Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

29 Apr


Originally posted by Person_of_Earth

Running essence is something that's been in the game for a long time. Law and nature running used to be a thing, so how is ZMI running any different from that and why is it only a big problem now?

Mainly because we wish to address the discrepancy between the blog and the current rates.

Though running has always existed, we can't dispute that perhaps when we polled it it may have been disingenuous to give XP rates that weren't theoretically the highest with things like running - by quite a substantial amount.

We intend to leave running with existing methods that existed prior to the ZMI as we do agree it's a method which has always existed in the game.

Looking back on our archive we also took into consideration that during much of the original time of ZMI’s existence when running was prevalent, free trade was restricted.


Originally posted by cryptowi

She would of told us if she was a btw.

Girl btw.

26 Apr


Have a good day!


Originally posted by stringsanbu

Nice job on the gold/jewellery work. Is there a plan to do the same for smithing on an anvil in the future?

We'd like to, but space is more of an issue on that interface.


Originally posted by pdgb

Is the ping issue for aussie worlds fixed?

Ping is currently looking good. We're working hard to ensure better consistency.


Originally posted by Samshelleys

No sweat, didn’t think you were :)

Here is the bit where they touched on finding new ways to gather feedback:

“We will continually survey all players, rather than just those on Reddit or Twitter, to understand what you think is important from a Customer Support perspective. We’ll use this to inform our priorities and measure our progress.”

AKA: “We don’t just want the opinions of nerds”

That’s how I saw it anyway. It’s funny and correct - good on them!

Although that is way more “customer support” specific then I remember it being...

That section was directly related to Customer Support activities, but surveying players (rather than relying on social media) is something we're actively doing as a development team, you're quite right!


Originally posted by Crispts

How do we participate in this survey if we were not sent a link? That seems kind of unfair to send them at random. I have an active sub and am almost 2k total level, and I don't get to allow my voice to be heard on Warding because I wasn't randomly selected?

The best way to ensure you're sent a survey is to opt in to email communications. The actual survey is always distributed via email!


Originally posted by Neucore

New bug with gold crafting, it won't remember the last option you selected for make x or make all, etc. Keeps switching to make x if I have it on make all, and vice versa. Sometimes it will put in random make x amounts like 2, or 15.

I've passed it on, cheers.
Did you report it in-game too?


Originally posted by jianbotor

Any plans on SEA worlds?

Nothing immediate, establishing new infrastructure is a big undertaking. We'd need to see strong numbers in that region, coupled with solid plans for growth in that region.


Emblem farmers are part of a regular sweep. See Mod Tyran's tweet for a bit more information: https://twitter.com/JagexTyran/status/1120992625094529024

In your comments you mention the bot busting streams, but it isn't like Ayiza and myself found the bots ourselves. They were given to us by the anti-cheating team. That's how bot banning ordinarily works. The anti-cheating team find the bots, and they ban them, without the stream theatrics.

We'll constantly try to improve how we action offences, we know it's a pain for players trying to BH legitimately.


Originally posted by Hellrs

I went to the Customer Support page and selected the option to change email for old/inaccessible emails. I provided my details and submitted it just to be told I would be "emailed shortly with the results" but how am I supposed to see that email? The email server is completely inaccessible

Edit: I can still log in to the runescape account, Im just worried about authenticator, password changing, etc.

2nd Edit: Account was locked under suspicion it was hijacked. I was sent an email to my new email address saying recovery attempt denied. and then another email 8 minutes later saying recovery attempt approved? It allowed me to change the password with my new email and account is now unlocked so I guess all Is solved

RE: 2nd Edit. The support system worked as intended.

We wouldn't email your old email, that'd be pointless, you're quite right. The second appeal would have been accepted because it contained stronger information than your first appeal.

25 Apr


Originally posted by Chilo69

I don't understand what the deposit inventory does. Haven't we already had that option for a while?

You're correct that we've had deposit inventory - but this update brings with it the option to hide it.


Originally posted by Wildmuffin

Can we expect the 2nd poll blog for it soonish? Like the one talking further about rewards/content within the city

Yep, I'd say soonish. I've seen a first draft from Mod Gambit, there's lot of feedback and unanswered questions from the team to address first.


Originally posted by HiAndMitey

Anyone get the warding poll willing to post it here?

It asks whether players would vote yes or no, why they'd vote that way, for thoughts on Warding generally, and thoughts on new skills generally.


Originally posted by LieV2

Those are just UK worlds with German flag on it lol. Dutch worlds would just be dutch community worlds. Not dutch ping worlds.

The servers hosting the German worlds are located in Germany.


Originally posted by habaden

What's the time estimate on Song of the Elves? Early summer or late?

Tricky, I don't want to commit - it's still in development, it'll need to be tested, revised, plus we've got player visits for playtesting. We will not release until it's ready.


Originally posted by Yeshua-Hamashiach

Any ETA on the Hosidious house rework?

Also can we get an answer about the lost Q&A from last week? I know it had chat issues which caused it to be taken down, but it hasn't been uploaded to the YouTube channel either.

No specific date yet, but it shouldn't be too long.

The chat issues caused the VOD to be deleted from Twitch. Sadly we didn't save the recording locally, meaning it isn't possible to upload to YouTube. In short, we lost it. :(


There's a support section called Bonds.

One of the links there is My Bonds purchase keeps failing.

You'll then have to identify what payment method you're trying (and failing) to use. Most of those articles have Contact Us links which will allow you to submit a support ticket, th...

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