Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

18 Jul


Originally posted by kevinS-

its not just about purple/blue but a lot of places in zeah have really tacky bright colors that aren't in anyway natural or tonal, like the shayzien tents. places that used those types of colors properly are port phasmatys or barrows. whereas in zeah it's not even thematic, they're just splattered everywhere and the landscape changes so quickly that it's offputting

Aren’t they red and black? Similar colour scheme to the tents of the imperial guard in burthorpe but with more red. I don’t personally see many issues with Shayzien, but it’s mentioned quite often so I’ll probably work on a rework of it, much how I did with Hosidius.

We have been more vibrant lately with some of the assets although I’m personally trying to tone my work down to be more desaturated and less intense. We have limitations though, as our colour space is quite restricted :(

Thanks for your feedback though :) it all helps!


Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

I mean zeah had a purple city, raids 2 was heavily purple, konar and that race is blue-purple. Its not just bias, its a colour palette and people notice similiarities. You can't just say people have a bias. Especially when the skill being proposed has a colour scheme that exists in the game with thieving. Don't go immediately rejecting feedback as ill-informed.

When you list a bunch of purple areas and then claim blue is also purple, than yes, it may seem skewed towards purple. Alternatively, here’s a list of non purple areas: Shayzien, piscarilius, Hosidius, lovakengj, the farming guild, fossil island, raids 1 (minus Vasa’s room), slepe, Weiss, Corsair cove etc. It’s also only the throne room in ToB that had elements of purple due to it being symbolically related to royalty.

I’m saying it is confirmation bias - whenever a new thing is released and it’s purple, it confirms the idea that everything new is purple while ignoring all other examples when it isn’t the case. I’m not rejecting the feedback, I’m pointing out that it’s an incorrect observation. I see all the art that goes into the game, not just the parts that I interact with and I’d say it’s fairly well balanced throughout the colour spectrum.

Your 2nd last point is a peculiar one - the only part of thieving that is purple is the cape, that doesn’t mean it can only...

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Originally posted by TrippyHomie

Is it even possible to sound like more of an asshole?

I’m sorry you feel that way.


Originally posted by Runezilla

Nah man, J mods didn't like it (I would put it top 4 but i'm bias)

We voted on all submissions and the ones with the most votes were chosen. Personally I preferred this over a few of the ones that went through, but we’ve got to respect the voting process. Good job on your submission :)


Originally posted by OhStugots

Also, I've seen it said a lot that a disproportionate amount of new content is purple, especially content designed by the mod who designed warding, so it's throwing people off a bit.

Confirmation bias. Every time a new purple item is added “EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS PURPLE!!1!” and then when an item or area is literally any other colour... silence...

It’s getting kinda old tbh but I imagine it’ll never go away as players never forget anything.


Originally posted by Somewhatnostalgic

u/JagexGambit this is why you guys need to update the news post. People are getting the wrong idea on what these lamps do.

Updated the post to make it clearer that it would be one use per account.


Originally posted by RS3IsAlright

how many times are we gonna have to vote no to negative xp lamps jesus f**k

I'm sorry you find the proposal frustrating. Since the one time they were polled previously, there's been continued demand for them so we wanted to gauge the overall community's stance on them once again. If these go to a poll, it'll be under very different conditions than last time where they would have been tradeable.


Hi /u/joshuakyle94! We do have a page for this that is linked in our support forums, but I'll make it easier and give you the direct link. You can input your card details and it will allow you to unlink it from any accounts and cancel active subscriptions.


This incident wasn't reported in game and we have not been contacted by the Police about it - we do think we have identified the account so we will carry out a due diligence check and will arrange intervention if appropriate.


This is insane.

17 Jul


Players have the capability to not only turn off attack options on other players but also to remove auto retaliation.

We provide the tools not to skull to any player.

I stick by what I said: it's a case by case basis on if something is defined as skull tricking or not. If you auto retaliate and it skulls you, that's a problem. That shouldn't be happening. That's a bug and something we would address.

If you click on a person dressed the same as your previous target? Yeh, ok, that's not good too but there's not much we can do about that. Is that scamming? It's a pretty fine line.

It's not irrelevant, however, to also raise the fact that negative outcomes educate new players. It's not nice dying to someone and losing your full set of mithril as a noob, but you certainly walk past that area that says you may lose your stuff if killed again; at least without educating yourself on the potential ways to avoid those issues again, would you?


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Originally posted by scilRS

Sheer curiosity, not to be rude... What made you decide to respond to THIS post?

I was a part of this discussion on the Q&A.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't know what you mean.


Not necessarily.

I think there's a balance in what's the line of too harsh for players vs what's something that's definitively old school and players have come to expect from the game.


Originally posted by YeaYeaImGoin

OK wtf is going on here

Just a new mod engaging with players (congratulating a player) while roleplaying my username.

edit: words


I'd recommend this article: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/206811825-Forgotten-login

Click "No" to both questions, and then you'll be able to submit a support ticket to request a reminder.