New World

New World Dev Tracker

31 Dec

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The song should be off tomorrow, thanks for the feedback.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing your frustrating experience with us, I will share with the team.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

For the record, I read this users chat logs. They were temp banned and that ban has now expired and it was 100% justified. In most of these cases where people post about how innocent someone is when I get the facts from the moderation team they always have done or said something awful. This case is the same.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks, closing this thread as the forums are not a place where you can appeal bans. I will escalate your concerns to the moderation team but we will not be disclosing publicly here what actions resulted in the account being moderation.
But again, I will ping our mod team to review the appeal request.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing your feedback on this forum functionality. In general, there is a lot of room to improve forum moderation. I don’t think the Code of Conduct is being consistently and broadly enforced. This is something the team will be working to improve in the coming weeks and months. It won’t change overnight but it is a priority for us.

Re: MaDBoLT, I removed your insult to the team from your post. Your feedback is valid, you don’t have to tack on insults that undermine your point.

30 Dec

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a complex issue and it is taking time to get a solid repro. If you have logs that you can provide from the time surrounding when you attempted to sign up, please send those to Customer Support so they can pass them to us.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report, we are investigating this.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, quick update that the team is investigating this. I don’t have much more information but it is on the radar.

29 Dec

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Different folks across the teams are working different hour through out the rest of the holiday break. Hopefully all of you are also enjoying the holidays and celebrating as 2021 marches toward 2022!

28 Dec

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah this wouldn’t be faction specific, it could be any faction you return to based on the way this bug is described. I’ve asked the world and quest teams to investigate.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, I was unaware this was happening and agree it doesn’t sound right. I would think that when you switch back it should restart the entire quest line so you can gain rep again. I’ve passed this along to the quest team.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

As mentioned before this is by design. We are talking about this, but an added response or any changes to what we currently have won’t be super fast. No need to keep tagging me into this unless you just need my love and attention. Which in that case, you have it. :vulcan_salute:


Hey everyone!

Our team is actively working on getting the region transfer situation solved. I can assure that when we have more information on the situation we will certainly be sharing it.

Stay tuned!

25 Dec

24 Dec