New World

New World Dev Tracker

01 Nov

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please reach out to our support team about this. New World - Support | Amazon Games Unfortunately, I do not assist with in-game account/character-specific issues.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do hear the ask for an improved Bug Tracker/Known Issues list and we’re working on a solution with the team.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yea, we have dedicated Support team members who review the entire bug report section and generate reports that turn into Jira tickets for the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, we are aware of these issues and this is not intended behavior. When we have a fix for it, we will be adding it into one of our weekly updates. Please stay tuned for more information as we get it!

PS: Sorry for the late replies, I was not around during the weekend.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, I am still here, I wasn’t active this weekend, spent the holiday with my family.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Fixed it for you.


Thank you. Im collecting information and opening a ticket for our Dev team in order to check it.

31 Oct


To be clear, people were hard at work on this the entire time (that weren’t me). I just stumbled in at the end and apparently ended up with the credit :smiley:


Yes, it’s a good suggestion - will add it to our set of things to do here.


No, sorry - apparently my wording was poor. We aren’t lowering the yield in game for an actual player. We’re changing the pace of acquiring gold early to lower yield for quick cycle bots. The net gain to a player will be the same. And this is just one step of many.


Lots going on with this behind the scenes. We’ve actually banned a large number of them, I can’t be very specific because that would indicate some of what we are doing. The upcoming patch has many more steps here, and we’ll ban them in the meantime. Our goal is to make it unrewarding/low yield. Bans are just a temporary thing along that path.


The first thing I would say is I would like to understand the circumstances of a 50 meter displacement please, I’d want that fixed. But, I can tell you the server wanted you there, possibly in error, but it wasn’t the client saying so. The client predicts where it might go, but then asks the server and the server does the movement, not trusting the client.

As for the falling issue, I’ve described elsewhere in this thread why that was happening, and the (server only) patch f...

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For the people experiencing this, if you are on “very high” graphical settings, can you please try “high” instead and see if it makes a positive difference. There is a change in the next patch that should help the people who see this problem, but in the meantime changing the setting to high might also help - our high textures are actually “high” btw, and our very high are really very high, so high can still look good on 4K screen even.

30 Oct


Ok, that’s interesting and useful information. It’s consistent with the distance compute itself being wrong (or measured against the wrong value) instead of some blocking issue like lack of memory or time to load. But should help us look at it, thanks.


I mean that the people who were affected by having contracts complete while they were offline, were fixed - although there are questions here whether everyone got the right amount of gold, so we’ll look into that to see.

A large number of people had this problem, so we did an emergency patch to resolve it and enable them to transfer as well. There are a smaller number of people that still have a similar issue, but those were not resolved with this patch - we knew that would be the case and continue to work on the best resolution for them that doesn’t risk loss/broken trades.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are targeting soon-after though, and our team is working through the weekend to get that done.


So you see the LOD of the mesh change when you are very close already to the canon?