There is one nerf to floor 5 treasure encounters and it amounts to 120 xp per run which is miniscule (~720 xp/hr at 6 runs/hr to ~960 xp/hr at 8 runs/hr, assuming you were looting all 3 coffins on floor 5).
After reviewing data from the changes I made last week the gap from looting and not looting was just slightly too close together for my liking on floor 5 specifically meaning there wasn't really much benefit to skipping loot, you'd lose very little xp/hr for a lot of extra gp/hr. Now that choice should matter just a tiny bit more.
On the flip side we did just make one of the more annoying traps slightly nicer to deal with (North path fire trap on floor 4) which will probably off-set this a little bit for both types of playstyles.
Sorry this got longer than I intended but you asked for the reason haha. I'm actually pretty happy with where the Sepulchre is now. You're wrong that it isn't much more xp/hr than ardy rooftops, it's around ~20% better xp/hr at l...
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