New World

New World Dev Tracker

30 Oct


No, not related, they just happened to be grouped in a common patch. The trading post is actually a separate service that runs for the most part independently. While working on of other trade post issues, the bug there was introduced. We tested, but missed the case of the actual close happening when a character was offline - so we’ve added that case to the test.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We need to be cautious with this particular fix. It requires quite a bit of testing, which in itself is not simple, before we can feel confident that it won’t muck anything up further for you.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Was there a communication setting a specific date for when some servers would be locked?

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, we are working to get this fixed for you. It sucks, I know, and we want you to play with your friends just as much as you do. At this moment we are working to gain confidence in a potential fix. Once it is validated we intend to get it out to you ASAP. Hang tight.

Also, we are not ignoring you, it is never our intention to make you feel like you’re not being heard or taken seriously. We are just way heads down in figuring these issues out.


In some cases, unfortunately yes. If we communicated last night that this solved all versions of this problem, we weren’t correct with that communication. We were solving contracts that were being held in limbo for players that were offline when they closed, and making sure all those paid out appropriately. That fixed a lot of people, but not everybody, and we’re still working on the other folks affected.


Agreed that if this is what all Wars become, then it’s not very interesting. These are recent tactics that are being unusually rewarded by some bugs, so we’ve been working on the bugs first, then examine whether further changes to War itself are required. War is not meant to be a constant AOE fest, and that doesn’t feel very skillful to me.


Turns out you can tag people that haven’t replied, I’ll probably regret that later.

There appear to be a lot of potentially unrelated issues going on here, but the general case seems to be the streaming system is for some reason not loading in the high MIP textures for some objects, or it thinks it can’t for some reason (memory usually, and I understand many of you reporting have plenty of memory).

It is also possible for an individual object to set specific distances for high texture load, and those values could be wrong/corrupted somehow - that is separate from the streamer code. stifstiflear’s post looks a lot like that, but I’ve seen the same banner in game without that problem, so it isn’t the static data at least. @stifstiflear does that type of banner look th...

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We get a message from EAC servers when a player kills the EAC process (or it goes away for some other reason), so we do know when this happens and who is doing it.

If you see some path to exploit via killing the Steam client, please DM me. It’s possible to do, but all of the kick/ban enforcement is done by New World itself, and the Steam client isn’t used for VAC purposes. Offhand I dont see any advantage to it, but if I’m wrong, let me know.

    DPR on Forums - Thread - Direct

These are odd cases where the characters get this state where they are immobilized and not able to revive / respawn. Tasking a GM to see if they can help correct the issue @Tyyer In many cases though it still persists. The team is looking into a permanent fix and threads will be updated as information is available.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got it - I’m pretty sure that we are already working on that too, but I’ll make double-sure.


This class of bug is because in some cases we were waiting for client input to complete server actions. The solve for this (wildly simplified) is to not wait in those cases but just proceed. This doesn’t mean the client has control over the result of actions, it means that particular server code allowed itself to be paced by an external input. And as all the programmers in this thread would probably tell you, you never trust external input - or lack of it, in these cases.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, that’s unfortunate to say the least. I’ve talked to the team that owns the quest and AI, they are working on fixes now, but those will need to be validated/tested before we can ship them. Hang tight.

If you come across any other issues continue to post in the forums, as well as in-game using the Game menu.



Server authority isn’t a solve to all problems. It’s just different - and I want to be careful to point out that I dont consider how some other games solve for authority “wrong” in contrast. They are just different approaches that have different pros and cons.

You can make a bug in a server authority situation just like you can in a client directed situation, and we’ve had some of those. They are disappointing and we get on them as soon as possible. But I can tell you the bugs listed in this thread aren’t because the client generated a result and sent...

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The purpose was not solely to be resistant to hacking, no. Similar to you, we’re interested in scale gameplay that takes advantage of such a system as well, and have ideas.


I’ll see if I can get one of the player experience team folks in to discuss - it’s a broad subject and if I tried to answer I would probably make a mistake in describing it, which wouldn’t help. I can say we’re always interested in combat being a) skillful in application b) providing good situational awareness cues so it can equally be countered with skill (aka “dont stand in fire!”) and c) intuitive in function, so it does “the right thing” when multiple effects overlap.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please send in a ticket to our Support team. Looks like you’re experiencing an issue similar to the one I addressed here: [Notice] Outpost Rush

Unfortunately, Community Managers do not have the ability to assist with this issue. The Support team should be able to address this.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

Central Europe’s downtime is now over! Enjoy your time in Aeternum!


Indeed. You might completely hypothetically, have a pool of threads, and service actions from actors on an as needed basis out of that pool in a steady rotation. Which would allow a much smaller number of threads to handle a large number of actors.


We were only able to partially address this in an update - we aren’t done working on preventing people from purposefully creating lag in War. We had to adjust how some AOE weapons worked and may well have changed their feel/impact - we’ll keep incrementing them until it’s balanced. Certain AOE effects were creating invisible server objects and players had worked out some interesting ways to load those up - we saw thousands of objects being created in a minute in one example. Even though they were invisible, that’s somewhat equivalent to havin...

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