Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Jul


Originally posted by Arels

New hosidius is wonderful, in my opinion, so more along that theme is great to hear.



Originally posted by Tiadeche

Awesome to hear that you intend to stick to medieval style art!

Not entirely medieval, I should say, just less high fantasy and more low fantasy. Think things like GoT (although that’s pushing it) and Arthurian legend.


Originally posted by ZeldenGM

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but as someone who played from the start of RS2 until around 2005 I actually prefer the old "crap" assets to the new ones.

Picking up the same again when OSRS launched was a bit of a shock as apparently a decent amount had changed between 2004-07.

Not holding my breath for 2004scape though.

2007 was the earliest backup that was available unfortunately :(

what was your opinion on the swap from 2.5D (classic) to 3D (RS2)?


Originally posted by Shea550

The recent hosidius was a very good indicator of things to come. I was really not a fan of the lance, as it was to high fantasy, but i think you have a good head on your shoulder, are very talented, and have a good vision for the game. I hope to see you continue making timeless gear and designs like the new hosidius.

I think the lance (while I don’t hate the final product) was a situation of design by committee. The elements were decided on via a straw poll, but ultimately there wasn’t much variety and choice. I feel that method worked well for Dihns Bulwark but that was always going to be a big shield. The lance could’ve been less jousting and more war-lance.

Thanks for the feedback :)


Originally posted by omegafivethreefive

The salaries are a big problem.

They are paying people next to nothing so they're inexperienced/less motivated people.

I'm in software development, every great developer/designer I know makes at the very least above average salary.

It also seems like the senior members of the team are overworked which means less time to mentor the more junior members.

Can’t believe you just assumed my salary 😳


Originally posted by VinceMince

I found a book in the library in the Tower of Voices called Legends of the Mountain which roughly describe the events that took place there.

Don’t take all legends at face value... they’re known to be a little embellished ;)


Originally posted by TheSaltyBiscuit

Thanks for replying Gambit. I don't think the worst of it is actually Elena, she's just the first everyone saw.

The one that stuck out to me was Lord iorwerth who's chest is inflated to Mr. Incredible proportions. He was fine and intimidating enough as the original 07 model. The purple skin feels like a rip from WoW which REALLY rubs me wrong.

I understand that. We did show the models to the community beforehand and the response was positive but I get where you are coming from completely.


Originally posted by Pinhead_Cotton

When is the poll gonna be live?

We'll aim for early next week depending on feedback


Originally posted by Phaedrus_Wolf

Thanks 👏 for 👏 this



Originally posted by Doc_Strangelove

Your "Mod Lenny" reference isn't about a JMod either, it's a reference to Of Mice and Men. The character Lenny loves taking care of rabbits.

Why not both?


Originally posted by Thermald



Originally posted by _Tard_Wrangler_

Did all the people with the original vision for RuneScape's style just leave Jagex, and since almost all other MMO's have that high fantasy style, newer employees are only familiar with that?

Yes, actually. You hit the nail on the head exactly.

The funny thing is... the original assets for RS2 were mostly out sourced via the internet! Hence why they vary wildly in style and quality. Around 2005/6 was when they started increasing the staff to work on art.

In fact, one of the original artists told me that his flat mate made a large chunk of the original monsters for the slayer skills release.

I’ve also played the game since 2004. I’m not saying that qualifies me for a ‘correct opinion’ but it shows that everyone’s opinion on what is ‘old school’ varies person to person, regardless of background.

That being said, Im aiming to lean towards a more medieval style in the future for my work. It’s still a fantasy game though and we shouldn’t forget that!

Also... The vision I try to keep to is based around areas like Varrock and Canifis, hopefully the recent Hosidius rework is a good example of this.


Originally posted by Magnaboy

I have a bad feeling they will just ignore it, not care and move on to other things.

We're totally open to discussing this with you guys. Personally, I'd be hesitant to revert pre-existing elves that feature in the quest for the reason given in the blog - but I could understand if there were some others that you feel could be adjusted or reverted.


Originally posted by Magnaboy

Will there a be a poll about re-doing the other chatheads + models to match the osrs art style?

Which other chatheads would you want to be polled? All of them or some specific ones?


Originally posted by Thermald

where’s the stats for people buying crowns tho

we gotta know how many people have more gp than brain cells

There are plenty of other stats we'll share when we can (possibly on next week's Q&A)! I'll see if this is one we can get - I'm fairly certain we chose to track it.


Originally posted by IKLYSP

Ah - you saw right through us. We'll have to go even more subliminal next time.


Originally posted by jimipops

Can you use boosts for the requirements?

I'm afraid not. 70 is the minimum unboosted req for each stat.