Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Jul


Originally posted by Mod_Curse

Really glad you enjoyed playing it as much as we did making it :)



Really glad you enjoyed playing it as much as we did making it :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


10/10 for honesty but I'm afraid it's a no


Originally posted by Adwaam

Out of interest, how come it can't be chosen at account creation?

The name has been used in the past, and then sat on a dormant account, it was then freed up in a large name release. To reduce the chances of bots and mass created accounts 'sniping' these freed up names for hoarding or sale, they were restricted to name change only and not account creation


Originally posted by elempiar

Hey, quick question.

I wanted to use the name "Coole Pinda", for an Ironman, which is the Dutch translation for "Goofy Goober" from the Spongebob Movie, but it says the name is rejected.

I can't see anything offensive in it? The literal translation from Dutch would be "Cool Peanut". Is there any chance I could get that name? Or at least a reasoning as to why this isn't allowed?

That name is fine, you can change your current name to it, but it can't be chosen for a new account at creation


Can you private message me your acc details, the name has been on so many accounts and moved about so much it's hard to clearly identify who you are - thanks.


I am trying

I'm sorry for a tense tweet, I won't delete it, but I can learn from it and see where I was wrong


Originally posted by Scruuubs

Just finished quest. Ironman setup for Seren - Blood blitz full send with 3 super restores and the rest sharks. Also used iron knives for pillars. My gear was Ahrim’s hood/robe top and rest mystic w/ 81 magic. Barely squeaked it out but definitely possible with max concentration and a dash of RNG. Good luck!

GZ! Those are some good tips.


Originally posted by L-21

Just finished the quest, that was actually very enjoyable and the final boss was sweet and not too difficult.

That's great to hear - well done on completing the quest :D


Originally posted by malachinelson333

Light puzzle alone took me 4 hours. I just barely ended up beating the final boss on release date 11:58 pm! Absolutely loved this quest. It was fantastic, and expanded on so much!

Congrats! Happy to hear you enjoyed it


Originally posted by sassyseconds

I know he's a busy dude and gets a lot of replys, but his no response is still worrisome.

We didn’t make any changes to the Temple of Light.

25 Jul


Taken from the Crystal Weaponry section of the update newspost -

In the second poll for Song of the Elves, we offered the following change which subsequently passed and will go live with this update: 

"Should stat degradation be removed from crystal bows, shields and halberds? This would mean that normal crystal weapons will act like imbued versions. Crystal weapon imbues will be removed from the Nightmare Zone shop if this question passes. Crystal seeds will be removed from Zulrah's drop table regardless of the outcome of this question." 

Upon logging in, existing crystal items will be converted to a new system. This means that any crystal bows, shields and halberds in your bank will be converted to crystal weapon seeds, which can then be traded to Ilfeen for the relevant item back with its charges. Any nightmare zone points lost in the process will be refunded. All crystal items outside of the bank should convert naturally. 


Originally posted by Wingcapx

Is this /r/HelloInternet ?

Never thought I'd see hello internet referenced here! Love that podcast :)


We definitely aren't trying to be immoral. We're talking about the Summer Special because we want you to buy the membership at that price, not bait you into buying at a higher one than we emailed you.

We can sort this for you. Hit the Contact Us button here and explain your situation: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/205981571-Refunds


Originally posted by 12inch_pianist

Big ups to you for staying positive throughout all of this. I can imagine you poured your heart and soul into Warding and to have a small chunk of the community be so toxic about everything to do with it would be hard for most to deal with.

We're lucky to have you working on our game, keep up the good work dude.

Part of the job at the end of the day! I was once a 2007scape Redditor that was unimpressed by things being made for the game from time to time. even though I was a lurker and never posted I was definitely exposed to the criticism my work would one day be subject to :P

Thanks for the positive words :)


Originally posted by itsbananas_

It's not really intended personally, I didn't want to phrase it as an attack or anything, it's just the way new armor/weapon designs lately all have this over-the-top feel, which I personally don't really care for in an oldschool setting, primarily the justiciar set and the dragon hunter lance (this one I especially can't stand)

It's also the fact that designs for these pretty big ticket items only get polled on twitter, with most of the community having no say in the end product. On top of that at most the design will change slightly, but the initial design is usually pushed through. e.g. There was no platelegs option for justiciar, no alternate style for lance. In a game where aesthetics are (almost) just as important as gameplay and has an extensive polling system I find it a little off-putting

You do plenty of great work too, I appreciate the effort you put into Warding, it's just that when I see your name I'm reminded of eyesores like the dragon hunter christma...

Fair enough. I’m surprised you’re not a fan of justiciar as I thought that was one of my more toned down designs and it of course had the most community input. As for the lance, that was never going to please everyone and I was surprised when the twisted design won the straw poll, but it would hardly be fair to go back on it afterwards.

Art is always going to be subjective, but in the future I may try and keep my designs more medieval than high-fantasy but there is a limited amount of dull coloured items I can make before players complain. Either way, thanks for the feedback :)


That house was always different; it wasn't updated for this quest. It's been like that since 2007.