New World

New World Dev Tracker

08 Jan



Content is content. What is a grind even? Everyone LOVED the grind of collecting their first pieces of iron. Everyone LOVED the grind of find cows to milk. Just because it’s at a point where you’re not enjoying it does it mean that you can say someting that is untrue.


There is no need to get aggressive about it. I’m just having a conversation with you.

I can assure you AGAIN that bugs are not being ignored. And the team is growing every month to help bridge the gap between the community and brand. But when you come out like this swinging, it doesn’t help anyone.

So, once again, nothing is being ignored. Just because they are not fixed to your timeline or how you want them does it mean it’s being ignored.


I really appreciate hearing this too!!!

I think too many times there is only one sort of voice that speaks up. Glad you’re enjoying the PTR!


Hi there Jctkd1!

I can definitely add this to my list that I’ll bring to the devs and give them something to think about!



Put what in the patch notes?


The team is aware and working on the concerns you listed.

If you don’t enjoy the dev’s solution, then what solution would you reccommend for fun?


Hi there SWolf!

I’m going to get right to it. I can PROMISE you that the Devs are absolutely NOT ignoring problems in the game. I appreciate you bringing attention to some concerns but I would like to more so open up either conversation about any of these problems or even potential ideas on how we can work through this together. No one on the team sits up at night thinking of ways they can break the game. Love has gone into the game. I’m not saying your anger, or frustration is unfounded but nothing is accomplished when arguments are started over a topic instead of calmly talking it out.


Hey there jellybomb0!

Yes, for sure, I agree… this IS very frustrating and believe me when I say you’re not alone in feeling that. Please understand that the team is very much aware of the issue and working hard on the problems you’ve listed. I’m so sorry it is affecting your game play. I would be frustrated too. Thank you for letting us know.


Hi there MadeInVN!

With the Void Gauntlet being one of my more favorite weapons, it seems you also have some serious experience with it too! With bringing up all these thoughts, could you also balance it with what you would suggest instead?

I always do appreciate well thought out criticism but at the same time, we need to realize that constructive criticism has to be just that… constructive.


Hey there Shakor!

It’s obvious you put alot of thought into this, which I appreciate!

There is always the struggle to trying to balance things. Especially with a game where we’re trying to balance the love between all different types of playstyles.

Could we maybe also look at this from a different point too? With there already being complaints with things getting harder, it seems to be that you’d like this to be harder too? How would you have the community be okay with it?


Hey there Cyrax!

I know how frustrating it can become when you’re so proud and comfortable with achieving a goal and then to have that goal moved further away. Definitely not cool. Especially when it is in a game where so many things are about hitting a certain goal, like many MMOs.

My question for you would be, could you clarify a bit more of what you’d like to see about it instead?

We all know that the devs have been working on much more than JUST dungeon mutations and the things that are coming up ARE pretty exciting. No need to downplay that stuff.

I’d love to hear your constructive criticism about watermark though!

07 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Additional Outpost Rush Notes:

  • Increased the Azoth cost of Brute tokens from 500 Azoth to 750 Azoth
  • Summoning Stones are now dropped on death.
  • Summoning Stones now have a rarity associated with them. Epic for Bear and Wraith Tokens, and Legendary for Brute tokens. This should make it clear to players when they are dropped by other players.
  • Outpost Rush Alpha Wolf will no longer summon minions.
  • Outpost Rush gatherables no longer have weight.
  • Baroness Hain’s Ice Mins now slow the player by 30% for 3s instead of staggering the player.
  • Water can no longer be gathered in Outpost Rush.
    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, thanks for your feedback so far we’re keeping a close eye on it. One thing I did want to touch upon is that the feedback on how score calculations currently work in Outpost Rush has been really helpful. Often times many players are involved in taking down an enemy and we want to make sure everyone who helps gets appropriate points added to their score to reflect their contribution. This is on our radar!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct
Read more
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Due to the fantastic turnout we’ve seen from this event, we’ve decided to extend it to January 25th! Please note that any unopened presents and unused event tokens will disappear at the end of the event so make sure that you don’t lose out on any potential gifts.

Additionally, all of the Winter Convergence giveaway items will be available from 2022-01-21T08:01:00Z through 2022-01-25T07:59:00Z. Make sure you grab any items you may have missed out on during this time. You might not see them again!

See you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

No updates but the team is aware of the issue.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t have any updates on this right now.

    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report on this! It’s not intended and it’s on our radar.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware of this issue and the team is already working on a fix :slight_smile: