Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

10 Apr


Originally posted by TheDubuGuy

🦀🦀 I don’t know this jmod but I already like them 🦀🦀



Originally posted by Faladorable

Hey Nav, what's your opinion on Nav?

Bitchin tune


Originally posted by Technician47


I was talking with Player Support about Authenticator Delay this morning. As promised in the Message to our Community blog, we will be bringing you more information on security in general and they are working on the content for that as their second blog, iirc. Expect that to be out sometime in May (dates are subject to change)


What now?


Originally posted by Thermald


ps you guys do great work and i love you for embracing the memes



Originally posted by [deleted]


They don't let me come out to play.




Whats up?


Originally posted by BasicFail

Thanks again, saved this comment for future reference. :)

Every now and then there are people claiming that Jagex stores passwords in plaintext or that their database gets leaked. Often in an attempt to blame someone other than themselves when their account got hijacked. Absurd to think, but glad you confirmed its not true.

Jumping in here to provide a clear tech perspective.

Jagex do not store passwords in plaintext. Customer Support, developers and everyone else at Jagex do not have access to your passwords. Access to anything relating to passwords is controlled in line with GDPR, industry standards and common sense. Passwords are secured and protected using modern algorithms and all other functionality that is deemed appropriate by ourselves and the industry.

Seperately no capital letters etc. isn't great, but it is not related in any way nor representative of our security systems currently in place. Which is a common assumption I see made.

Our database of passwords / personal information have also never been leaked / compromised, to my knowledge. If it was, I believe we'd be legally obligated to reveal that information.


Originally posted by BasicFail

Thanks, that makes a lot more sense.

One more thing if you don't mind. How do you know that the desired password was the current password?

The reason I ask is because that implies that Jagex stores our passwords in plaintext. I'm hoping that is not the case. Therefore I'm assuming that you've looked at when the password was changed and other available data. Then based on that you came to this conclusion. Correct?

It's just an assumption, I could be wrong. I looked at the context available (phishing ticket replies). We do not have plaintext passwords.


Originally posted by BasicFail

Huh? How was he able to play today, if the hijacker changed the details back in January?

It looks as though he was phished back in January. Believing he was talking to Jagex Support he provided the hijacker with a desired password.


Your account was hijacked back in January, seemingly via the creation email being compromised. The hijacker looks to have set their own email in that time, which is why you aren't getting the recovery emails.


  • Recovery request
  • Enter your login email
  • It'll say an email has been sent. You don't have access to the email, so click "I don't have access to that email address"
  • Submit an Account Recovery form

For more context for the hijacking back in January. You had submitted multiple ...

Read more

It could be that another email was used to link to the login, or it could be something as harmless as a typo.

Submit a Forgotten Login support ticket:


The route is:

  • Still Stuck?
  • No (you don't know your login email).
  • No (you don't have access to your registered email).
  • Maybe we can help.

Originally posted by Boombrat

you're probably joking, but i genuinely want this and generally this level of design instead of the high-poly, modern-palette stuff they're coming up with lately. They're are all great designs, just not for osrs, and mentioning this anywhere and u get bombarded with "wah". :/

It goes like this:

Make nice art in a similar fashion to Varrock and Canifis or dragons and rats - we get told they’re not the correct style and that it’s too flashy.

Make art like lumbridge and draynor or the earlier 2004 style NPCs and we get abused for recycling graphics and being terrible artists.

It isn’t a game we can win and I suppose it calls for a wider discussion around what OSRS art style is as it’s clear that there isn’t a general consensus.

We always listen to feedback and are willing to take it on, there just needs to be constructive criticism to go off on and that isn’t always the case. Personally I always try to tone my designs down when I can but I’m not planning to make 2004-era graphics any time soon and will continue to match it with models released in 2007.

Hopefully that explains my stand point on the matter, sorry if it wasn’t what you wanted to hear.

09 Apr


Originally posted by Vargorond

What are your thoughts on doing an Eastern Lands-themed expansion?

Hey Vargorond - we answered this on stream a few weeks ago. In short, we're open to the idea but would like to complete the current expansion first!


When you notice the pineapple son on the bar. Cover your eyes!


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on tomorrow’s Q&A livestream at 5pm BST!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.



External link →

08 Apr


Originally posted by Ket-omg

Mod Gambit: Which of the weapons is the 3-tick one that was showcased? And is it confirmed 1-handed like the tench was, or will it just be an alternative to the event rpg?

It'll be as the tench was, yeah. Although which one it is exactly, I'll leave as a surprise.