ll look into it… but I do know that there are meetings now scheduled to allow devs to focus fire on some questions and answer them directly (like yesterday). And I was hired on to help more in communication between players and teams. Not quite sure how I’d look as a teddy bear though!!


The devs have said and do stand by the thought that they’d like the game to be enjoyable for both PvE and PvP. There is only so much time and energy that can go into creating new content when they are also focusing on the issues brought up. Sadly I don’t have more detailed information in a way that I know you’re hoping for.


I ABSOLUTELY agree… 100000000%. It’s something I’m actually hoping to stand by, more communication even when it’s not great news. The problem with this, is it goes both ways, ya know? This game is the dev’s baby. They have spent years working hard on it and at the core, love it very much. It’s hard to bring up when something goes wrong… it’s even harder when the community is on the attack and get EXTREMELY nasty. Too many devs get doxxed and too many situations escalated. So. Yes, hopefully we can all reach that point where honesty is something that can happen!


Yes!! Get some sleep! Sleep is gooooood, myself and my pup enjoy sleeping a bit too much, haha!

As for your thoughts about tools in the PTR, I actually added that to my list earlier this week when I was reading over feedback!! I think it’s a great idea! I’ll bring it up and the devs can make a decision.

I’m very excited and honored to be here, and I can’t promise that my tone will always be perfect… as we’re all human, but I to do hope that I can help freshen things up and get some great (and positive) conversations going!


Ah I’m so sorry to hear that it didn’t go as you had hopped. Nothing is more frustrating than that. I’m pretty sure I’d flip a table… or two. I do know the team is aware of the problems and working extra hard in finding solutions to make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.