Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

29 Jul


Originally posted by Aurarus

People are being facetious, not understanding, not describing it very well, but here is a legitimate pinpoint description on what feels "RS3" about it:

Defining shading with triangle faces

Zulrah and zulrah items are an example of each triangle face taking a DISTINCT new color (which I still think is ugly) but this describes something similar. In a lot of "RS3 looking" models (namely for instance the diary armor) you get what I'd describe as "triangle shading"

Here is me pointing out the distinct colors you used on each piece- you don't even need this guide because you can see the EXACT splits on the triangles and where these colors suddenly shift.

This sometimes happens on old models but it's a lot more deliberate in those instances. Take for instance on ...

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Thanks for the feedback and going into more detail on why players claim ‘RS3’.

I would say you’re being a little disingenuous by only using assets from 2002/4 as an example of what is old school while ignoring any assets made later. By your definition, a lot of the NPC reworks (dragons, demons, goblins) fall under the same criticism as they use multiple shades of the same colour. Also, there are plenty of assets from the 2007 era that have removed the Gouraud shading to emphasis sharp edges.

If the 3 years making assets for this game has taught me anything, it’s that the community is at odds with what they want the art to be. Some want fancy while some would prefer otherwise - I’m never going to please everyone, no matter how hard I try :P

Thanks again for going into so much detail - it’s a shame everyone is downvoting me though :/ not quite sure that’s what the downvote button is for, but ok.


Originally posted by imnotgaynicedadbtw

You started with "entirely incorrect" then agreed that the helmet was based off of the Tyras helm just FYI

I stand by that. The model was brand new but made in the same style as the tyras helm (spartan/Greek origin)

Doesn’t look like the comment has gone down well :( sorry if I offended - he seemed interested in the origins of the armour so I let him know.

28 Jul


Originally posted by GeluksAapje

I love the look! Also the opengl makes it look alot more fancy,

Thanks! OpenGL really does make it look better! Hadn’t noticed that before, but it has smoothed out the shading.


Originally posted by HivemindEnrager

West I know you're getting some backlash, but in my own opinion the dragonstone armour came out fantastic. I especially love the detail on the platebody and the spiked pieces of dragonstone decorating the armour.

I feel we don't get enough fashion to mess around with these days and seeing designs like this dragonstone armour are always a brilliant surprise. Well done.

Thanks :) I know I’m not going to please everyone, but the issues some find with my items is fairly contradictory :/


Originally posted by completenolife

No need to get offended man. It’s just that these designs seem a little too complex and detailed. I think you would get a far greater positive response if you dialed down the assets a bit.

Like, let’s look at something like ahrims! It’s iconic because it’s simplistic. It has a chain on it, and it’s brown. But that’s it! But it looks amazing because it is the only robe with a chain. It’s very slight but it’s beautiful.

Think of it that way. These designs could just use some ‘boiling down’ so to speak. That’s what can make it stand out the most! All it needs is ‘a little something different’ :)

Wouldn’t you think dragon stone armour is suppose to look fancy? if it was brown it wouldn’t make any sense.

I’m not offended, I just find the criticism ‘looks like RS3’ or ‘reused assets lol’ is entirely missing the point and not very helpful. Either way, thanks for your insight into it :)


Originally posted by GeluksAapje

All reworked models, helm = tyras helm, body = easter event body, legs = 3rd age chainskirt

Not quite! The only things I reused were: modified bandos chestplate shoulders, vestas chain skirt and ornamental boots. The rest is all new. I did base the helmet on a slightly fancier version of the tyres helm though, given the location.

I’m seeing a lot of complaints that it’s too ‘RS3’ which is peculiar, given the assets it’s made from. Also, the colours are of rune and dragonstone. I made sure to walk about with it with other rune items, to make sure you could mix and match. But hey ho, you’ll never please everyone!

Edit: Unsure why this is being downvoted - apologies if I offended anyone! It just seemed that the guy was interested in how it was created and so I let him know.

Although, this was linked at the top of a thread hating the thing I made. That probably explains it, so if that’s the case, sorry!

Edit2: As everyone is coming here, what do you think about this ?

