Originally posted by Aurarus
People are being facetious, not understanding, not describing it very well, but here is a legitimate pinpoint description on what feels "RS3" about it:
Defining shading with triangle faces
Zulrah and zulrah items are an example of each triangle face taking a DISTINCT new color (which I still think is ugly) but this describes something similar. In a lot of "RS3 looking" models (namely for instance the diary armor) you get what I'd describe as "triangle shading"
Here is me pointing out the distinct colors you used on each piece- you don't even need this guide because you can see the EXACT splits on the triangles and where these colors suddenly shift.
This sometimes happens on old models but it's a lot more deliberate in those instances. Take for instance on ...
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Thanks for the feedback and going into more detail on why players claim ‘RS3’.
I would say you’re being a little disingenuous by only using assets from 2002/4 as an example of what is old school while ignoring any assets made later. By your definition, a lot of the NPC reworks (dragons, demons, goblins) fall under the same criticism as they use multiple shades of the same colour. Also, there are plenty of assets from the 2007 era that have removed the Gouraud shading to emphasis sharp edges.
If the 3 years making assets for this game has taught me anything, it’s that the community is at odds with what they want the art to be. Some want fancy while some would prefer otherwise - I’m never going to please everyone, no matter how hard I try :P
Thanks again for going into so much detail - it’s a shame everyone is downvoting me though :/ not quite sure that’s what the downvote button is for, but ok.