Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

03 Jul


Originally posted by Klaren

Since the collection log data is stored somewhere already, how much work would it be to make an API/make the collection log data public? I made an online version of the log but players have to manually fill it right now. Would be nice to let it work with real data :)

I couldn't tell you the amount of work it would be, as I'm still quite new and learning how the systems work - but like I said, can't make any promises as we have higher priority things to do first.


Originally posted by Grezzz

The partnership poll questions are very misleading - the question should specify "as a partnership reward". Somebody who skims over the poll / doesn't read the blog would not know what they are voting for.

Would it be possible to restart this poll with the questions written more clearly?

We've just changed this actually. Changelog at the top of the blog here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/partnerships-and-old-school?oldschool=1

02 Jul


Originally posted by TheBunny6

Adding them as a reward through partnerships helps to attract new players to the game.

I'd agree that growing the community through partnerships would be a great benefit. I believe my initial statement still holds true.


I'll post what I posted on twitter as I feel it is relevant.

The question I always had about this which I could not answer with a good conscience was "what benefit does adding them as a reward from a partnership give to the community which isn't gained by just giving them to players?".

I cannot see a benefit to the community and I'd prefer to see content like this added through the usual methods. Finding rewards for content has always been an issue and here we have a handful of rewards which can be used in a better way for the community.


What if I told you the green pixel never existed and it was a byproduct of the way the sprite was saved out many years ago and a recent re-save actually fixed the green pixel by accident so we just had to manually go back in and add a pixel which previously never actually existed.

Yeh. That just happened.


Everyone calm down! I have replaced the green pixel and you will see it again from Thursday's update!

For those interested in why... it's to do with image compression. When the new icons were added for clanwars options, it changed the way the image colours were compressed, there actually was never a green pixel in the original image - even though you can see it in game!


Originally posted by Wekmor

Isn't he over at jagex rn anyway? Just ask him hah

He is. There'll be some questions over dinner for sure.


It looks like a Cloudflare issue (you can't open their site).


Dude the quality of your OC is incredible.


Unreal. Wonder what "Swampletics" has to say for himself.


Amazing! Absolutely loved it! Please keep these coming.


Originally posted by oppositetoup

It's because they went back to 2007 with old-school Runescape. So they may have completed that quest series in the "main game" but we are essentially a different timeline. So they haven't abandoned it, they just haven't continued it yet.

This is a really accurate reasoning - we haven't abandoned any quest line, but there are lots we just haven't continued yet.




Originally posted by [deleted]


I think Sween has answered this in a response above. We've recently rolled out a new internal system, which has been extremely efficient in getting them removed almost instantly.

Please let us know though if you continue to see them though.

01 Jul


Originally posted by BasicFail

Definitely better than last year's promotion, but I still strongly do not like these partnership promotions.

There are various reasons that I am worried about.

  1. Slippery slope to slowly adding MTX.
  2. Feeling 'forced' to participate in the promotions.
  3. Security & Privacy concerns.
  4. The Poll.
  5. What is the point?

1. Slippery slope to slowly adding MTX.

This was one of the major concerns last time. Back then we suddenly got this Twitch Prime promotion out of nowhere. A promotion with an exclusive reward. Something that I still find unnecessary, but more on that later.

Thankfully Jagex listened to their community. Now they're informing us in time, allowing us to give feedback and even poll the changes.

2. Feeling 'forced' to participate in the promotions.

Yes, I know that Jagex says that the items "will be available for all members at ...

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#1 - We've given assurances and a list of promises in the blog, and I don't think we can do anymore than that. I understand why players feel uneasy.

#2 - I can't tell you a precise length of time when items will be freely available, because it'll likely vary according to the partnership. Nobody here wants to make you wait, though. The purple skin was partnership-only until September 19th. It became freely available to all players on September 20th.

#3 - We don't give away any information, and unless you agree to receive their marketing materials, you won't receive any. I'd expect these partnerships to be given a minor feature in our monthly newsletter emails, sure, but that's the extent of it.

#4 - The beginning of the poll questions section is the introductory text for the poll, in that it clearly outlines that the additions are initially partnership-only. If a lot of the content passes, then it's possible that some of the stuff might take a long time to b...

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Originally posted by Scherwino

Why is there no option to vote on free memberships? Wouldnt it be fair to vote on every promotional aspect, not just cometics?

Typically we've only ever offered poll questions which cover in-game content, and membership doesn't quite do that.

Do you think that needs to be polled?


Originally posted by masterfisher

If we give the go ahead on this, they will push this further than we want. Im voting no.

We aren't planning to push further with anything - that's why we're offering so much at once. If a lot passes, then that's a lot of partnerships in the future that are covered.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Different models/races would be a huuuuuge undertaking. That's definitely out of the question for now.

We aren't keen on having exclusive items, so how would you suggest making the loyalty cosmetics freely available?


Originally posted by Squirrel1256

If you guys are such great Twitch partners, then you need to have them step up on taking down fake phishing streams. With a steady flow of new players coming to the game, these phishing streams are more potent than ever, as new players are going to be less wary, especially when it appears the Jagex staff themselves are the ones streaming.

You're quite right - the phishing streams are hugely damaging. But recently we've rolled out our own method of taking the streams down far quicker than ever before and it's been extremely successful. I understand that Twitch are continuing to work on their own methods to prevent them from appearing in the first place.