Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


Glad you like them :) I love minigames so I'm excited to see them get the love they deserve. This is just the beginning.


Originally posted by panzercampingwagen

95% of these questions are of the "Why would anybody say no to that?" variety.

We made a point of selecting changes that don't step on any toes for this one.


Originally posted by paaseka

plank make 84

plank make 85

wiki says plank make 86

what is it oh my god lol

  1. My bad

Originally posted by barking420

Hi gambit glad to see you on the stream this week, made my day <3

Thanks - that's kind! I was glad to be there.


Originally posted by Iron_Aez

A few tiny bits of QOL isn't anywhere near what's needed. Minigames need a) the minigame shop b) reworking/relaunching/modernising

Agreed - I feel like that's covered in the introduction. We're planning to do some big redesigns on the larger pieces of old content but it's going to take time to plan. These are changes for the meantime while that planning and research goes on.


Originally posted by ClumpsyPenguin

Plank make level is wrong. It's 86, not 84 or 85

Thanks - fixed


Originally posted by JuhhOSRS

Everything looks good besides the attack box idk why u gotta say that the ags is a 2 handed sword, etc. Looks dumb and cluttered tbh

It's to make clear which items share the same category - they're not all necessarily grouped in obvious ways. This is relevant for the recent feature that saves attack style by weapon category.


Originally posted by OsrsYakuza

Found typo, is it 84 or 85 magic for plank make? Text and questions say different levels.



Originally posted by YeezyKableezy

LOVE the barrows runes going into rune pouch automatically.

Can we also get the same love for runecrafted runes to go into the pouch automatically?

When the Barrows suggestion came up, we suspected people would ask for this. So far, we don't think that's quite the same given any changes to RC that make it easier or improve XP rates are controversial.


Originally posted by Dozck

It's written that PvP is its own topic and should be separated from everything else. But what does that current conversation look like? What are the talking points?

This is more Mod Acorn's remit than mine - but so far it looks like creating groups of players that are embedded in the PvP scene and asking them directly how the future of PvP should look. There was a meet up this week for this though I don't know the specifics of the talking points, I hear it was fruitful.


Originally posted by Tabbeber

I know you guys want to increase poll participation, and I think hiding results is a good first step.

The reason why I personally don't participate in polls is because I feel unqualified; I don't feel I understand the consequence of many the outcomes that are polled.

I'm sure I'm not the only one, and I have no idea how such a thing can be fixed.

We'd encourage people to choose the Skip Question option if they don't have an opinion on a particular question.


Originally posted by meesrs

Days since last f**kup: 0.



Oopsie woopsie - we made a...mistake. All fixed now.


Originally posted by MrAxMan

What does that accomplish? Is a separate report sent to the JMods to review during that hour? It’s good to keep it short in case of power trips but does a pmod mute ever really do anything long term?

That's one for u/Mod_Stevew as I don't know the specifics regarding pmod reports.


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Pmods can only mute for 1-2hrs afaik.

This is correct - Pmod mutes are currently only 1 hour.

10 Apr


It's possible the fraud alert affected the purchase. Submit a ticket via the Refunds page - https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/205981571-Refunds

The support team will help you identify what is wrong, and you'll be able to get your purchase (or a refund, if that's what you want).


Originally posted by Rob_Zombie

automated plank making? lets not start making more things automated pls. If it passes i hope its significantly slower than manually clicking on the logs.

It would be significantly slower.