  • reduced detail on helm,...
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27 Jul


Originally posted by Zidane3838

We'd like to add a world map for the Warped Library to allow players to better navigate it.

Well shit. I have a .PSD file of the whole library broken into outline, floor, etc for each floor if you need it lol. /u/JagexGambit

My man.


I've actually requested multiple times that we make this.

26 Jul


Originally posted by -MXXN-

I wonder how the mods feel about the community making small things, such as chat heads, such a big deal. I do appreciate that they are open to feedback, no matter how small it may seem

I think the aesthetic of the game is a valid topic to have strong feelings about. That said, it’s pleasing that chatheads are the hottest topic for concern rather than something more serious. It’s a sign that the update went well.


Originally posted by ChivalryPvM

U/Jagexgambit Please return Elena to us. She has been the same since I was 9 years old, maybe certain mods at Jagex dont care for the old art and character styles of osrs but they are wrong for wanting to update them. Osrs means alot to me and old NPC's changing chat heads bothers me greatly, you cant just change them and act like it didnt happen, elena is human not an elf, leave her alone.

Do you only feel this way about the Selena chathead?


Originally posted by jatie1

I did really like your hosidius rework a lot, but the character models for the new quest look very disproportional to just about every other NPC in OSRS. Every NPC uses a a small palette of moderate colours and no shading, but the newest models use very vibrant colours and shading. Also the models look quite high-poly compared to the old models, which isn't always a good thing. Their proportions are also wildly different from every other NPC in OSRS.

Thanks :)

You’re correct in a way. When using 2004 style assets as an example, there is a lot of block colour and chunky graphics but when you move more towards 2007, suddenly a lot more colours/shades and more organic shapes appear. For instance: The godwars bosses, the various NPC updates (goblins, demons, dragons, bears etc), cave goblins and metal dragons... to name a few.

I have lived in our model repository for the past 3 years, I know my assets :P


Originally posted by MaximaxRS

everyone’s opinion on what is ‘old school’ varies person to person, regardless of background.

No kidding. I was just a kid in 2007 and only got to experience so much of it before I had to grow up with post-HD RS2, yet I've come to form some conservative opinions on the game's visuals.

For instance, a fresh and new one at that, the dragonstone armor. I personally consider it sacred that no armor in OSRS should have random gems or glowing lights no matter the reasoning... You can imagine my shock when I found out you went and chucked something just like that into the game.

(Late edit but best if clarified: In retrospect the word I was looking for was "meaningless" and I don't mean to say armor can't have shiny-glowie elements; the obsidian armor pulls it off quite nicely)
I do mostly like your environments, but my tastes just don't allow me to appreciate your equipment designs as consistently.

Interesting perspective! Has someone equipped the full set of the dragon stone armour yet? I tried to be quite restrictive on how many gems I placed on each piece, keeping it sensible. It looks nothing like the RS3 version, if that means anything :P Although I’m sure it’ll be accused of being ‘RS3’ as is the trend :( unsure what it even means at this point.

I thought I saw some gems on the gloves of your recent piece 🤔 it stuck out to me as I’d put a gem in the exact same place for the dstone set and noted we couldn’t make them as small as yours :P really liked that staff though... wish you’d made that before the last TT update. Maybe for the next one! I have it saved :)

That’s fair! I have made missteps in the past with some items. I suppose though, if you look back at your old work and think it’s better than your current pieces, you’re probably doing something wrong...

Keep up the good work dude :)


Originally posted by violated99999

are you talking about the reworked varrock with those ugly as f**k guards?

That’s the one! Personally not a fan of those guards but the environment is nice.


Originally posted by strobelobe

welc he



Originally posted by bitterbeggar

So is the chat head poll going to work like regular polls where 75% is needed to pass?

What if, for example, option a gets 20%, option b gets 10%, and option c gets 70%. Do the votes from option b get thrown out as if it were a skip?

Question one is an opinion question to gauge where the player base is at. We’ll decide what steps to take next with the result in mind. The other two are regular pass/fail questions.


Originally posted by ElysianAudi

The artist we need but don't deserve. Amazing job on the environments and layout of Prif btw. Really quality stuff.

Thanks! I thoroughly enjoyed making the rooftops, however little players see of them :P