Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Originally posted by Pops_rustafied

RIP another snowflake ironman in the farming guild



Originally posted by GrizzlyChump

So will we see two updates next week since TT rework was delayed?

Still just the one on Thursday at the usual time


Originally posted by Jamiea88




Nothing immediately visible our side, is anybody still having any issue?


Using this to reply to both the OP and a comment you mentioned Facebook in.

  1. I'll start with the Facebook thing- even though your Facebook email and OSRS email might be the same, we don't know that. We don't know what your Facebook login credentials are, it's not how account linking works when you use social platform logins. Rather than the system saying "Oh, it's ***@***.com's Facebook account" it says "This is Facebook account xyz". You've essentially just created a brand new Old School account using your Facebook.
  2. The actual issue with your email. Without seeing your account I'm unsure why it was locked, but it's clear you have access to the email, so you can simply unlock it by following these instructions: ...
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My thoughts are that... the amulet of eternal glory doesn't give you a new teleport, so I don't think an eternal slayer ring should either. The benefit comes from not running out of charges.

03 Apr


Originally posted by JagexJD


Apart from RuneScape and Old School, obviously.




I like to imagine it standing in the bank, denying that it knows you.

02 Apr


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on Wednesday's Q&A!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.


External link →

Originally posted by Glum_Reaper

John Dorian

What can I say? I'm no Superman.


Originally posted by maxsm

So I find this a bit strange that 'suddenly' this tournament insta-killed players teleported to 1v1s, what changed to make this happen as it didn't happen previously?!

Secondly, why did the game think in the semi-final that the area was smaller and the opponent won when it didn't happen in the rest of the 1v1 areas TO OUR KNOWLEDGE (who knows anymore - as we don't see all fights) or in previous tournaments? You would think these areas are duplicated and thus would be the same as the other areas?

Has there been a fundamental redesign of the 1v1 areas since last tournaments or has someone intentionally been rigging with it?

The arenas are redesigned with each tournament to fit the current seasonal theming - whilst fundamentally they're 1v1 arenas, they're brand new.

01 Apr


Originally posted by Trance_Music

Instead of just downvoting me let’s have a discussion Jesus Christ this sub is so toxic.

If you watch the fight they both were in the arena mid fight when he was being healed. One of them rendered their character off as discussed in other posts. There were two accounts in that arena. So are they saying he was already outside of the arena when manked was getting healed? Or are they saying after manked was healed and then almost died AGAIN, that’s when fweeze apparently stepped out? Sketchy shit was going on for a while during that fight.

If you haven’t noticed they are in damage control mode. They can’t even do a successful dmm so yes I am going to question every damn thing

I don't want to be brought into too much of this discussion but to answer your questions, the way it happened makes sense when you see the underlying code.

It's inefficient to check every tick "Is there still 2 people in this arena?" So instead it's checked every several seconds. It's entirely possible that Manked at one point was also out of the arena but then ran back in before the check for "Is this arena ready to progress" took place.

Graphically, the arena was 10x10 but the actual area within that arena defined as the "arena" was 8x8. As such, one of the opponents (not Manked in this scenario) was outside of the specified arena when the check for "Is there still 2 people in this arena?" went off resulting in the code which usually runs when this is the case took over (I.E - the code which reheals the winner).

I hope this answered your questions.


Originally posted by Clubpeter

Haha thanks man!

That's Ms Man to you


Originally posted by UIM_Verf

Bob Ross inspired me to start painting, he is a legend!

you smashed it wp


Originally posted by thuglicious5

Jake and Drosh
