New World

New World Dev Tracker

02 Nov

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was never an option to say it was the same bug - I’m not going to knowingly provide false information.

So if my options are to stay silent on an issue that is impacting so many of our players, or let our players know what is going on, I’m going to let our players know what is going on.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are tracking work on the hatchet damage issue, yes. I don’t have an ETA right now though.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, that is what we are tracking/working on now.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are working on addressing bugs for the fire staff and ice gauntlet for one of our upcoming patches. Which bug are you asking after specifically?

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Once we have testing programming set up, the announcement will go out. I do not like to announce fixes or changes or even testing opportunities until I have a shippable product in my hand.

All I can say for now, because this is what is for sure, is that our Community Managers are owning the communications around any testing opportunities that come up.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Setting up a PTR takes a lot of work and the live issues are taking priority right now. My understanding is that we fully intend to get you to break our future builds (not all of them, most likely, but the chonky ones I think are the focus) before we set them live.

Community will post updates on testing opportunities as they become available.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Working on this one too. Hope to have a change out soon but it requires work from not just the game team, so there’s a ton of coordination happening to get this one addressed.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m being sincere when I say it’s not funny. We worked really hard to get those changes that addressed the exploits from Closed Beta, and for another issue to show up that looks exactly the same, negates our work completely.

We created this game for you all, and issues like this one, where it looks like we are ignoring something that we all consider a huge problem, make it seem like we don’t care. We care a lot. And I’m sorry that this is happening.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope, wrong. What I said is correct. We fixed the ones from Closed Beta.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have a fix that is set for overnight validation testing; if all goes well with testing, we will push the change to the game. Customer Support is taking action against players to engaged in these exploits. As far as the impact on the economy, our economy team is leading that investigation and will determine any next steps.

@GoodLA correct, it’s not done the same way in data but to players the actions are the same. I understand why it looks like we haven’t fixed something when the repro is the same, and that sucks for everyone because it is actually new, but looks old.


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    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The dupe issue we fixed for Closed Beta was fixed. That’s why it didn’t exist in Open Beta.

The issues you are seeing now are a different root cause than from previous alphas and betas, and we are indeed looking into them, and actively working on getting them addressed as fast as we can.

01 Nov

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We should have a fix for this in a coming update! Thanks for the report!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for bringing this gold duplication exploit to our attention. Please do not take advantage of this; we will take the gains back and penalize those involved. This is a temporary exploit that only occurs with the economy control in place that we are correcting.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the ping, I meant to get back on this but got swept up in some other threads. I’m really sorry this happened to you but unfortunately, the only official way to appeal a ban is through this link: Appeal a Ban - Support | Amazon Games

Unfortunately, as Community Managers, we don’t have the ability to assist with in-game moderation issues but I’ll reach out about your case (not guaranteeing anything here).

Ps. this is not an invitation to reach out to me about all ban appeals :wink:...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

As a side note, I would recommend not taking advantage of this exploit. It will result in a penalty.