Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

08 Apr


It's not blatantly offensive, especially if you are referring to the American rapper - but it was removed because the number could have inappropriate meanings and you've bolted a subjective drug reference to the end - given you have only had the name a short while we thought it best all round to give you a shot at a less edgy name - you are not muted, only the name reset. If you are really desperate to keep the name I'll put it back as this is a fringe/outlier case.


Originally posted by tallrapper

This was already requested before on the weekly stream, and Mod Kieran explained that patches already have 250+ states that they can be in based on the plant type, it's growth stage, whether it is diseased or not at that particular stage, etc... He went on to say that implementing this would introduce too many states for the engine to handle and that it's not possible to do

Yep, they use something we call multilocs. Each piece of scenery is a loc (location). The multi side allows us to change it to upto 256 different locs based upon a player variable - allowing us to change its options and model for different players, despite being part of the main world :).

So if you think of say... allotment patches and the amount of different crops, diseased, dead and watered states - we are very close to 256 already. (Weeds also count!). Adding compost states would quadruple the amount (to support no compost, compost, super and ultra).


We know how annoying this is, we're encountering the same issues when personally playing on mobile ourselves (not me, though, got an Android...). It's being worked on - the last I heard was that it was set to be fixed with Thursday's update.


Morytania-locked UIM = Ultra Instinct?


Garth better look after that family tree forever. Those jungle spiders are deadly and will attack without warning.

07 Apr

06 Apr


Originally posted by Ket-omg

Are any of these new weapons in the CS expansion 3-tick melee weapons to replace what horrors you have done with the golden tench? I do remember in a blog post after the nerf of the tench that Jagex was open to ideas on a 3-tick weapon, and what better way to introduce one as a clue scroll reward?



Originally posted by KarterJP

He was cut to shreds and his remains were spread on her cheesey goodness.



Originally posted by sillythaumatrope

I know i'm preaching to the choir on this one, don't let the community get you down, it's full of awful hateful people. Just remember the people who love your game. Also you get to look at mod Ash every day.

We moved desks yesterday and now Ash and I are right in each other's line of vision rather than being separated by a shelving unit. Most people hate desk moves but this one was special.


A better love story than Twilight.


I love this and every one of you -waves arms in air while smiling-


We've discussed similar ideas before, whether it's the entire tournament or just the final stages. I just don't think there's any getting around the fact that clans would make new accounts to ensure they're on the same team, or they would grief their teammates purposefully (running into barrage piles etc).

I think this would work if we had the same amount of interest in playing as the earlier Deadman tournaments, but at the moment it'd be difficult to get right because of the reasons above.

Happy to be convinced otherwise, and it could certainly form part of the overhaul we mentioned in yesterday's post.


And so it is forbidden, this is an abomination in the house of Saradomin


My first ever Mod Acorn meme. Much love to Swampletics though, didn't realise he was filming at the time.


Originally posted by MukeWazowski

Buying Mod Acorn


05 Apr


Originally posted by ironwall90

Without a doubt the prizing will be in the multiple-thousands of dollars, minimum. Winning a year of membership would literally be the biggest slap in the face.

You are absolutely right. It would be a significant cash prize and not membership.


Originally posted by kamkazemoose

They should have the same prize pool for the re-run though. They said they're still determining the prize pool, and if it isn't basically the same as the original prize it's still a big slap in the face to everyone who got screwed.

Mod Acorn has been talking to the players affected and they are collaboratively agreeing on prizing. More details will come when this is finalized.


Originally posted by VaccinesGiveUAutism

Not everyone from the top 256 will be able to show up. I suggest putting those who died earlier than the top 256 on a waitlist to join the redone 1v1s. For example, the last player to die at gdz before the 1v1s would have highest priority to fill the empty spots from gdz, then next priority would be the second to last to die, etc. We're gonna see a lot of bye rounds if there isn't people to fill the spots of those who can't attend the redo.

It's a valid point that some players might not be able to attend, but adding another layer of uncertainty with the advent of a brand new priority/wait list mechanic isn't something we're keen to do. We'd sooner invite more people to the fog/final two area stage.