Odd Realm

Odd Realm Dev Tracker

19 Apr

Originally posted by dwarfcomic

After 1.0 taking a break? Done? Something new being added?

If it does well enough to continue to live off, I’d like to keep adding content. Plus I want to localize the game to a few languages. Eventually, maybe make Odd Realm 2, which would be a higher res version.

Originally posted by 555Cats555

Wow, this game has really come along a lot since I first played.

Congratulations on nearly being at 1.0!

Thanks! It’s coming along well. Almost there!

14 Apr

Hi friends!


This will be a short post as I'm mostly just focused on tuning and polish (which doesn't have a lot to show off) but I did want to say that I'm planning on releasing the 1.0 into beta in May. I'm going to need lots of help finding bugs and getting the game ready for the final release. I'm excited for you all to play. :)

That said, here are some of the small things I've been improving over the the last month.



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18 Mar

Originally posted by LukXD99

Sweet, can’t wait to play!

Thank you. I’m very proud of where it’s at.

17 Mar

Hey gang,

Apologies for the late dev log. I wanted to get a bunch of UI stuff done before writing one, and wasn't able to finish that stuff before the end of Feb. So, here we are! Thanks for the patience.


The final push for 1.0 is going very well and I'm so excited to put the beta build out soon. I'm burning through a lot of UI polish, bug fixing, performance improvements, and content tuning. That said, I don't have a date for the beta build to go live just yet. The UI work is taking me ages because there's a lot of information and features to cover, so I'm not comfortable committing to any specific date at the moment. Again, thank you for waiting.


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05 Feb

Version (talked about in the dev diaries) hasn’t been uploaded to either GoG, Steam, or Itch. It is still being worked on.

26 Jan

Hello and happy new year!

Today I wanted to show off some terrain stuff which will be in the next update as well as some of the other improvements.


Terrain and Cave GenerationThe game's terrain gen has taken up a lot of my focus, and I'm super proud of where it's at. With all the biomes, plants and animals in the game, it's an extremely laborious process to work on improving terrain. And it's a big reason why this update has taken so long. But, it's juuuust about done. Let's dive into some things to look forward to.

First off, caves.


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08 Jan

Originally posted by LibrengKabaong

Btw I really enjoy your game!

Thanks for saying so! I am just about done the 1.0 and look forward to you getting to try it out

Originally posted by LibrengKabaong

Thank you!

Welcome :)

07 Jan

Just a decorative block similar to wood plank.

24 Dec

23 Dec

The 'happiness' part of the game is a bit underdeveloped and needs some work, but you should be able to make them happy with a Tavern, or by giving them some alcoholic drinks.

Also, sorry for such a late response!

22 Dec

Hello! Welcome. Come on in. Have a seat!

Hope everyone is doing well. I am making great progress on the game and have been working on finishing up all the UI changes for 1.0. This post won't be extremely long as most of my work the last bit has been focused on polishing up the UI, which isn't terribly exciting stuff. But, nonetheless, I wanted to write something to show off the new UI as I'm very happy with where it's going. It's finally starting to feel polished and not annoying. Yay!

New Font
I've changed the font to a more legible one that isn't bold, blocky letters. This should help distinguish the inline icons and make things easier to read overall. I, personally, love it and it has made a huge difference for me just developing the game, let alone playing. I'm very happy with it. And I have to give credit to ...

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07 Dec

Originally posted by Suicidal_Jamazz

Thats a lot of wood. What biome/settings/seed can you find this in?

This is part of the next update where trees are simulated (instead of prefabs) and can grow much larger trunks and height depending on how long they've been in the biome. Most biomes have a type of tree that can grow this big, but Taiga and Tundra have the highest number of them.

27 Nov

25 Nov

23 Nov

05 Nov

Originally posted by ffekete

The kingdom feature looks good, and makes it a bit unique compared to other colony sims. What is the performance hit for larger kingdoms? Can i have multiple settlements if i understood correctly?

You can have multiple settlements, but only one can be loaded at a time. Settlements you don’t occupy will be simulated for the time you are away.

Originally posted by zifnabxar

Exciting news about 1.0. And a big congrats on the multithreading for pathfinding. Was it difficult to set that up? What algorithm are you using?

Thanks! The multi threading implementation was a bit of a challenge as it requires a different approach to data structures than what I had. I’m using Unity’s job system to create the threads.