Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Jul


Originally posted by Reach_4the_sky

Wow, I bet even /u/JagexHusky wasn't expecting you guys would find them so quickly.

I swear to f**king god, I'm willing to bet you wiki admins know way more about all the little things in the game than the jmods themselves. I would totally watch a contest where you guys and the jmods get tested on in game knowledge.

Yeah, i'm surprised that they found all of the ones (that I can remember at least) within a week. Very impressed, i'll just have to get better at hiding them in the future!

11 Jul


Since this has come as a result of a change i've made I feel like I should comment.

First of all, no pure actually contacted me or asked me to make the change. I came to the realization myself post-release that getting the altar back awarded prayer xp and that this choice becomes more significant to an account wanting to train at the undead druids next to the altar but did not want to gain prayer xp.

The intention when designing the content was to make the player face consequences for choosing to attack Olbertus but only so that they would have to walk a harder path to get it back. Since there is no warning when attacking Olbertus that the altar will be cursed it felt more harsh than intended to take away the altar from them when they had access to it beforehand. The player was always supposed to be able to get the altar back given a bit of work.

However, if I had designed it so that they couldn't use the altar at all before making the choice then I would no...

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Originally posted by Torchmonk

What would happen if a player bathed in a potion?

I guess they absorb the effect for longer?

Or they could potentially sell a small tub of it for 30gp.


How far does the rabbit hole go.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Alternatively we gather your feedback and update the blog addressing all concerns and feedback all at once like we usually do instead of drip feeding through comments πŸ˜…


Originally posted by Jeisuru

Think we can unnerf serp helm now that we know your quest will never take off? You really hurt defence tanks in the wild, are you the one pushing for a dihns nerf too wolf? Why do you hate the defence stats in osrs, WHY WOLF WHY! Let me catch chins in peace wolfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


I didn't actually instigate the Serp helm nerf. However, doing that much free damage without attacking back was something our team disliked so I don't regret that change.

The strength was a little too far for sure but that's back on now.


The upside of being originally built for dial-up modems and 256Mb of RAM! We went full circle.

200 IQ - Andrew 100% knew back in 2003 that the system would go on mobile. Probably.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The LMS changes will be polled.


Originally posted by Magzter

RIP to all the players who don't read patch notes and are going to continue splashing 0 exp at Lumb.



Originally posted by mattheweaston0051

When are the beta worlds going live?

They're live :)


We've added it to the news post :)


Originally posted by jafalaka82

whats the point in starting with both a sanfew and restore in lms when you only get 1 brew? wouldnt it make sense to just have 1 sanfew since pray doesnt drain

whats the point in starting with both a sanfew and restore in lms when you only get 1 brew? wouldnt it make sense to just have 1 sanfew since pray doesnt drain

The reasoning behind this was that some weapons have stat drain effects so if you get hit by those you might wanna bring your defence back up. Try it out in the beta and let us know, we are always willing to make changes.


The rune armour and weaponry got me.


This is my new favourite thing to follow since the adventures of pineapple father and son.