New World

New World Dev Tracker

02 Nov

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime tonight to re-enable all forms of wealth transfers including player to player trading and the trading post across all regions. Due to the importance of wealth transfers and their impact on the experience in-game, we wanted to prioritize re-enabling these mechanics as soon as possible.

In our notice addressing disabling wealth transfers, we mentioned a make-good to ensure that there was no lasting imp...

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    Lane on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are actively looking at options here. Our focus is on fixing the issue to enable us to turn coin transfers back on. Part of our make good review is to look at the impact this has had on people who owned houses and determine how to proceed. Our goal is to have players not financially impacted by turning coin transfers off.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At this moment a rollback or wipe is not being considered.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

it’s an and, not an or.

whether the downtimes happen today, tomorrow, the next day, etc. is TBD because we are pushing for testing at the moment. Community will update everyone once we have our maintenance timing ready to go.

    Lane on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi Everyone,

We are still working on fixes for the exploits addressed in this notice.

First I’d like to explain why we shut things down. We became aware that a small number of players were using packet manipulation approaches to create invalid transactions. We do use a code approach known as two phase commit, and we also use packet shaping systems for debugging, but there was an edge case with very high packet loss we had not encountered that resulted in duplicated items/currency. Server telemetry provided data that identified this pattern and the people using it; those people were banned, as will often be the case for people who exploit to their advantage. With the transfer of coin disabled, it’s possible to generate an error in a town project improvement and get money returned that you didn’t spend - this gold will be removed during the upcoming maintenance before transfer is turned back on.

I hear you are frustrated and want to make sure that no one suffers i...

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    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Adventurers and Conquerors,

Today I wanted to provide an update on the health, status and vision of PvP, War, and the territory control meta game.

Before we dive in I want to apologize for all the issues we’ve seen in War so far, and thank you for your patience as we work to resolve them. I know there have been some serious lag issues in War and a number of exploits (including the invulnerability exploits) that have marred your experience. We’ve made an initial set of changes to address some of the issues, and are working on some higher impact changes that need more testing. It is a top priority for the team to get war to a stable, performant state where the skill and coordination of the best team determines the outcome.

Let’s start by reiterating our high level vision. We want to create a game where PvE and PvP not only co-exist but support each other. We also want “wars not ganks”— meaning we want to support meaningful PvP in War and the open world ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I reached out about this and it appears to be an intended design.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you feel you have been banned unjustly please submit an appeal.
We ask folks not discuss moderation of individuals on the forums.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing your feedback on class balance. Balance is definitely a living system which will be regularly reviewed and tuned. I will share your feedback with the team in our regular reports.

Regarding your later posts in this thread, I understand folks share feedback because they want it to be reviewed by the team, we do constantly review these forums and collect feedback to include on our weekly reports. We’ll do our best to acknowledge when feedback have been noted, thanks.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please have them submit ban appeals if they feel they were unfairly suspended or banned.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll surface this to the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks! I’ve received a few other reports about this and have already surfaced it to the team.


    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We just posted an update here: [Notice] Temporarily Disabling All Forms of Wealth Transfers - #6 by TrevzorFTW Other than that, I have no further information to share. Also, please feel free to utilize the ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please reach out to our Support Team through this link here: Appeal a Ban - Support | Amazon Games

They handle all in-game moderation.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m sorry, neither Trevzor nor I are Customer Support.


Hey everyone!

We appreciate your patience while we work through these issues. Our team is currently zeroing in on a fix for the exploits that necessitated the turning off of all wealth transfer in New World. We are planning to deploy the change as soon as we complete our testing.

Please stay tuned for additional information when we have it!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! I know the dev team has been looking into this but more information never hurts. Feel free to dm me the video as well as any other information you think is pertinent.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! I received some other reports of this and have sent this to the team for investigation/reproduction. I appreciate you surfacing this to me (and because people will ask, I have no other information to share on this right now since I surfaced this not too long ago :wink: )