Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

13 Apr


Originally posted by scr1mmage

There are dozens of us


12 Apr


SMH my head at the people who reckon they're posters or green screen or whatever.


It wasn't the bank PIN or the train wifi - I've had a look at your account (comment history) and it seems the password was compromised as early as November '18 (there were some website logins dating from back then), and it's still the same creation password.

Since that time they've been unable to login to your account in-game because the Authenticator was active, but once it was disabled toward the end of last month, the path was cleared for them.

Definitely do change your password ASAP, and re-enable the Authenticator.


Originally posted by Pinuzzo

Were the list of idea contributors added to Watson's house yet?



What happened to the son?!? Who ate him!?


We've spoken about this before on Q&As - it'd probably get us more voters, but we don't want quantity at the expense of quality, and I wouldn't be surprised if this caused some players to spam vote Yes/No answers.

11 Apr


Originally posted by ComputerDude96

We appreciate your hard work and input, Dad.

Thanks, son.


Originally posted by newowhit

Yeah the blue and green look like missing textures or something, did another scroll and got the helm to match lol

Wish I didn’t have to include the terrible heraldic symbols but they were pre-established on the helm and kite :/


Originally posted by rhyst2

Now that I have your attention - can you please get in contact with me regarding the studio tour prize I won 5 years ago.

You told me to email you directly 22nd may 2018 with the dates i would be able to attend as a follow up to being rewarded with said prize, then never responded to me via email, Twitter or Reddit.

I was originally awarded the prize by Mod Neena who I'm aware does not work there anymore.

Thank you.

I’m afraid I don’t work in a team that can help with that. Have you tried contacting a community manager?


Originally posted by rhyst2

No it's not. Android S9 as of 20:13GMT. Just ran past, saw the icon but nothing there to interact with. I then saw this post.

The clue has been changed ...


Originally posted by [deleted]


I really hope they don’t.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Fingers crossed 🤞

Nice name btw, it made me chuckle.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hahaha, no offence of course, just not a lot to work with in making it better looking :)

No worries 😉 it’s a bit of a joke now in office as this wasn’t our first attempt at the cape... perhaps the third attempt next TT update will be the lucky one! We do have a better idea now, we just didn’t have the time to remake it from scratch.


Originally posted by [deleted]

It was ugly & got scrapped

To put it simply.


Originally posted by nahmate77

Out of curiosity was the feed back a few random Reddit it’s not liking it? Or was it feedback from around the office or what

There were concerns over the appearance when we showed it internally as well as on our social channels.


Originally posted by Throwaway54390

Hey u/JagexGambit the clue scroll expansion is amazing and great job to the team, but can we get a use for spare god pages? They don't have a use (that i know of) past filling the god books and then they just become deadweight for ironmen and an eyeroll "I could have gotten something else" for normal accounts.

Thanks for all your hard work

Good idea - this was brought up on a recent Q&A. We could allow you to burn god pages for a random number of Burnt pages.


Originally posted by AnotherPSA

They are not meant to hold value yet 10k and counting are being sold right now because they are of value, more than any day in the past 6 months. One they fall to below 2k people will scoop them up and hold on to them to inflate prices for when you finish spawning them. Once Easter is over you'll see over 10k being sold a month before the next easter while being bought for under 2k. 2k gp per egg adds up fast in a flip, especially on an edible item that is cheap.

If they were never spawned every holiday event, they would only get more and more expensive and pretty much become "discontinued" which is what we would like to avoid. They might hold some value, but it's definitely not in the millions compared to what they are in RuneScape 3.


Originally posted by mistcurve

Will this be a hotfix or live in the next patch? Just tried logging in and it's still missing for me.

It's already hotfixed. The clue has been changed.


There's nothing to worry about, Easter eggs are not meant to be discontinued or hold much value so every holiday event JMods go around and spawn thousands of holiday items such as Party hats and Christmas crackers during Christmas and Easter eggs during Easter.