Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Jul


Originally posted by Cerxa

can u boost the hunter or no

The skill requirements are 70 for each of the skills listed and cannot be boosted.


Originally posted by itsbananas_

Idk, have a little bit of an inclined dislike for him because I really don't like some of the armor/weapon designs he made

That said, it must feel bad to have something you worked on for a long time fail a poll, so I hope it doesn't affect him too much

Seems like a strange reason to dislike me... I'd understand if the dislike was of course for the items :P

Out of interest - and a willingness to improve - which armours/weapons were you not a fan of? (Don't say eggshell outfit, I took the joke too far and I know :P)


Originally posted by ArtillerySr

This final quest boss is brutal

Right? How about that massive attack?


You can leave the instance whenever you like but it'll reset all of the pillars. When you go back into the library all of the seals you have broken will stay broken.


The Double XP Weekend is only on Runescape, not Oldschool Runescape. Oldschool Runescape have no plans to do those events, don't trust anything which says otherwise!


Originally posted by Tronics23

Did anyone complete it yet? Or close at least haha. At work and can’t watch anyone.

Not yet, at the time of this comment.


We do minimum spec on machines with older hardware, and there was a lot of optimization done in this area. As a temporary solution, whilst we identify longer-term solutions, could you try playing in fixed mode, with any environmental settings off, and look into removing any active background processes? It's not ideal, I know.


Originally posted by MrPringles23

Not to be rude. But no shit.

Was kinda asking if there was a Galvek style fight, or if it's mainly just the giant light puzzle/s.



Originally posted by jamy-bb

Anyone know if the agility req is boostable? I’d rather fail an obstacle 20 times that train any more agility

None of the requirements are boostable.


Originally posted by willsmath

As f2p my only takeaway here is that this pretty much eliminates any possibility of getting dungeoneering back, as the gauntlet seems to be almost exactly that except for p2p only for some reason

Mod Lenny's development of the randomly generated rooms system actually paves the way for more similar content. Before that, we wouldn't have been able to pull anything like it off.


Originally posted by Oxct1

Can a way to get mithril seeds besides from the legends guild/waterfall quest reward be added? Pure ironmen are unable to complete the quest because of this unless they saved the seeds from the very beginning of their account.

Pure ironmen are still able to complete the quest.


Originally posted by SaintRuzai

For UIM:

The notes mention theres an NPC who will hold your items when you enter the Gauntlet.

Not getting my hopes up buuuuuut...

Do you just talk to them afterwards to get all your stuff back? Or does the NPC automatically return everything upon leaving? And if that's the case, what if you die in the gauntlet?

The items are automatically returned so it's not an extra storage for UIM. If you die, you're returned to the starting area.


Originally posted by MrPringles23

Anything dangerous in this quest to destroy HCIM's?

Yes - if you die in the fights, you'll lose HCIM status.


It's from our official Instagram, directing you to our official Facebook for the Woobox competition. It's safe!

It's great to check. Always look for the verified ticks on our social media profiles.


What's your in game name?

Some clients are capable of editing interfaces and looking at our data we can see nobody has entered the city, so forgive me for doubting you... I'm surprised you didn't show the quest complete interface :)


Omg grats!!!!


Originally posted by CyberCubes

Dang two mods made a response to my post, thanks! I've also made a post about a typo in some of the dialogue, make sure to check it out.

Thanks again for the quest, its great so far

Cheers, Hope you enjoy it and thanks for the typos but it's easier when they're submitted as a bug report for future :)